How many of you have experienced sleep paralysis?!

Question: How many of you have experienced sleep paralysis.?
whenever i tell people about it, they say they've never had it, let alone heard of it. i didn't think it was that rare. i have experienced this countless times, and im only 19. Wikipedia says most will experience it ONCE OR TWICE in a lifetime! what the hell is wrong with me.?Health Question & Answer

It's happened to me 2 or 3 times. I've had people who are ignorant of the existance of such a thing try to laugh it off like "You are so weird," but then again, that's what you would expect from an ignorant person.

There is obviously nothing wrong with you. :)Health Question & Answer

There are various websites that describe this phenomenon - it is more common than we think, but people tend not to talk about it for a number of social and historical reasons.

One of these reasons is that in olden times, people with this sleep disorder used to be called 'possessed' and were tried as witches.

also, it can be a very frightening experience, so people hope that by not talking about it, it might just go away. (Sometimes it does.)

Look it up as 'Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Experiences' and see what you get.

There is nothing really wrong with you - some people can't sleep, some people sleep too much, some people cannot stay asleep when they want to, and you have sleep paralysis sometimes. It's okay.

The more you learn about it, the more you are likely to understand it and seek treatment or advice.

Good luck.
Health Question & Answer

this is a common condition in asia, where it is associated with death if not handled properly by the victim.

this condition has been thoroughly researched, and has been found to be common for people who are :

- working long hours outdoors (under the heat of the sun)
- in poor health (generally having a diet that is high in sodium & carbohydrates, meaning salty foods & rice)
- sleeping with less-than-ideal levels of oxygen (low air circulation in the bedroom or due to the tilt of the head from the pillow being used)

to ensure that you wake up safe & sound, it would help to consider the ff :

a. when you get an attack, don't panic. breathe calmly.

b. do not make an effort to move your eyes, body or your limbs, because the strain might prove fatal.

c. do make an effort to wiggle your toes or curl both your pinky fingers, because they don't take as much strain vs. moving your limbs or your body.

d. once you awake, don't get back to sleep right away. drink a glass of lukewarm water & reposition your pillow and/or your sleeping posture.

e. don't get too much sun, or too much activity outdoors. eat well & stay off salty foods, pasta and/or rice for the meantime.

good luck & best wishesHealth Question & Answer

Everyone experiences "Sleep Paralysis", as it is what prevents us from physically acting out our dreams.

The problem is when you awaken slowly and your mind has not had time to adjust to the waking state and the "paralysis" is present for a few minutes.

Relax. This will go away in time. You may want to consult your family doc for some medications to help you relax at night, as I suspect your anxiety is exacerbating your problem with this issue.Health Question & Answer

haha, that tends to happen to me when I am really tired and i try to think about stuff while im tired, then the next thing you know you are in sleep paralysis. Its crazy dude! haha. You're not alone. I don't do any drugs, drink, nor do i have any mental issues. I know several people that get sleep paralysis too. Im only 15. I think the reason why people say like they never have it and crap is because usually they don't know what it is.Health Question & Answer

I'm also 19. I have experienced since I was 10 years old. Sometimes I know when its gonna happen, and I try to fight it off by moving around. Its the worst feeling when I feel it happening, my whole body begins to tingle, and it feels like I'm shaking all over, then I'll be completely paralyzed. When I was younger I use to wake up and was unable to move. It happened to me last week, I hadn't experienced it for a couple of months since then. Hate the feeling. Health Question & Answer

I've never experienced it personally, but an old girlfriend of mine experienced it quite often. It usually came with her night-terrors, which I can only assume were a product of the harsh "Southern Baptist" upbringing that she rebelled against.

She would wake up from a night-terror that was loaded with religious iconography, but be unable to move or speak for at least 5 or 10 minutes.Health Question & Answer

"The pathophysiology of this condition is closely related to the normal hypotonia that occur during REM sleep[1]. When considered to be a disease, isolated sleep paralysis is classified as MeSH ."
idk, ask a doctor.?Health Question & Answer

Sleep paralysis is not uncommon! But countless times.? Now, That's uncommon!!!

See if it has anything to do with your caffeine addiction, Brian! Stop drinking for few days and note the results...Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

You experience it every single night. All night long. If not, then you would do all the stuff you dream about in real life...
We just don't always feel or notice it, just like we forget dreams.Health Question & Answer

I used to get it alot after I had surgery. It was really scary for me because I didn't know what was happening. I haven't had it in along time, though.Health Question & Answer

Yeah about once a month I wake up but I can't move and I have to wait a few seconds so I can really wake up. It's scary and weird but I'm used to it.Health Question & Answer

i have, like once or twice every couple months. actually i experienced this this morning lol it was so brief i just fell right back to sleep :PHealth Question & Answer

You should consult your doctor about this, don't let this go on too long. Health Question & Answer

Once every month for me.Health Question & Answer

I've had it a few times...maybe 10+ and im only hubbys never had i guess it depends on the person.Health Question & Answer

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