Why do I sleep so much and never feel rested?!

Question: Why do I sleep so much and never feel rested.?
Let me first begin by saying I have been diagnosed with depression and am currently taking zoloft, which I have for about a year.
Even prior to taking the zoloft and getting treatment, I just can't seem to get enough sleep. I go to bed usually around 10 or 11 at night and wake up around 7. (between 9-10 hours of sleep) then I will be awake for a bit, feel tired again, and go back to bed at around 11AM to 2PM (3 hours) after this I will stay awake for a bit, go to my college night class, come home around 10, and go back to sleep and the whole cycle starts all over again.
Whenever I tell doctors about this they always say that it is just my depression and or medication, but even after adjusting the meds and all, I am still tired. What could be wrong.?Health Question & Answer

Maybe you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be caused by things like nasal or throat obstruction (short periods during sleep where you do not breathe at all - so your body alerts you, and you "wake up" briefly to 'remember' to breathe again, even though you may not remember having done so). People with sleep apnea often feel very tired, but they don't recall that they wake up dozens of times during the night. Google it.

Or there may be a neurological problem whereby you are not experiencing the deepest stages of sleep. Many people with depression lack the deep wave sleep. Or alternately, you could be missing REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.

Consult a sleep specialist in your area or a neurologist. Health Question & Answer

I know just how you feel. I also have depression and have been on medication for a number of years. I have never felt rested...even if I take sleep medication.

I feel like most of it is a direct result of my anxiety and inability to calm my mind.

One thing that helps are breathing exercises, writing before I go to sleep (letting out some emotion or frustration from the day), stretching, or making a list of things I am thankful for. They sound cheesy, but they helped me some. Health Question & Answer

If you are overweight it could be that you have sleep apneoa and are having disturbrd sleep.
Depression is a cause of feeling tired but there are other causes. I have given you a couple of links so you can read up on them.

.?path=A1x97x1y1xa5x1x76y1x241fx1x9by1x2424x1y5x844bx5x1http://www.bellaonline.com/ArticlesP/art8341.asp" rel="nofollow">http://www.tesh.com/ittrium/visit.?path=A...

http://www.bellaonline.com/ArticlesP/art...Health Question & Answer

You may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, I was the same as you, sleeping around 10 hours and getting up and then napping again for a few hours in the afternoon, the doc says I have CFS, definately go to the docs and get checked outHealth Question & Answer

generally though depression can make you sleep less or more i know you dont want to hear this ,been suffering the same stuff my self ,that is a lot though,have you thought about seeing a dif doctor its so annoying hearing the same thing... Health Question & Answer

Stress, starving yourself (poor diet), not getting enough REM sleep, or side effects from your meds. Go talk to your doc about how much .mgs your taking of zoloft. Possibly the zoloft is causing fatigue.Health Question & Answer

Have you ever had your iron levels checked.? I know my iron is low when I feel uncontrollably tired for awhile. Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

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