I don't want to make this stereotypical but... ?!

Question: I don't want to make this stereotypical but... .?
I don't want to make this stereotypical but... .?
Why do anorexic people smoke cigarettes.
I'm not saying all of them do but most girls that try to lose weight only drink coffee, water and smoke cigarettes but why cigs. What does it do..
It's just something I've always wanted to know.
I used to have an eating disorder for about two years and I never got into cigarettes though.

?Health Question & Answer

I would assume that because cigarettes stress the system they make your heart work harder and because of this you metabolize faster making it easier to lose weight.

Eating disorders are typically so psychological and because of this other secondary traits associated with the underlying psychological disorder plays out. Anorexia, bulimia etc. are symptoms of a psychological problem. You may have another psychological problem with similar but not exact symptoms (i.e. you have eating disorder but not prone to drug addiction).

Let's not forget though that we are all unique individuals so it is possible to have a disorder but not all the symptoms commonly associated with the underlying psychological problem.

I know it's not clear-cut, but psychology rarely (if ever) is.Health Question & Answer

I started smoking because all the other girls were smoking, I became anorexic later, I now have my anorexia under control
but cigarettes are ruining my health and my job I can't keep up
the pace anymore. You are so lucky you didn't start to smoke,
I wish...Health Question & Answer

Smoking temporarily fills the stomach with smoke, which gives the smoker a full stomach feeling. It only lasts temporarily, but it works for a bit.Health Question & Answer

cigarettes suppress your appetite. They mess up your tastebuds so food isn't as appealing.Health Question & Answer

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