How can i control my social phobia?!

Question: How can i control my social phobia.?
basially i have suffered from social phobia and anxiety since i was 10, and now im 22 and its only gotten worse, i am scared even to go out to the shop and feel so worried and scared around people and feel easily intimidated by others too, i feel always been judged and i feel really bad if someone doesnt like me and im always worrying about what others think , is there any way i will ever be able to control my social phobia and anxiety.?Health Question & Answer

Sometimes it would be great if we could take a magic wand and wave away problems like these. But we can't I'm afraid.

I'm 32 and have always suffered from social phobia. There were certain things that I hated doing in public when I was a teenager/young adult - things like signing my name in public or taking things back to shops. I spent years avoiding these situations and to be honest this just made my problem much worse.

I guess you tackle it yourself by slowly and gradually putting yourself in situations where you feel uncomfortable. You need to test the water a bit and be prepared to push yourself into areas you aren't particularly comfortable in. As you do this, your confidence levels will increase. It will take time, and there will probably be set backs along the way, but it is the only way to tackle something like this.

I'm now 32 and much more confident than I was 10 years ago. My confidence has grown steadily over the years - it is one of the best things (the only thing.?!) about getting older - that you see that with experience comes confidence. There are still some things that I am not happy doing (like speaking infront of a group of people) but I know that this will probably get better as I get older too.

So don't give up. Have patience and push yourself a little bit each day. These problems can be dealt with. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

There is nothing to be so scared about i didn't Read everything because im really tired but just you shouldn't care what other people think about you because they don't even know you!
Honey all im saying is that you should just go out and feel like there is nothing to worry about just keep saying that then go shopping (that's the start) and come back and you'll realise that there is nothing to be scared about! And just liv your life because if you have a husband you are probably making his life really hard to always going out for you or your children if you have any they will always go to the shop for you and they could be bullied at school and they might be bullying them when they go to the shop so don't make it hard and get a grip on your self and go!!
I hope that's ok advice some more advice if your really scared do it with a friend or your husband you will feel more confident!!
x.x.x...Health Question & Answer

Get on Ebay and look for Attacking Anxiety by Lucinda Bassett. She has a 15 week program you can buy in the form of DVD's. It is a little expensive but worth it. You listen to the DVD's and relaxation tapes daily and she gives you advice on how to overcome these feelings. I am in the 5th week of the program and I feel like it is really helping me with my anxiety.
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

You will get over this, all you need is a bit of confidence. Start with
baby steps little outings to places and with people you know are
your friends, that won't be too daunting and, then build up the
length of the outings. All you need is a bit of confidence and remember what is on your mind shows on your face, so think
beautiful thoughts.

Work on it don't just worry about it and you will feel so much better.

Good Luck.Health Question & Answer

hmmm dont really know what to say there but maybe and im being serious all us irish the english and scotts suffer from social phobia .. thats y we invented alchol for heheh ... ya know being on a pc asking things may seem all good and well but i think cyber space has made a lot of people socially retarted Health Question & Answer

I have the exact same thing. I'm 16. I don't think I'll survive 22. I have to go to college everyday though so I just keep my headphones on and live to the music. Give your life a soundtrack, it helps just a bit.Health Question & Answer

Stop worrying live your life the way you want to most people talk crap is because there jealous of youHealth Question & Answer

hun, it could be paranoid disorder, possibly paranoid schizophrenia.

you should see a psychiatristHealth Question & Answer

Of course you will control this, it will take time but you will get there!

You need to realise that it doesn't matter what other people think and that you have a right to an opinion as much as everyone else.

Was there any trigger for all of this.? Have you ever been put down in the past that made you feel as though your opinion shouldn't be counted.? If so you have to make yourself erase the past and know you can do anything you want to do, it's in your hands.

Have you ever spoken to anyone else about this.? Close family and friends are a great start, but also think about talking to your GP who will not turn you away, they will be able to help you explore your feelings and maybe even refer you to someone to help you to work through your problems and help provide solutions for you. Remember they're not just there to hand out medication to everyone, they're also out there to listen to their patients, do give them a try!

Another thing that will really help is confidence groups. You'd be surprised how many people feel the same as you do. You can have group or one-to-one sessions and the teachers are really understanding and have great tips to help you to look at yourself from another perspective and to help you realise how much you have to offer everyone else with your opinions and conversation. They might also give you tips on how you interact with other people, for example your breathing, posture and expressiveness which will give you loads of confidence and help to control your anxiety. As I said check with your doctor who should have details of courses like this in your area or check your local directory which should have lots of courses like this available.

Why do you worry so much about what other people think.? Try it from your own perspective, I bet when you see or meet people you aren't secretly judging them and making observations about them- it's the same with everyone else and you are definitely no different!

Try taking things one small step at a time. For example going to the shops. Start off just going down the block and back, then after a week or so aim to go to the shop and NOT CARE about how people are looking at you or talking to you, that should be your goal. Do this for a couple of weeks and then raise your aim higher, for example going somewhere further out, or starting up a conversation with someone again doing your best for that one moment to NOT CARE about what that person might or might not be thinking of you. Try not to dwell on people's comments either, do not read too much into them, because it really doesn't matter what people think of you, just move on to the next challenge you have set yourself.

also concentrate on yourself. Are you doing any courses you are interested in.? Try relaxing courses at your local sports place such as stretching, yoga, pilates etc (if you don't feel quite up to this yet start off with some books and internet sites and then build up to it). Do your best to get involved with personal interests, e.g. reading, music, sports, history- anything. This will help improve your self confidence- and then try booking onto a course in these areas, this will show you how much you have to offer everyone else and show you are good at lots of things.

I wish you the best of luck and I know you'll get through this, you just need to see that you have so much to offer everyone else, it will take time but you'll get there! :o)Health Question & Answer

Aw it is sad to hear this, I used to have this problem at Senior School because I was picked on by most of my tutor group. I remember in a drama lesson we had to practise a court case and I put my hand up to be a witness and I felt proud of myself for doing that but however it started going wrong, I messed up my lines, forgot what I had to say and most of my class said I let them down and that I messed it up big time, one guy said, "Thanks Lou..not!" :'[ I was well sad, I went to my next lesson and I started crying in English. I had my best mates to comfort me but I was still gutted. After that I was scared to say much to people as I was afraid like you because I was worried what people thought of me and I was thinking what if I said anything wrong. I felt my self esteem and confidence had really lowered. I do feel judged sometimes but I think everyone does. I have left School now and I feel much happier because my confidence has grown at College as I talk to new people, I have made friends and I have to do presentations in class sometimes. I reccomend that you should go out with your friends and have a laugh and not worry about what others think of you because at the end of the day, it is about you and now it is your time to shine! :D I think you should talk to someone close about your problem and they should be able to help you. I think you need to think about why you are scared, maybe think about how it all started and try and get over that. Do not stop going to the shop, keep going, go to lots of places, go for walks so you can take a breather. Go out with your friends and meet new people as this will get your confidence up. Don't worry about it seriously, you will be confident in the end!

:D Good luck!! xxHealth Question & Answer

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