Does it get better anytime soon?!

Question: Does it get better anytime soon.?
I've heard that junior year is supposed to be your hardest year of high school, but senior year is proving to be winning the lead. It's project after project constantly. Someone let me know if I'm dead on or if I'm overreacting. I honestly feel like I'm going to collapse under the pressure. I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water, I'm choking. Is it supposed to feel like that.?Health Question & Answer

Junior year WAS hard, but I remember Senior year being almost harder. Everyone is talking about college...there's so much focus on things outside of yourself that you hardly have time to think about and care for yourself.
It DOES get better. Once you're about to graduate--once you get college applications/acceptances over with, you will find that you can breathe.
For now, take just FIFTEEN minutes out of your day to do something for yourself. Take a bath or a long shower; read a non school related book or magazine; call a friend; go for a drive; do yoga; work out...anything to take care of yourself.
Good luck :)Health Question & Answer

Junior year was probably the hardest year of high school for me. Senior year was a piece of cake since everything I took were electives.

But this year, is my first year at a university, so the work is a lot harder than I'm used to. You're not overreacting. You just have to take it one project at a time. Don't focus on everything you have to do. Pick one, do it, and move onto the next. That's the only way you're going to be able to handle everything that you have to do.Health Question & Answer

Yes it's normal and yes it seems like your suffocating but it will end one day...

I remember my last year of college, it was intense!! It was projects after projects and allot of group projects. That was the worst cause trying to schedule time for 3/4 people to meet and work on the project was hard. Most of us had part time jobs and we didn't have the same schedule, therefore we had big empty moments between classes but not all of us at the same time. And there was always that odd person that wouldn't do it's share and we had to cary his/her extra "weight" of load of work.

Some people go through it easier than others but, I personally was getting a "burn out" so, I decided to drop some classes/projects to concentrate on the most important ones and by doing that, I took another year of college to finish the ones I had dropped.

For me it was the most logical solution cause it was either risking failing projects I had invested allot of time on or, making sure that my grades were good on the ones I kept. OK, so the bad side was that I had another year of studies added, but I made sure to have good grades on those classes I "re-took" also.

Keep your chin up, you'll come out of it a survivor and you'll be proud of yourself :D

I hope I helped you,
Good luck ;)Health Question & Answer

Generally speaking, junior years is usually the hardest - but it depends on the type of classes you are taking. You sound very stressed - overwhelmed. If that's the case and school is very important to you, then you need to re-prioritize and make an attempt to be super organized. Make sure you use your daily planner to chart out your projects. Just feeling like you can stay on top of things will make you feel better right awway. You sound like a good student - keep up the good work. You can do it!Health Question & Answer

im still a junior but i kno ur answer. yes its hard but at the end its sailing right through as long as u do ur work now if u cant get all of it done go to ur teachers with what u have done and ask them if u can have more time since u have been busy trying to complete all of u other projects too. if u got a good teacher they will give u a small extension just make sure when u finally pass one in u make sure its a materialHealth Question & Answer

I'm a senior and it's the best year ever!!! I have a free period where I just sit in the library and go online. I don't take math or science. I have mostly electives. It rawks (:Health Question & Answer

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