I'm turning into the person I don't want to be?!

Question: I'm turning into the person I don't want to be.?
Has this ever happened to you.? Should I go see a therapist or is this normal.? I feel like I used to be so carefree, happy go lucky...but now I find it hard to appreciate things.

This didn't happen all of a sudden. Just a gradual change over the years, I feel like the more I have lived my life, the more bitter I have gotten over alot of extreme events happening to me. I feel like it's hard to motivate myself. I fee

Now don't get me wrong. I don't feel like this all of the time. But I feel a dramatic flux in my personality. Like I'm super inspired one minute. And depressed the next.

Alot of things over the years could be the reasons why I feel like this: Feeling alone (with friends and guys). Feeling like no matter what I do isn't good enough, with people, school, or family. Knowing I am a good person with a good heart bt nobody seeing that. Not having a car (family doesn't have money and I'm not allowed to get a job bc I'm focusing on school), and my go getter personality is tamed because of this, and I get depressed bc I want to pursue my dreams and I can't. Never having money. Anxiety problems. People always putting me down. My dad lost his job and my parents are suffering. Dealing with an SUPER overprotective mom clashes with my free spirited heart. Deeply confused about religion.

And I feel I have no one to talk to about this. I have my friends but I don't know how to explain anything and I feel like everything bottles up inside and I don't know what to do.

Over the years I have become this jealous person. Very bitter of people who live the good life. And I KNOW the grass is always greener on the other side. I have become more cynical and pessimistic about alot of things because I don't have consistent people in my life. I never have. I have become more secretive and lazy. I used to be so open hearted and now I just feel like my heart is so broken from all of these events that I cannot trust anyone.

So how do you cope and deal with all of these feelings.? How do you move on with your life and be the person you want to be again.? Deep down I know I can be that person, I guess I'm just going through some weird phases and changes right now.Health Question & Answer

I go through the same ups and downs, some people say it's Bi-polar disorder but non of these opinions come from a real doctor. I can't afford to get treated either so I just try to cope with life as it is.
One thing that has helped me over the past 3 years is my baby girl, she is my motivation for fighting hard and to try to keep moving forward.
With this I am not saying that you should have a child of your own, please don't get that idea.
What I mean is that you should find something that you love so much or feel so passionate for that it helps you to keep moving on.
What.? I don't know because I don't know you or what you like. But you have to find this answer inside of you.
Family is important but sooner or later you will be making your own life so learn as much as you can from them, use what ever tools they provide for you and find yourself in the process.
Think of this lifestyle as something temporary that is just helping you build your foundation to later build your own life.
I really hope this helps. Health Question & Answer

yeah I know how you feel about the soulmate part, I want someone of the oppossite sex to love me for who I am, and someone I can always be myself around, I turn 21 next year and I am still single, so I feel your frustration, I hope things turn around good for you soon.Health Question & Answer

you weren't taught right. or a bad childhood and now your turning into your mother.Health Question & Answer

I know its hard but think of all the good things you have in life. We all live in a very materialistic world and see what we could have if we had this or that. I too have become somewhat cynical about a lot of things in my life but don't you think that is just life experience teaching us to be that way...maybe it is just a defense mechanism that helps us make less mistakes bc we've been fooled before.

Who knows.? Are you a transplant to a big city, I have noticed that I am more cynical when visiting large cities.?.?.?

Find a soulmate! They help you find your rose colored glasses.Health Question & Answer

wow yeah this is how I feel. When I was in high school I had tons of friends and was always out partying and having fun. Then when I was 18 thought it would be cool to move to another state, get an apartment by myself, and go to school in a new city. CRAZY right!! Ever since I moved away from my home things have been so hard. Ive had anxiety and depression. Im recently married and a new mom but nothing seems right because Im still away from all the stable people I once had. All I can say is try and reconnect with what kept you once grounded. If I could go back in time I would have never moved away from home. Who knows, maybe then I wouldnt be seeing all sorts of doctors trying to figure out what medicine will make me 'normal' again. Good luck and you are not alone!!Health Question & Answer

you have to tell urself this is life and i got to make the best of it,,,,im an immigrant so its hard for me to find a job in this time of age....but i keep my hopes up and im graduating,,,Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you may be mildly depressed. I suffer from chronic, low-grade depression, and it is never a sudden-onset thing for me either. It's so gradual I don't realize I've gone down into the Pit until I've been there for a while. There may not be a specific "trigger" for why you feel the way you do either. Checking it out with a mental health professional might be a good idea. They can always evaluate you during a consultation before you commit to weekly appointments.

I make certain lifestyle choices in order to live the best life I can in spite of my depression, and my faith in Jesus Christ helps a lot too. Sometimes he's the only person who can keep me from going over the edge some days, but that's okay. He's always enough.Health Question & Answer

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