Please help? Really unhappy!?!

Question: Please help.? Really unhappy!.?
Around June, I was self harming, on and off, and I stopped it until two weeks ago, and now I've cut myself every day since.
I've had a massive fight with my friends and no ones made up, just tried to forget about it, which makes things relly awkward.
My Mum told me the other night I was a horrible person, which several other people have said too.
To make things worse, the one person I could talk to just told me he felt he was making matters worse not better, and he doens't think he should get involved any more.

Are there any ways I can feel happier.?
Thanks x
Health Question & Answer

you are not a horrible person,
you just need better coping skills.

next time you are upset jump into the shower, turn it onto freezing cold, stay in for about 1 minute.

Now try to talk to your mom calmly. Tell her you know you need help and ask her to PLEASE!!!!! help.

Trust me cutting and all other forms of self mutalation are unsafe and potentually lead to other serious mental health problems and eventually kill you.

I used to cut and the best thing I did was check into a Psychiatric Care Unit at a hospital and get on meds~ perscribed by a doctor.

So get into therapy, and get a doctor to perscribe you some anti-depressants and/or mood enhancers.

Trust me it will get better!

You are in my prayes. Best of luck!~
Mandie<<33Health Question & Answer

Self harm is a symptom of a personality disorder, get to a doctor or hospital asap. The cutting will leave ugly scars and could cause an infection. You need therapy, and probably medication. Your mum said you were a terrible person.? Was that in response to a certain situation.? Surely she did not mean in general. I would talk to her and tell her you need help with your issues.

Getting help is your first step to recovery. Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you are looking for attention. I had a girlfriend that did that too, and she did it when she felt lonely looking for more attention. You need to learn to have self respect. Stop looking for attention in negative ways. Your friend said he felt like he is making matters worse because he is tired of your crap. Stop whining and complaining and go out and have fun. Ask your friends to go to movie and hang out for fun. STOP making excuses and distancing yourself. Self loathing gets you no where. You must be a teenager, well act like one and go have fun, life doesn't get any easier. Make the most of it. One great way to find happiness is to eat more chocolate cake. Health Question & Answer

Talk to someone! go see ur doctor and ask to be referred to a psychologist. i dont mean for that to sound horrible or scary but it is always best to talk things through and sometimes u need to talk to people who are not close to u, it makes it easier. Good Luck. i hope u sot things out soon.

can i also just say that if people are going to answer questions like this, would they please remember that they are dealing with people and not to be so rude or condesending. thanks xHealth Question & Answer

I know you feel alone and really sad.i've been there.You're mum saying what she did wasn't very loving or supportive of her child.i know you're unhappy but you can get through this.i'll help you if you want.e-mail me and i'll do my best to be on your address is Tell me whatever is on your mind...I'll be you friend and help you in anyway i can.Health Question & Answer

Right start harming yourself now!!! it is only you that gets hurt! you are after attention and people even friends and family are giving up on you, so be adult and see a councillor. See your teacher at school/college they all have one. (in uk) Health Question & Answer

try to put all the negativity behind you and think posotive not negative you know the sort of thing glass half full not half empty
if you are really down call the samaritans they will help you it sounds extreme but it isnt
GOOD LUCK !Health Question & Answer

You need to find an adult you can talk to, whether it be a parent, relative or teacher. You probably need professional help as well.

How do I deal with depression.? I keep a journal at
http://mylifeanditsdiscontents.blogspot....Health Question & Answer

Idon't know if this would help but try listing to happy music not sad that always helps me good luck with this welcome t
Health Question & Answer

Stop hurting yourself and stop alienating people.Health Question & Answer

Please talk to someone such as a teacher, your school councilor, a coach... anyone and stop harming yourself!!Health Question & Answer

You need to take a long hard look at yourself, are you self obsessed.? do you do things for attention.? if the person you could talk to has told you hes making matters worse, is he really saying "your whining is driving me insane" look at what you do, what you say, is it all about you.? your mum was a bit harsh, but if she has done her best to raise you and now all you do is stupid things like cut yourself and make life difficult for everyone around you then she could have been so frustrated she lashed out.

At the end of the day nobody wants a friend who just goes on and on about themselves non stop, especially if their problems are self inflicted, try putting others first once in a while, be interested in someone else problems and see if you can help them.

Health Question & Answer

Hun you are getting no support whatsoever here!!!
Does your mum know what you are going through.?.?
I know it is a really hard and a huge step but please go and seek some help from your doctor, there are so many therapies out there to help you with your problem, if not your doctor then do you have a counsellor at school, college, or through work.?
I am being presumptuous in thinking you may be a teenager here, but your mum might just be stressed because you are obviously very unhappy and she does not know what to do she would not think you are a horrible person.
Please get some help asap, and stop cutting yourself there are other ways to give you the same feelings, i.e. elastic bands, ice etc.. they all give you the same feeling as cutting but will not cause the scars.
To feel happier you need to get to the route of your pain, get over this and learn to love yourself before you can care for anyone else, is there something you really want to do in your life, even something little, make time to sit and plan what you are going to do to achieve this and it will make you feel very happy when you achieve it.
Good luck, my heart goes out to you, and I wish you a happy future xHealth Question & Answer

I've been there, except for me at the time along with all of this I was drinking heavily and semi-trying to hold my life together as at the time it was obvious that it was going in every direction.

I don't suggest that you pick up drinking, it was just that the meds I was on all the time made me not be able to taste, or feel much sensation at all for that matter.

Stop cutting yourself though, when you get over this, and you will get over this you'll just be in that ackward situation where everyone asks you about the scars, and believe me they do.

You could try somethings that help somtimes such as:

A cup of coffee will often make you feel better, at least not as bad as you were.
Take advil or excedrin, they can sometimes actually help with depression.
If nothing else, just keep to yourself and get over it by yourself, it's hard but it will eventually happen, and by that time you'll realize that you can do things to make sure that this never happens again.Health Question & Answer

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