Could my friend have a psychological disorder?!

Question: Could my friend have a psychological disorder.?
Me and a close friend have known each other almost all of our lives. She has a serious drinking problem and she has since we were about 15 and she's only 22. Even when she's sober, she becomes someone else around different people. Like when she's around me, she'll say the things that I say and listen to the music I like and go out of her way to be more like me. It changes like this with other people she's around. It can go as far as the accents and changes in her voice to lying about drug problems that she does not have. Sometimes, but usually after she is drunk, she has severe episodes and yells and acts completely nuts. She has recently moved to another town where she tells me she is clean, but a friend of ours that also lives there corrects this by telling me she is just as messed up as before. She lies about her relationships with guys, and pushes them to be with her, but then will tell me that they are assholes and have left her for reasons that she will make up. Again, the friends that live there tell me the true story which is that she tells them when they love her and that they better call her. Until recently, I didn't look into it too much. Now I believe there is something truly wrong. Can anyone help with this matter, whats up with her.?Health Question & Answer

It sounds as though her main problem is addiction to alcohol and perhaps other drugs. If she has been dependent on these for awhile, there is emotional and physical stress that occurs that could contribute to her "episodes" as you call them. However, it also sounds that she might have a personality problem or even disorder. Based on the information you gave, it sounds as though she craves attention and wants people to notice her. Maybe that's why she acts like those she's around. It could be as serious as bipolar disorder, which is often associated with an abuse of drugs and denial. The only way to know for sure is to encourage your friend to get help. Either go to a doctor or a licensed psychologist; the main thing will be to help her with her addiction, and then determine if there are any underlying personality or other psychological problems. Don't diagnose her yourself and don't necessarily listen to me, that's best left to the professionals. Health Question & Answer

Well she could have a mental problem, alchol can really screw up your brain. What I think though is she does have some problem. Try bringing her to a AA meeting. She might have to go to a mental hospital. I think you get away from her though. She sound like she could really hurt you. If she started drinking when 15 thats pretty bad.

=)Health Question & Answer

Borderline personality disorder and alcoholism frequently walk hand in hand.

Sounds like your friend is struggling with this all-too-common double whammy.

The biggest favor you can do for her is to help to get her into treatment.

~M~Health Question & Answer

Even when she is not actively drinking/drunk the effects of alcohol can still be seen. Alcohol does effect the brain and its processes and can mimic psychological disorders. However, alcoholism is almost always tied with a psychological disorder. Be it Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, or even Schizophrenia. It would be best to convince her to go to a psychiatrist, if not right now perhaps later. What you might want to do first is get her somewhat clean, take her to AA meetings and see if that helps.

Best of Luck
CydneyHealth Question & Answer

IF your friend is suffering from alcoholism, is it possible that you are empowering her.? IF you care deeply for her, why not go to an AA meeting yourself and ask your question there.? They would be in the best position to assist you assist your friend. IF you mean something to your friend (and it seems like you may be a major part of her life), then you should put your friendship on the line, tell her you know she's lying to you and to herself, and if she continues, that you no longer want to be her friend. Eventually, your friend will see the cost of her illness and it may inspire her to clean up. Best answer.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like your friend has a serious problem and needs professional help, the real problem is going to be getting her to admit that she has a problem, and she has to want help in order for her to actually get it. A close mouth doesn't get fed, so she has to want to get better in order for things to work I will give you a link to a website. You can check the website out and see if there is anything you can do to help her understand the that you care for her and you are trying to help her.
Good Luck!

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