Why is my life not the way i want it.......?!

Question: Why is my life not the way i want it........?
i don't know what to do anymore, my life seems like it's never gonna change, and i'm just stuck. i don't know how to make it change. i need someone to talk to, i have no one to turn to anymore.....everyone has gave up on me.....my life is over.Health Question & Answer

I know how you feel. I honestly do. I would love to talk to you more personally if you would like to email me.Health Question & Answer

That's just the way it goes, you just have to learn to deal with whatever life throws at you. And if you want your circumstances to change you need to make that effort by making the first step. You are kinda vague in your description on what exactly is wrong but there are counselors at school you can talk to and online places/forums etc where others feel the way you do you can interact with and get things off your chest.Health Question & Answer

all i can tell you is that you will go through so many different experiences in your life, this is just a down time. things will get better, just maybe not as soon as you hope. give people a reason not to give up on you, muscle up some inner strength and tell yourself you can do it. see a counsellor if you don't have friends you can talk to.Health Question & Answer

You sound like you are going through depression. If you would like to talk to some one you can talk to me, I will put my mail in the source. A lot of peoples life's are not how they'd like. It is best to try and make the most of what you do have though. Some times that isn't Alot ,but it I can Guarantee you that there is some one out there worse off than you.Health Question & Answer

nobodys life is exactly the way they want it. trust me mine's definitely not either! :)
maybe u go 2 ur doctor in case u hav depression but i not sure.
i reckon u will get through dis. i reli hope u do. gd luck :)

Health Question & Answer

you can mail me but read my profile to get to know me more. ive been down the same road you haveHealth Question & Answer

life a b!t@h Health Question & Answer

Girlfriend, your life is not over. This can be just the beginning of the life you want. Nobody is going to give you the life you want, you have to define what you want, make a plan to achieve those goals and then put your plan into action.

I was 26, single mom and working as a waitress. My family was a mess due to my dad's alcoholism and my mother's mental health issues. I went to visit my grandparents and my grandfather said "you've really made a mess out of things. What are you going to do now.? How are you going to support your son.?" That really made me stop and think. Was I going to continue waitressing and hanging out at the beach.? I asked my grandfather for advice and he said to find a career that interests me because I would be doing that job the rest of my life.

I knew waitressing wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I researched a couple different career options, went to talk to the counselors at the local Univ and then made a plan. On my list of what was important to me to have a good life was three things: a house, a horse and a Honda. (I was driving a 67 VW bug at the time - the Honda seemed like a luxury vehicle to me).

It really wasn't easy, that's for sure. I went to college full-time and worked two part-time jobs. I look back on those times and I can't believe I did all that with a baby to care for. But when things would get so overwhelming, I would tell myself that if it was easy, everyone would go to college. Other times, I would write down what I was doing all this for - my list was material things, but 20 years later I can tell you it was the feeling of accomplishment that has made me feel proud of what I"ve done.

I'm now at the top of my game, career wise. I've been riding horses ever since I graduated and could afford to ride. Currently I own two homes and I own a Honda Civic and Accord. Material goals met, but the boost to self esteem by accomplishing my goals is invaluable. My "baby" is 20 years old and in college. He said to me one day that he couldn't believe I went to college, worked two jobs and raised him. He lives at home and doesn't have to work and he's finding college work challenging.

You are only going to be as happy as you decide to be. Money isn't everything. I grew up with a guy that won $30 million in the state lotto and he's the most miserable person ever. Decide what is important to you. Make your plan on how you will accomplish it and put your plan into action. Talk with friends, family, strangers. Find something that really stimulates you and engages your mind. A busy mind is better than a mind that is stuck on one issue. Remember, it will be hard to make changes, but the only guarantee is life will continue to change.Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately, in life we can plan plan plan but it doesn't work that way. I don't know if you have a spiritual side to you but if you want hope and faith in life. You get that from the spirit within yourself. I don't care what the religion is or if you don't have one at all. It is spirituality with an abundance of faith that makes you strong enough to face another day and another and another when you feel the way you do. This is what I have learned from experience. We all go through what they call a desert period. It could last a week, a month, a year or many. I have been stuck in one for the last 10 years! Hopefully and I pray that it is not that long for you. It is a VERY HARD place to be. You get stuck in a rut and you feel beaten down to the point where you stop seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have been shown the light at the end of my tunnel. I let go and gave it all to God. I am not here to preach so please do not think thats what I am about. I am talking from the stand point of going through exactly what you descirbed and what got me through it and trust me I am not even there yet. Your life is not over. And as it may seem people have given up on you, you will find new support. Sometimes in the oddest way. Yes, you do have someone ...us online ready to help, give encouraging words, listening, caring, loving and exceptance!! From the bottom of my heart, you need me in anyway I am here. I am someone who has fought for the sight of the light at the end of the tunnel, one who has struggled, fought and bled to live for just another day looking for the peace and serenity of my own mind, losing so many people I loved because they didn't take the time to understand, so many failures and let downs picking myself up over and over and over again and again. I AM STILL HERE FIGHTING. You can do it too!!! Don't give up. Choose to fight it. wickedmindz68@yahoo.com please anytime!Health Question & Answer

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