Drug addiction how does it start? what keeps them addicted?!

Question: Drug addiction how does it start.? what keeps them addicted.?
my boyfreind is one trying to learn as much as I canHealth Question & Answer

Addiction of anything including drugs is based out of the need to escape ones reality and usually the pain of that reality. It is a way to IMMEdiately distance ones mind from the their present situation into somewhere pleasant as most drugs (opiates mainly) affect the pleasure centers (kappa receptors) of the brain. Addiction happens when recapturing the true reality becomes too difficult even in the face of negative consequences (job/money problems, loss of family, friends etc) the addiciton continues....addiction is an equal opportunity affliction men and women young and old, of all race, color and religions can succumb to this disease..people stay addicted for various reasons, they simply don;t want to stop (drugs MAKE you feel good) some drugs cause very bad withdrawal symptoms that make you never want to be clean, and mostly people don't want to be back into that same place that they were that drove them into addiction, however, the addiction is usually much much worse....most people need professional help to curb their addictions and there are people who succeed unfortunately many do not......Health Question & Answer

Wow, you've probably asked the most difficult question there is concerning drugs. How does it start and what keep them addicted.? How it starts, (not always) but usually, someone they know turns them on to the drug. Not just once, but until they start asking and paying to get it. Pretty soon the drug begins to be the focal point of their life i.e. Getting money for it. Where to get it.? Highly addictive drugs such as heroin, cocaine, crack etc. are a rough go, to get clean. A lot of people say the best way after a stay at rehab. is to put them in a new place to live, away from old contacts. they also need the desire to stop. A.A. is helpful. In our church we have small groups that meet once a month, one of them is for people in recovery. Health Question & Answer

It can happen to anyone you start by trying the usual things hash drink then you try speed Ecstasy the coke nad heroin when you first start taking drugs you don't want to stop and when you do want to stop you can't their is different reasons why people take drugs some people enjoy it or choice of friends or curiosity or to block out pain in their life i hope this has en lighted you a little it's such a touchy subject people think that all drug addicts are junkies although a lot of your local housewife's are addicted to valium or pain killers they are still drug addicts lol xxxHealth Question & Answer

hey honey
there r some drugs that by one dose of using u r addicted to them, and some of them, because of the good feeling they give u , u want to try them and try them and try... so u r addicted... and some others affects your brain after a while so the respose is the brain tells u this substance in your blood is low! like sugar, like other things that u need... Health Question & Answer

It starts in different ways, but usually it relates to a lack of a proper way of coping with stress.
It is usually easier to do whatever you have been doing, rather than have the courage (or support) to change your behaviors.Health Question & Answer

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