What Causes a Mental Problem?!

Question: What Causes a Mental Problem.?
Like paranoia and schizophrenia, or dementia...
What causes the problems and syndromes.? Is it like a click, were all the neurons go mad, or is it genetics.?Health Question & Answer

It depends on what you believe as an amateur Psychologist.

If you are a Behaviorist, you would think that it might be to do with people's childhoods, and their parents influence on them.

If you are a Psychoanalyst ( like me ) you believe that it's something that is caused unconsciously, that you are controlled by something you are not aware of.

If you are a Physiologist, you would believe that these problems are in-fact caused by the human Body, and the brain itself, not an unconscious mind.

There are loads more kinds of psychologists that believe different things in Psychology, but i'm tired of typing, so you'll have to look them up yourself. (=Health Question & Answer

genetics have a large part to do with it but even though you may carry the gene for mental illness does not completely explain it. some researchers have shown that there is a misfiring in the brain that can have something to do with it. and some of it has to do with your treatment as as child that brings it to the surface. there is still so much that experts on it still don't know. only time and research will eventually find the real causes of mental illness.Health Question & Answer

Genetics are a big factor. Personal experience can also play a factor. For example, drug and alcohol problems can cause some mental disorders. So can abuse from childhood.

The main problem is a chemical imbalance or the deadening of neurons or brain sections over time. Like, you don't just WAKE UP with dementia. It takes years and years for the mind to become completely sick.Health Question & Answer

Um I'm not completely qualified to answer this but I am a psychology major and my understanding is that often people are predisposed to these diseases, especially schizophrenia. It isn't exactly like a button gets pushed and they go off but with schizophrenia usually puberty sets off probably all the changing chemicals in the body. paranoia can result from in-balance in the brain or a traumatic event and I don't know much about demntia although I am pretty sure that is gradual. Health Question & Answer

I've got some paranoia, anxiety, and major depressive disorder, that turns into psychosis if i get way to stressed or depressed. from what i hear with my psychiatirc hospitalizations, my doctors believe it was a combination with mental illness in the family, my grandfathers alcohol dependence at his teen years, and my physical and sexual abuse as a childHealth Question & Answer

Hello, and welcome to the mental health hot line

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