What can I do? I'm at the end of my rope.?!

Question: What can I do.? I'm at the end of my rope..?
I am depressed. I know I am depressed. This year has been horrible. My Uncle died, then my Mom died, I have spent loads of $$$ on a child custody case for my step-sons, work always puts more tasks to my normal already filled schedule, I have no time for myself because of school and kids. My wife is stressed out because of the court case and her school work so she started smoking again after 1 year not smoking. I am going insane and I don't know what to do! I am to the point where I feel like breaking down and crying at some of the smallest things. I can't take it anymore. Health Question & Answer

Relax Superman. You can't fix everything so stop trying. Give yourself time to grieve. As for work, just do what you can and remind them there are no Supermen in your business. If there were, they'd be hiring people not trying to kill the staff on hand and what good are you to anyone if you are a dead man. You will be if you don't stop what you are doing now. The world won't come to an end. Sit your wife down and have a reasonable reality talk. Best Wishes.Health Question & Answer

if you can't afford therapy you just have to remember that you've got the people you love (i know it sounds corny) and that whatever happens things always get better. you might get promoted, win your child custody case and pursuade your wife to stop smoking, if she did it once she can do it againHealth Question & Answer

just take a deep breathe, step back, calm down...things have to get worse before they get better, it's the way it is...talk to someone...you've got a lot on your plate right now, asking for help should help lessen that burden...talk to someone, if you are religious, go to church...take it easy, but always remember that no matter what family is always there...spend time with your wife and your kids...even if you feel like quitting, just look at all the good things you have, they always out weigh the badHealth Question & Answer

Take a break.
Take a break.
Take a break.

Find a day, or make a day where you can sit. Analyze your problems, think of how to better yourself. Then relax. Do things YOU like to do.

Pick up a hobby, doesn't have to be time consuming. For example some people find having a garden relaxing. Try planting some flowers, or plants.
Try working out, Yoga, Stretching Classes, or something of that sort.

Don't worry, not all hope is lost.
=]Health Question & Answer

Hang in there. For every up in life there is a down. They seem to come in spurts though. I'm sorry! But you do know its ok for a guy to cry right.?.? It helps let your stress out, and will make you feel better! Maybe go for a long drive, by your self or with your wife. Think about things and get away from life for awhile. Health Question & Answer

When I was in my twenties and going through some tough stuff, my mother told me that God will never put more weight on my shoulders than he thinks I can bear. I'm 51 now, and that has always gotten me through, and I'm not an "overly religious" person. also, while your problems are tough, there's people out there with much worse. Count your blessings and find your inner strength to get through. You have it in you, just make your glass "half full". Good luck.Health Question & Answer

you are never at the end of your rope until the day you die.
pretty soon it will be a year from now. two years from now. and this whole thing would have blown over and been taken care of. think back to two or three years ago. can you even remember what your problems were.? before you know it this wont even matter.Health Question & Answer

Sorry to hear about your unlce and mom. You're stressed out. You maybe need to take some time off, maybe a week. And do a little R&R. Let your mind regroup and rejuvenate. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your head up and good luck.Health Question & Answer

i went through i similar problem. if i were you go see a psychologist they really help you focus on all of the good things in life. and i know all this is really bad right now but im sure it will get better in a little bit time.

best of luckHealth Question & Answer

You look yourself in the mirror and you smile. No matter how hard life gets, you have to be okay with yourself. Talk to someone not connected with your problems. A friend of yours, not a family friend. Or go see a therapist. Venting is key.Health Question & Answer

get some one to download to, your like a pressure cooker, you need to vent, a counsellor or a close friend, your wife sound like she needs to download as well, also grief counselling.
so sorry for your loss
all the bestHealth Question & Answer

You just need 2 carm down
& think bout what you have done
& how you can change it
just think that other people
Have probs just like you
& that you have kids
That need care Mayb treat ur
self a lil have fun !
enjoy lifeHealth Question & Answer

