Feeling like I'm going crazy?!

Question: Feeling like I'm going crazy.?
Almost a year ago I started getting bad anxiety attacks, thought I was dying constantly, that there was something seriously wrong with my heart, etc. I had an ekg which was normal, and my blood pressure is good too. Everything calmed down, I had no attacks for months, I just started working again, and my job is not stressful, but I've been getting really anxious again, worrying about my heart and checking my pulse, which I'm almost always convinced is going fast, if I check it, it seems faster, but if someone else does it for me, it's in the normal range. How do I get over this, I have Xanax, but I'm almost out and I try not to take them anyways b/c they make me feel kinda outta it.Health Question & Answer

You are looking to blame you anxeity on something. for you its your heart. the fact is you can have anxiety and have nothing wrong with you. sometimes anxiety causes you to uncousiousley hold your breath, or not take a breath as often as normal, this might increase heart rate. get to the root of the problem figure out whats worrying you. You have already determined its not your heart. try mind focusing exercises like yoga to help you get over the tough timesHealth Question & Answer

You are being paranoid.You have a great fear of death and your family history increases that fear.Just because you grandpa had a heart attack does not mean you will have it.

Heart attacks are not inherited.They occur due to poor dietary habits.

Continue with your paranoia and ironically you will have a heart attack.

You need someone to take your mind off death.You need to go out more often and mingle with the general population and find a man or a woman if you are a lesbian.Health Question & Answer

I had the same thing. The more you feed your anxiety the worse it will be. If you're in good physical health you have to realize it's all in your head, and illusion made by the anxiety to make you keep up you're guard. Just take you're mind somewhere else and stay busy.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you need a really nice boyfriend with a big ol' motorcycle, to take you on some relaxing rides in the country...LOL K ;o)Health Question & Answer

all this stress will kill you,so stop worryingHealth Question & Answer

First of all, if you've been taking Xanax regularly and are almost out, you need to call a doctor right away. Do NOT try to go off of Xanax without a doctor's help. It can cause seizures and all sorts of horrible things - Xanax with drawls are hell.
Panic disorder is a disease just like diabetes or asthma and just like other diseases it has to be treated with help from a doctor.
In addition to seeing a doctor stresscenter.com has a great program that helps a lot with anxiety, I believe you can try it free for 90 days or something like that, and it can be very helpful.

Hang in there.Health Question & Answer

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