Anxiety medications? question?!

Question: Anxiety medications.? question.?
Are they addictive.?
I'm going through a rough time right now......on top of everything i've developed an extreme of fear.....of a certain thing..
I wanna talk to my doctor about it.....maybe she can give me something to calm me down....and make this panic attacks go away.

My question is: I worry that I will get used to the meds ....I don't wanna be on them for the rest of my life.......can you get off anxiety medications.?.?

Thank you.Health Question & Answer

This doesn't sound like an anxiety disorder. What you're describing is an obsessive thought. most people associate obsessive-compulsive disorder with constant hand-washing or something overt and physical. Truth is being afraid of something bad happening, to the point of obsession, anxiety, depression, etc. is the hallmark of OCD. Please be evaluated for it. Your dr. may prescribe an anti-anxiety drug, but he may also begain treating you w/ SSRIs, which are not addictive. With behavioral therapy, you can begin to wean yourself off the meds.Health Question & Answer

Anxiety medications can be addictive--especially the benzodiazepines. A short-term solution, Ativan, works quickly and is out of your system quickly--it's the least likely out of the benzos to be "addictive." Benzos, although they can be prescribed long term--can be addictive and habit forming. You will need to wean from them if it is something you were to take long term and scheduled (versus as needed). If you were to take it during a panic attack, it won't kick in until later, so it would be a drug you take to help calm you down in about 30 minutes.

One medication, Buspar, is worth asking your doctor anti-anxiety medication that takes time to build in your system--it works, but is not addictive. Lexapro, an antidepressant, is also used for generalized anxiety disorder. These types of medications you would want to take to help prevent a panic attack in the future.

Talk to your doctor first, he/she can refer you to a psychiatrist/therapy services, as needed. I'm sorry you are going through such a rough time right now!!! It CAN get better though with the right treatment. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Prescription anxiety meds can work wonders but can also make things worse in some case. Here are some of the risks:

Antidepressants can cause serious side effects including risk of suicide

Antidepressants can increase symptoms of anxiety & depression in some cases

Antidepressants are completely ineffective in up to 50% of cases

Antidepressants can be as addictive as narcotics

Antidepressants frequently cause serious withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation

Educate yourself and decide from there.Health Question & Answer

some are
some are notHealth Question & Answer

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