Time to see the doctor I think as this all would be incredible stress to be under, especially if you think about the deaths of your uncle, mother and the child custody case all at once. Health Question & Answer

maybe you should thinking about going to a therapist and don't worry life is like a roller coaster it has it's ups and downs don't give up hopeHealth Question & Answer


talk to someone sweetie

u make me feel so sad too

find a friend. confide. talk to a therapist.

work things over with your wife

take deep breaths

u r NOT alone

god bless u
xoxoHealth Question & Answer

Try EFT. Emotional Feedback therapy. To learn more go to www.emofree.com

It has done amazing things for people.Health Question & Answer

Read Eckhart Tolle- The Power of NOW! It will be the best thing you ever do. Cheers Smiffy xHealth Question & Answer

therepy . <---- periodHealth Question & Answer

Please see a psychologist right now! Call them! I was near where you are now but I was gonna kill myself. Call them now!Health Question & Answer

Talk to someone immediately!Health Question & Answer

honey-take a deep breathe.

now call your Dr.
you sound depressed.
don't mess around w/ it-call your Dr.Health Question & Answer

hey its okay to cry. it helps a lot. but yeah therapy sounds like a great thing to do! maybe finding God will help you to. Health Question & Answer

You need help. I went through therapy when my wife died 3 years ago. It really helped me a lot. You should do the same. Health Question & Answer

i am sorry to hear of your loss
you need to speak to your doctor and get help for your depression
Health Question & Answer

Beleive it or not I would reccomend going to hospital, they will refer you to a consellor, or they will give you anti-deprssants.

If your boss is friendly then tell him/her your situation and ask if you could possibly have a pay rise or a work cut.

This is not a good enviroment for children, so I would recommend you to temporarily give them to friends or family to look after whilst you sort things out. I realise this will be difficult for you both seeing as you already have had an epic battle over your step-sons, but that's what needs to happen.

Invest in a course of niccotine patches for your wife.

You just have to keep plodding along and taking each day as it comes

I wish you every ounce of luck, I really feel for you.Health Question & Answer

Take a breath.

Make time for a walk.

Start by focusing on the little things. Get to bed on time, eat healthy foods, make a little time for exercise.

Check with your HR people at work to see if the have some type of Employee Assistance program that will provide short term counseling. Make an appointment to see a counselor at least once a week for at least 4 or 5 sessions.

Talk with you wife - let her know how you feel and listen to how she feels. Really listen. Talk about ways you can support each other - for example, maybe one of you watches the kids and gives the other an hour or two off to exercise.

Keep contact with your friends. Maybe some of your friends can also provide some support - for example, maybe they can take the kids for one weekend so you and your wife can take a day off together - and then you and your wife watch their kids the next weekend.

Each small positive step you take adds up.

Good luck!
Health Question & Answer

nothing is wrong with you .... I go thru similar things but in my case my boyfreind lives w/ me & our 2 kids for 6 years now & doesn't pay for childcare thier clothes I already attempted suicide & found my answr after that PRAYER & BEING GREATFULL & APPRECIATE LIFE BETTER.. I'm not a church person I do BELEIVE IN GOD .. this is a prayer given to me & its help YOU ARE a STRONG MAN & wonderfull husband .. Love yourself .. here is how it goes:

"Dear God: take control of my life and let me live serenely for today. Open my mind to happy thoughts. Take away my self-pity, I don't want it. Take away my ill-will towards others. Make it possible for me to feel joy, love and compassion. Help me to accept what is, to hold my tongue, to do my daily tasks, to let go with love. Take away my worry about the future. Make me realize that in your hands everything will be provided for, that I have no control over anything but myself, that today is precious and willsoon be gone. Help me to remember that all the hatred and pain that are directed towards me are the hatred and pain the other person is feeling toward him/herself. Thank you for YOUR willingness to accept my burdens an lighten my load"Health Question & Answer

