What should I do? im confused please help?!

Question: What should I do.? im confused please help.?
I have been on zoloft for 7 years since I was 13. I dont really think I was greatly depressed at 13, but I did get over the depression, although Im not sure if it was the medication or not. Back then I also stuggled with ocd.
with the help of my doctor I am trying to come off zoloft. I went from 100mg down to 75mg 4 weeks ago. Right now it is hard to find words, and i have a lack of thought. I feel dumber. I feel as though my personality is changing. Its tough because I liked the personality I developed.

Since I was on the medication at a young age it molded my personality, and now that I am withdrawaling my personality is slightly changing. Im having EXTREME near constant anxiety, and I feel like I lost alot of what I worked hard on.

every waking hour of the day is spent worrying if my mind will recover and if I can find my personality and mind again.
Is this withdrawal, will it go away.?
What should I do.?

I want to go on and live a full life get a degree, get a good job, get married and have a family, but I cant do this if my mind is completely altered, and torn up. Its hard to adjust to not having the zoloft. I cant seem to live with or without the zoloft. I really cant handle the side effects of the medication.

should I give it more time.? Is this still withdrawal.?
what can ease my anxiety.? was there any damage done.?

i have a hard time finding words and explaining things, it does not feel like my mind is firing on all cylinders
Health Question & Answer

i think your dr cut you back too much. after 7 yrs you are extremely acclimated to it and it's going to take 6 to 12 mons to get off it. talk to your doc and see if you can cut back 10 mlg at a time. don't set a time on withdrawing on the dose cutback. when you feel good cut back another 10 mlgs. there's no hurry. i think you're doing the right thing.
rather you need it or not will have to be determined after you are weened off it. i'm guessing, based on your statement about ocd and the climate 7 yrs ago with passing out zoloft to cure problems by the wrong type of dr, that you'll be fine. you might have to take a mild mood elevator for a short period when you are completely off them. was the zoloft perscribed by a gp or a psychiatrist.?Health Question & Answer

If you have that bad withdrawal symptoms, it's not withdrawal symptoms anymore. Your body just needs the medication. Go back on again before everything get worse, but before, discuss this with your doctor. Once you will take the medicine again like you did before, your mind will be just like before.Health Question & Answer

Speak with your doctor about the new symptoms and see if he is able to adjust the dosage or perhaps give you something else to ease the sensations.Health Question & Answer

Stay on them if you can't live withoutHealth Question & Answer

Why did you come off the meds.? if its makin u feel this way go back on emHealth Question & Answer

I think I have answered you before, about a week ago. It sounds as though you have not called your doctor. why not.? Obviously you are having a very bad time eith this. Yoou NEED to tell your doc what is going on. If you are having all these bad thoughts and panic constantly, your body and mind still need the Zoloft. PLeeeeease call your doctor. You will find out that he.she can help you, but you have to be honest with them. I promise things will get better, but you need some assistance. This does not mean you are weak, or addicted or anything bad. It just means that maybe you need the 100 mgs more than you and your doctor first thought.
You have to be able to function inorder to get going with your life. I have to take drugs to function every day, and will for the rest of my life. It took years to get to a good place, but I am there with the help of my doc and some meds.Health Question & Answer

can you have this in short hand question .? cause ppl wont bother readin this all..Health Question & Answer

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