I seriously feel like I am going to pass out through stress and noone cares?!

Question: I seriously feel like I am going to pass out through stress and noone cares.?
I am 22 and moving out for the first time to a town about 20 miles away in order to go to Uni. I suffer from mental health problems which include social phobia, panic attacks and psychosis. I was completely house bound not long ago, too terrified to travel in a car. I am really pushing the boat out here.
I have travelled up to this town and back every day since tuesday in order to attend my course (because I haven't moved yet). Not only that but I had to travel another 40 odd miles to sort out ownership of my flat, then another 200 miles to sort something else out, and had to attend an interview as well. For hours at a time I have been really on the edge, fearing an attack or that I am 'going to die' or pass out. I've kept pushing myself and trying to stay positive.
I am now extremely tired and feeling so worn out that I feel disorientated and like I don't know where I am. I feel scared and lonely. Sometimes I want to cry or lash out but it doesn't come out anymore, my face just feels numb, and almost feel like there's this thing inside me that thinks it's funny and wants to make me laugh at myself.
But my dad obviously doesn't have any understanding or sympathy despite saying he does. He just makes out that 'well you just have to get on with it,' or that I am being lazy. I really cannot do any more today, even though I would love to get all my new stuff into the flat. I feel like I could collapse.
Why can't people look at the phenomenal amount I have just acheived, including gaining a place on such a course, instead of adding more pressure and making me feel totally hurt and alone.?

Health Question & Answer

You do have a lot on your plate and you have all of it running around your head at once. Of course you're tired. When you've got more than 7 (ish) things going on in your head you can go into overwhelm or stress.
Take a pen and paper and list what needs to be done soon and what's less important and so on. Put your dad's opinion at the very end of the list under 'not important'. Things like phones and tv licenses can wait. I expect you'll have a mobile and the TV license company won't be in touch any time soon.
Once you've done this, only let yourself think about a maximum of 3 of the important things at most at any one time. Ideally, just one at a time if you can. Don't waste energy thinking about things that you're not doing at that precise moment. Don't worry - you won't forget any of it! You'll get round to it when you're good and ready.

Do you really have to have 2 jobs.? Is there any other way you can fund your studies.?

Good luck and congratulations on getting onto your course!


ps A TV license is what we Brits have to pay in order to own a TV because we have channels that aren't funded through advertising.
Health Question & Answer

You are just doing what a million other students are doing.
I don't see what else you expect your dad to say, other than "poor you" which frankly you do enough of yourself.
You are 22 with some minor mental health issues, either stand on your own two feet or don't. In reality that is your only option!Health Question & Answer

just calm down hun,
try sorting them out one by one - not all at the same time which it seems you are doing which will of course be overwhelming
do you have any family or friends that can help you out.? or im sure many of your friends are experiencing the same thingHealth Question & Answer

You could do the TV License online now, and then it's sorted. Just do little things if you can't manage the biggies just yet.

Health Question & Answer

It seems like you've got a lot on your plate. And you know what, that's a good thing because one thing that people like us need is something to keep our minds off of ourselves. You are at least courageous enough to go out there and do what ever is required of you and I applaud you for that because that's something I can only dream about doing. that being said, I also can understand where you're coming from when you say you feel empty despite all these efforts you're making to move forward with your life. It's frustrating how people never appreciate or even attempt to understand the hardships you have to endure. One thing you have to understand though is that you're not alone in this. Keep up the good work but at the same time give yourself a pat on the back for your bravery. God speed.Health Question & Answer

I understand how you feel, and you really have to see your GP about this. You may draw a little comfort in knowing that you aren't alone feeling as you do, there are many others in exactly the same boat as you. Many areas have self-help groups which help sufferers a great deal. Your GP should be able to put you in touch with one of them. You have all my best wishes. Health Question & Answer

You HAVE accomplished a great deal and that is indeed praiseworthy. However you should stop seeking praise from those around you and find it within yourself. It is you who made the effort, you who kept your composure, you who stuck through the thick and think of these past few days and hence the only person worthy enough to give you praise is yourself. Although you might wish that your dad gives you more credit, he might feel that he is unable to, mainly because he might have never experienced the terror and fear you have because of your mental illensses. So sit yourself down, congratulate yourself a whole lot and treat yourself to something special or something you enjoy because you definitely desreve to be rewarded for your efforts.

Since you've had a couple of really stressful days I'd suggest you sleep off a little bit of stress (if you can get to sleep) - resting might make your anxieties melt away.

also keep a diary of your feelings. You can go back to your angsty entries later on in the day after you've had some time to calm down and rationalise things.Health Question & Answer

I feel for you. It is quite difficult to undergo a massive amount of stuff all at once and then have someone say you are lazy. I had an ex like that, i worked my a** off AND took care of the kids and the house and he DID NOT work at all and he had the nerve to call me lazy!!!
You say you have panic attacks, have you seen a doctor about this.? There are medications to combat some of the anxiety (my son has anxiety disorder but his doctor refuses to put him on medication feeling that it is not severe enough).
I think you are doing an incredible job of it being only 22. Find a way to let out your stress like take a walk or meditate.

PS, what is a tv license.?Health Question & Answer

i'm 4yrs younger, almost finishing h.school, and i kinda feel like you
i've been trying really hard to do well this year, but my marks just haven;t been good enough,
definitely try and get through the smaller tasks - it helps to build up your confidence; reward yourself occasionally when you do something that was tough, or even when it is a simple thing, to get a greater sense of achievementHealth Question & Answer

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