How have you helped yourslef out of depression/anxiety recently? What have you achieved?!

Question: How have you helped yourslef out of depression/anxiety recently.? What have you achieved.?
Following on from a question where someone asked if talking to other depressives on Y!A helps us. I think it would help us all to share the things that go well as well as badly.

I'll start:
- despite having a breakdown I got through my degree with the highest marks in my year.
- Through practising CBT I now have many friends (where before I was social phobic)
- Through practising CBT I coped with a break up from a man I loved very much 4 months ago and am now completely recovered from that event.

I LOVE CBT!Health Question & Answer

congrats on your success! I suffered from separation anxiety most of my life up through high school, also suffered from anxiety and depression most of middle school and high school. also was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and neurally mediated hypo tension my sophomore year of high school. I missed 110 days of school my sophomore year. I managed to teach myself that year and pass through with a C+ average that year. Which was quite an accomplishment. I also worked through all of my other issues just by learning from my past experiences. I have learned to control my anxiety for the most part.

Another accomplishment, I was accepted to college, made the dean's list, and graduated in 4 years with a 3.4 GPA. Health Question & Answer

In addition to seeing a therapist, I have thrown myself back into my music. I play keyboards and sing. I have also started doing paper mache creations for this Halloween, and I have started writing a book about things I have gone through and experienced as a result of being bi-polar. I am not expecting a huge book deal or anything, but it is more a therapeutic way for me to analyze how I am feeling now, compared to years ago when I felt so lost and confused. Clinical depression is a result of low seritonin levels in one's brain, and often require meds to correct this, CK. You don't have to behave like an evil troll.Health Question & Answer

get into action! the cause of depression is giving up the will to fight, to start again....get what you want and how you will get it!Health Question & Answer

I haven't been able to see a therapist because we don't have those in this part of the world. The whole idea of mental illness is one that ranks at the bottom of every body's priority list. so yeah even though I haven't been diagnosed I'm pretty much sure this thing I've been suffering for almost all my life is severe depression. I can't remember a point in my life when I've ever felt happy. Happiness is as alien to me as is anything else that comes with it. so how do I try to deal with it.? I preoccupy myself with all sorts of activities. I read a lot. also I watch movies, listen to music, do house chores, self-teach foreign languages. It's not advisable but I have found day dreaming about the life that I intend on having some day to be helpful. It gives me a sense of purpose (and a false one at that). Health Question & Answer

Go to it works a treat! if you do it! Provides great relief and I haven't had any down-side from it. I would and do recommend it to everyone. You have do do it, not just think about it:)
You can recover whatever aspect of yourself you have lost through upbringing or conditioning (and we all lose a lot through the cultures we are brought up in, no matter where we are from. If you read what the site has to say you will understand what I'm saying. You regain your self-esteem and confidence. (Which is there under the surface, just obscured by the garbage that gets dumped on us)
Eraserhe... Try the method I've mentioned, try expressing the anger you could feel about having the tumor and any thing or person in your life that bugs you and see what happens. It has no unpleasant side effects either.Health Question & Answer

Nothing recent... but the few times that I've felt really bad in my life... well I found out myself that going through those things just makes me stronger mentally and emotionally... which I'm really glad for.

In fact I doubt I could get too depressed ever again except possibly things involving death of family members (something I have never really experienced). So when that time comes.... that's gonna be bad... I know it.

I do learn a lot from things though for example a few weeks ago my kitten died an extremely horrific way, a guy that lives here well his dog shredded my kitten in the kitchen, blood everywhere, dismembering it etc... That night was pretty bad, but mainly it was bad because of all the screaming and panic... I might have been less impacted in such a harsh way if for instance my dad were to just walk in my room calmly and tell me what happened.

So next time I need to make sure panic and overly dramatic things won't get to me as much, because it kinda ruined me for two days, not long but I don't like not being able to think clearly.Health Question & Answer

Well done :)

With anything like that I think you just have to keep doing things and not give in. I've basically achieved all I wanted to - managed to go to college and get my life back

Edit. Thanks. By the way, I'm not a guy ;) And I agree with what you said about CBT. It's helped me a lot. I also think it's better than just taking medication (which I refused) as it means you can truly get over it and not have to worry about it again.

To ck, depression isn't just being lazy. It's a state of mind that can be hard to overcome. You're only lazy if you don't try to do something about it and just give inHealth Question & Answer

What is CBT.? I've had crippling depression for years, and there is no end in sight it seems.

Edit:oh, I see. Well my depression started after I started growing a brain tumour, and the drs think it's chemically related to that, so that wouldn't help me. Mine is totally chemical, not situational. I'm glad something worked for you though!

Eraserhead IS funny sometimes (especially the odd, protracted silence at the dinner table with the smiling father), but it can also be disturbing. Depends on my mood!Health Question & Answer

Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc.

Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level.
But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc.

The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them!
Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to....

Extracted from Source.Health Question & Answer

Depression is an excuse for being LAZY and is a fault in your character not an illness

WHAT TO DO.?- get off your behind and stop feeling sorry for yourself and DO SOMETHING

Stop saying, "Oh I suffer from depression- its an illness" Get up and get busyHealth Question & Answer

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