What does a occupational therapist do? im interested?!

Question: What does a occupational therapist do.? im interested.?
Anyone an occcupational therapist here....?
I want to become one. Anyone here can give advice about it.? Please answer the below questions>

1. Since i have a BA degree in education as a teacher, how much more education would i need to be a OT.?
2. Can i work from home if im a OT.? How do you get paid.? Medicare, Medicad or private fees , if i do it from home...
3. Are there alot of job openings.

Thanks alot
Health Question & Answer

An occupational therapist works with people who have nerve damage, recovering from injuries (broken bones, amputations, etc.) and mentally challenged people. They work with "occupational" skills such as writing, manipulating objects, and other things that deal with fine motor skills. I do not know if you need a B.S. to enter grad school for OT, but that's how I'm going through my education. You must have a Masters degree in OT to get your licensing, so that may be another 3-4 years of school.

I'm not exactly sure on how you get paid... that's a good question.

Fortunately, OT is a very large and growing field... you cannot go wrong if you become an OT. Health Question & Answer

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