Some Advice? Or just listen?!

Question: Some Advice.? Or just listen.?
I cant take it anymore. Im so frustrated at myself. Ive been pushing my family and friends away making them worry and I keep doing it but I cant stop. The other day I tried to kill myself by taking a whole bottle of advil, But my sister stopped me, the whole while telling me what an idiot I was and that it would devastate the family if I killed myself. My family is awesome and they love me so much and I love them but I cant stop thinking those stupid thoughts. Im 17, and I cant function properly around people, I get all nervuos around people I dont know and I want to get away from them all, Its gotten so bad that I cant even go anywhere public without freaking out. I used to go to public school but recently they put me in homeschool so I could get better, but it only seems Im getting worse. All I want is to function normally like a normal person, but it seems as though thats not going to happen. And my bestfriend (basicly my only friend) and I dont really talk as much as we used to, and when we do talk I only seem to push her away. I dont know what Im expecting you to say, its not like just by typing this my problem will magically be solved. I just dont know anything anymore. Health Question & Answer

Hi, i know you may think i'm lying but honestly i'm not i am EXACTLY like you i have panick attacks when i go out in public i don't have a job or any money i have only been out of the house 1 time in the last 3 months and it has gotten so bad i now have a case of very bad OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder) my family are like yours they love me and look after me very much but they don't understand even though they are willing to try i am 18 years old and i am having a very hard time coping on my own too but last week i finally had enough too, now there are 2 ways i could have gone number 1 was: done what you did and tried to end my life which like your sister explained to you, it would devestate the people around us and cause nothing but pain and heartache, or there was option number 2 which I DID TAKE!: i made an appointment at m local doctors/GP this was very very hard to do i had my mum make the appoinment over the phone for me and then she came with me on the day i had to go she held my hand because i was so nervous, when i was called into the doctors office my mum went with me because i asked her to i sat down and i was so nervous i could have just run out screaming but i decided i didn't want my life to be this way anymore i didn't think the doctor would understand but he listened to me very carefully and in the end he looked at me and said "You may not believe me when i say this, but it's the truth...there are alot of people like you out there and you have been very brave to come here today, i want you to know that i am going to help you get better but you also need to be willing to get better too if you are we can do this!" he then told me he would refer me to a different doctor who specialises in my type of problems (the panick attacks, the nervousness in public and the ocd) i am currently waiting to recieve a letter telling me the date of my appointment i am sure i will be nervous when the day to see this person arrives but i know that i can't live like this anymore, please call your doctor or have your mom do it or even a friend, i too don't have many friend just 1 or 2 as i don't like big crowds either but just remember your not the only person who suffers like this and you can get your life back i haven't fully started the journey of getting mine back but like i said i have made a step forward and i felt great and quite relieved afterwards, i hope you do the same make an appointment soon and know your not alone i hope you start to feel better soon too, we'll be fine soon with the right help and support :P
Good Luck love all the best x :PHealth Question & Answer

i dnt know what to say to help u solve ur problem but i can say that takin ur life is not the answere. trust me, ive been suicidal before but i got to thinking "whats gonna happen after i do it" i cant take it back or undo it. u only hvae one life to u thnk u suffer from paranoia.?Health Question & Answer

I think you need to see your doctor. If these thoughts are persisting, you should talk to your sister or your parents and ask them to take you to the hospital. I think you may need to be admitted. Please seek medical attention.Health Question & Answer

im 17 to and im am in homeschool...i used to have that same problem didnt want to talk no one...just hated my life till one day i told myself u have to change for ur health,,,i was depressed for 4 years....if i cant beat that u cant beat itHealth Question & Answer

See a counsler or even your doctor. Sounds like you are either going through the emotional ravishes of puberty and/or need some anti-depressives...stat!Health Question & Answer

First of all, you need to calm down. Check yourself into a Psychiatric unit to be evaluated. There are a lot of people who can help you through your problems.Health Question & Answer

When I was younger I dated a girl like you. It was a great relationship that ended up fizzling out because she would just push away and want to stay at home and not go out.

But I truly cared about her and I am sure your best friend and family do care about you. Maybe you should just sit down and try and talk out your feelings with them. I know it will be hard but you are reaching out for help now and thats what they want to do for you. There are plenty of things that can be done through counseling and medication.

If you are involved in any type of church there will be people there who want to help as well. Don't give up. Life CAN be normal for you again.Health Question & Answer

Have you told your family exactly how you are feeling.? You should, then ask them to take you to a good Psychiatrist who can help you. I have had many of your symptoms and there are medications out there that will help. Counseling will help as well. Your anxiety seems to be building on itself to the point that you are afraid to even go outside. Killing yourself is not the answer. You love your family and it seems they really love you, so when you get that feeling just think of what it would do to them if you did commit suicide. Please talk to your parents and get some medical attention as soon as you can! You can get help for this.Health Question & Answer

Hey, I know exactly how you feel and what you are going through! Its like people want to help but its so uncomfortable to let them even get close to you. You may have bipolar disorder, I just went last week to get a blood test to be put on medication for it and let me tell you, just knowing that you are doing something about it makes you feel so much better! Its a chemical imbalance and you have no control over it. I try to tell people that id rather have a broken leg or a physical disease that others could see , then they would be able to understand my pain a little bit better at least! In the mean time, it sort of helps for me too have a lot of bright lights around I know its weird but it helps! If u ever want to talk u can email me at, your friend laura!
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