Why am I freaking out about turning 16?!

Question: Why am I freaking out about turning 16.?


I feel like I haven't done enough at my age (15) and that something major is missing. Its really scaring me!

The way I see it is...15 is in between 10 and 20 and if you're 16 it means your closer to 20 and being 20 IS SCARY!

I don't wanna grow up, I don't wanna have to work every single day, I love being free and young and I am literally mentally bothered about turning 16..


Health Question & Answer

You're frightened about the looming responsibility of becoming an adult. When live is a blast and the three basics: food, shelter and clothing are free, responsibility is less demanding in some respects.

But now as creeping time rears its unfortunate head alarm bells go off in your ever maturing head, warning you of an impending date with destiny: adulthood.

In times past 16-year-olds were already working mothers, toiling in the soil to make sure there was food on the table through harsh winters. And some of us, (me) were thrust into adulthood early by divorcing parents so there was no time for fear.

The bottom line is that you will be 16 regardless and, God willing, 17, 18, 19 and so on. Have your fun now and relish the moments. For try as I might, I have less fun nowadays than when I did as a younger person.

Responsibility gets in the way of fun at times.

Have a Happy Birthday, young lady. Be grateful that you live in a country as great as this as I am sure you are.Health Question & Answer

Good Gawd Girl, you had better get a grip on yourself. I am 50 years older than you are, got the big 65 coming up pretty soon. But I have to agree I would not want to turn 16 again either. EEEEk but not because It would be closer to 20, merely because once you are 20 or more, you realize what a stressful time the teens are. I don't know of anyone that would want to be a teen now that they are mature. Relax as you get older and wiser and more mature you will welcome the 20's with open arms. It gets better as we gain more freedom, it is not all that bad really.Health Question & Answer

calm down in no big deal really, you will feel the same as u did when you were 15, its not like when you change your age u change everything about you, you will watch the same tv, play the same games, eat the same food, and have the same friends, so dont sweat itHealth Question & Answer

when you grow up,you can do many things what you can not do now.
I have been 26 years old,and i still think i am very yong.
i am very pride beause since i was 17 I have made a success of my ......................(sorry,my english is so bad)
believe you will have a sussess plan.Health Question & Answer

16 doesnt mean you are an adult, or have to work, and your freedom will not be taken away.
Nothing to worry about seriously, I've been 16 for about 6 months now and it isnt that different.
Except I can dance on gazebos and sing "I am 16 going on 17"Health Question & Answer

Are you kidding me.? Wait until you're 42, married with 2 children and still don't know what you want to do with you're life. Then call me.Health Question & Answer

HA! Wait til you reach 40......Health Question & Answer

Yes, being sixteen means that you're closer to 20 but unless you're not in college you wont' be in the real world yet. There are four years and a lot of life and experiences between now and than You will mature and be able to handle being an adult when it's your time if you don't freak out now. My daughter just turned 16 on the 3 of this month and both her sister's who are 33 and 29 told her that being six wasn't any different than being 15 or 17 with the exception that she was closer to being able to do what she wants to with out having to ask permission from me.When you think of the advantages of being an adult rather than a child you might think differently about becoming an adult. Yes there is more responsibility but there is greater freedom also. You're able to decide for yourself which direction you want your life to go. You're able to make choices for yourself with out worrying if your parents think that it's what's right for you. Every stage of life has it's advantages and disadvantages you have to learn to look for the good things that will happen while you grow and change instead of what's bad about moving on in life. I've lost 4 siblings to death before the age of 45 I've learned that each year that you have is a precious gift and to take advantage of the time that we have to make our lives and the lives of other's better. That's the real test of how well you're lived your life, is the world better becuase you've been here.?.?.? IF so than you have nothing to worry about no matter what your age!!Health Question & Answer

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