Why was my dad being so emotional?!

Question: Why was my dad being so emotional.?
he works alot of hours and he's never really home (he gets home at 2am and I was being abused by another family member that lives with us, and he never knew about it and one day when he was at work they started abusing me again so I left the house and ran up the street to the neigbors house and the police came and went to the house and handled them, and I spent the night at my mom' s friend's house because I didn't want to go home that night, and my dad found out I wasn't at home when he got home and my older sister told him everything that happened. when he found out where I was he wanted to come over and talk to me but I said no cuz I couldn't face him after all that trouble I caused.....( I thought he'd blame me and be mad ) and my sister called me and told me he was crying....why would he be crying if he knew I was safe and sound with a trusted friend of the family.?.?.? And what couldhe have wanted to talk about that late.?.?It's not like I ran away and spent the night ont he streets...I've never seen my dad cry so why would he cry over that.?.?.?

he didn't even cry when his mom died ....and my sister said he stayed up crying most of the night and sulking and barely slept...he didn't even go to work the next day.Health Question & Answer

First of all, nothing that happened was your fault, your Dad was crying for you. He was crying out of his own guilt, he felt bad for trusting that person with you. You caused no problems, you did what was right.

Don't ever take the blame for this on yourself. Your Dad was working allot of hours and trusted that you were safe. He has allot of guilt now and you feel shame by what happened. Your dad loves you, talk to him and be open with him.

You dad will always be there for you and protect you, trust in him and be open with him.Health Question & Answer

As a father let me say that he knows it was NOT your fault.You must talk to him and let him know that It was not his fault either. He is so upset because he feels like he failed you and it was his job to protect you.Men that love their kids work long and hard to provide for them but still want to protect them from everything and everyone that may hurt them.Health Question & Answer

He obviously loves you and was very upset that you were being abused. He wanted to talk to you and see you to make sure you were in a safe place.Health Question & Answer

talk to your dad...trust meHealth Question & Answer

he is ur dad only u know the ans.

ask Ur hearthHealth Question & Answer

When it is your child being hurt in any way of course they will be upset. My Dad cried when he found out I was being sexual abused by someone when they were around and didn't even catch on. I kept it secret up until I was in my thirties.

You Dad loves you and probably feels guilty for not being home to keep that from happening.

I am sorry this happened to you.

Your Dad is a grown man, but I think it would help to talk with your Father. Health Question & Answer

1. He is your father, and finding out his baby had been in trouble hurt in many ways: 1. you were having problems and did not talk to him about it first. 2.Guilt from having to work so many hours to provide for his family3.Hearing about the situation and finding out he was the last to know
2 It is not your fault, you did not ask for the abuse, learn to confide in your dad.
3He loves you
4No parent in their right mind wants to see their child mistreated.
5 Find a quiet time and have a talk with your dad.

Wish i was in your place, my dad was shot and killed when i was very young...we were close. I am a grandmother, and not a day goes by i do not wish he was here.Health Question & Answer

HI, I hope you're doing better now and will continue to over come this horrible situation.
As a parent of three boys (19, 17 and 8) I can totally understand why your dad was crying. As parents it is our responsibility to protect our children now matter what. Your dad probably feels some what responsible for what happened to you. I know I would be devastated if one of my boys was abused. It would just kill me.
I think it's important you talk with your dad. Don't feel pressured that you have to tell him every detail of what happened. I know he just wants to talk to you and hear your voice and hold you. I highly suggest that you see a therapist so you can over come what has happened to you. God bless you and your family.Health Question & Answer

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