Do anything you can to lower your stress. The longer you are under stress the harder it will be to fully recover. I know that is easier said than done. Maybe its time to take a long walk and think deeply about your priorities, maybe something can be dropped or put off till you can handle it better.? If not there are other ways to keep stress down. For instance you body reacts to imagined stress just as easily as real stress, so try not to worry about things that you have no control over because you will just turn on that internal adrenaline factory and make your stress that much worse. also working out helps alot with depression and stress, it seems counter intuitive that working out would relax you, or give you more energy but it does, it actually can give you more time, in spite of the time sacrifice that it takes to do it. I hope you feel better I know I have been through rough times before and it is tough but as long as you set you priorities and focus on your well being you will start to feel better. Health Question & Answer

Wow you do have a lot on your plate! Coming from a person that has dealt with suicide I think it is very important that you need to just step back and take a deep breath.. My brother completed suicide at 21 was married and had a daughter (his wife asked for a divorce the night he passed) Depression is a serious issue that needs attention. I have been in many suicide prevention programs so I will do my best to help you.. I want you to really analyze the situation..

-Will the things that are going on right now be happening in 1 year from right now.?
-Please know suicide is NEVER an answer even when you have lost all hope! Your children need you..
-Find time for possible counseling 1 day a week for only an hour now that may be hard in your situation, but it may be a very important to do right now.
-Remember you are not alone!

Please please get help!
Feel free to send me e-mails at LilFraimy2008@aol.com

Health Question & Answer

I am deeply sorry for your lost. And life sounds like it is pretty stressful at the moment. But you can't give up. There is not much I can say other then. When you are all done for the day. Take some time and go to your favorite room and just relax. Let every worry just go away. There is no quick fix to this, no magical word to change all of this. but the best you can do is find time and just relax. Even if it is just five minutes, listen to some of your favorite music. Something that will get you through your day. And, also, try to convince your wife to quit smoking, I don't think you want to lose her too.

Sincerely, ZachHealth Question & Answer

Ask and you shall receive.Seek and you shall find.

Depression is caused by the lack of serotonin in your brain which is caused by the lack of omega 3 fatty acids in your brain.A deficiency that most of the humans on this planet have.

Omega 3 fatty acids raise your serotonin levels.The more you have the better you feel among many other benefits.This is the happinss from the inside in the literal sense of the word.

Start the omega 3 diet.I have researched omega 3 acids for 2 years and performed a very successful experiment on myself and few of my volunteer friends.Few months of the omega 3 diet i cured my stress[and/or depression] problems permanently and significantly raised my intelligence,improved memory,sight,reflexes[and many other known and unknown benefits]and without any drugs or supplements in the form of pills.


Take two table spoons of grinded flaxseed[rich with omega 3 and cheap]a day[with a glass of water] and in a few months you will start to notice significant improvement in your mental health[you will become more psychologically stable,among other things].Use a coffee grinder.Whole seeds cannot be digested by the hydrochloric acid in our stomach only grinded seeds.A fact and not a assumption.You have nothing to loose only gain by it.There are many articles on the internet about the omega 3.2 years ago before i started the diet i did not feel so stable or happy how i feel today.

Flax is the best source of ALA omega 3 fatty acid which our body converts to more important fatty acids called DHA and EPA.For the efficient conversion to take place,foods containing a large amount of the following nutrients must be consumed along with the flaxseed:C,B3,B6 [vitamins],zink and Magnesium [minerals].I recommend 3 table spoons of flax with 100 grams[or more if to your liking] of almonds and/or 250g of green peas,1 kiwi every day.[do not take more then 3 table spoons of flax because large amounts can cause intestinal gases which can cause abdominal pain and/or constipation.If three spoons causes abdominal discomfort lower the dosage to 2 table spoons of grinded flax and elevate it to 3 table spoons after your body adapts to high fiber content].The flaxseed itself is not important.The omega 3 that are inside them are.

The information in the following link should provide you with the nutritional facts of most if not all known fruits and

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