Why do so many teens think they have mental illnesses?!

Question: Why do so many teens think they have mental illnesses.?
Yes, some people have a legitimate problem and need help, but sooo many teens come on yahoo answers asking if they have depression/bipolar/anxiety/ocd/etc when it is MOST obvious they don't.

Seriously if you think you have an mi don't come running to y!a - go tell your parents for God's sake.

Why do so many kids here think they have a mental illness.?Health Question & Answer

I have no idea. But i've noticed it too.. I'm a teenager also, i can tell the difference between depression and a bad day pretty well! I think people look into stuff too much, because things like depression are so widely known now and people are too quick to just stick a label on something.. Rather then understanding its just a bad day/bad patch. I mean, i've had councelling for some stuff that i've had go very wrong, and i went through a stage of being pretty unhappy with my situation (To be fair, i do have a valid reason for that. From 12-16 i've been in and out of hospital and was unable to walk at all at one stage) but i am NOT mentally ill. It was a bad stage, i'm perfectly happy now.Health Question & Answer

How come so many adults thing they have mental illnesses too.?

I am not a teen but when I first became mentally unwell I was and I had such a hard battle to be taken seriously when it came to even professionals understanding and believing that i wasn't just a teen who was going through a hard time and that i would grow out of it! I didn'ttell my parents for years and I think unfortunately many teens would be afraid to talk to their parents about how they feel for various reasons and they are coming on sites like this to explore if what they are feeling is normal or not and I don't think it's completely a bad thing as long as they realise that they can't diagnose based on this site or any other but i think they know that already, we need to give teens some credit.

People just pass off teens who are suffering from depression etc as just teen phases and this is why teen suicide has risen. Yes in many cases I am sure many teens are just having a hard time in life and growing up etc but it doesnt mean we shouldnt take them seriously because it doesnt mean they doesnt need help even if they arent mentally unwell.

Sorry I don't mean to argue with you, it's just my view .Health Question & Answer

i'm not making excuses for anyone or anything, i'm just answering your question. here are some possible reasons:
1. they don't trust their parents or other adults
2. they actually do have a MI
3. attention
4. they are teens, and therefore trying to figure out where they stand in life, and trying to make sense of their thoughts. its easier to conform to a label than to try and make your own.
5. they want to feel a sense of belonging. if they are depressed, there are other depressed people like them, and they can find comfort in numbers because they know there will always be some people who understand them
6. perhaps it's not them that they're asking for, but rather a friend, and they are trying to find out if the friend has an MI
7. perhaps they're just bored ;] lol

hope that helped
:]Health Question & Answer

idk, I also think I have one. Maybe all the symptoms we have just make us wonder we don't know what it could be.? So we think something is wrong with our brains - meaning a mental illness.? idk.Health Question & Answer

Because they dont understand how they're feeling.?
they are scared/embarrassed to tell their parents..
what seems trivial to you can be really upsetting to a teen.Health Question & Answer

hormonesHealth Question & Answer

Because there is a void within that needs to be filled. And Jesus Christ is the Answer.Health Question & Answer

Because they want to have one.? xD lol I dunno.Health Question & Answer

okay im a teen and most of these teens have things going trhough their minds which they know that shouldn't, and im glad they would be concered about it. they are making a better future for themselves, and i have been in this position.sometimes just letting it out and talking can make someone feel a whole lot better, once they know it may just be a little phase they are going through or a fair problem that can be resolved with chemical balancing medication.

also, as one of the ppl said they are trying to find where they stand. we are much more independent and on our way to becoming young adults. we have alot to think about anyways so we dont mess up our lives. mental illness can do this if we dont confide it in some or most cases.Health Question & Answer

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