Why do I feel sooo emotional?!

Question: Why do I feel sooo emotional.?
I feel so depressed and I want to scream.
I lost my best friend to a boy.
The boy I care for cares for me but is going out with my friend.
My best guy friend is a jerk
My other best friend is ignoring me cause I called her butch
People don't see me for me
when people see me they see a pretty face but sometimes I wish I could just be alone
away from the world and the horrible people in it
away from all my responsibilities and just be awayHealth Question & Answer

I'm laughing right now, not at you but at remembering what it was like to be your age. You feel like that because you're a teenager!

I know, sorry, that's not helpful. Your brain is developing. Right now most of the parts of your brain that do reasoning are mature, but the parts that make decisions and control emotions are still growing. Your brain won't be completely finished until you are in your twenties! (Guys have decision making centers that develop even more slowly, which is why young guys get in so many car wrecks.) Plus, your body is adjusting levels of all different kinds of hormones to regulate itself. And you are becoming a person. From one week to the next you will be a completely different person for a while, trying out different attitudes until you learn who you really are!

You're lucky that you're pretty, and you seem to be honest enough to know that you didn't pick your own face, so being pretty isn't really who you are. Good for you, the world needs more pretty people with good sense.

If I can make one suggestion.? Go apologize to your friend for calling her butch. Apologizing when you're in the wrong is a good thing to learn. You will never be perfect so it's a skill you will always be able to use. Don't try to explain or make excuses, just say you're sorry and you shouldn't have done it and you miss her.

One more suggestion: try a good book. A book is a great way to be alone and get away from everything for a while.

The other people in the world don't mean to be horrible to you, just like you didn't mean to be horrible to your friend. If we're not careful we all end up being monsters for each other. Forgive the rest of the world - they are just mess ups on the same journey you're on.

Oh, hey, one last thing - screaming into a pillow can make you feel better.

Good luck on your journey!Health Question & Answer

Hello. My name is Shannon. I majored in Depression and therrpy at UGA. I was born in New York New York and I currently live in California. I work in a small office near where I live and i love my job. I can help you if you have any of the following problems. Im licended and am prohibited by law to not repeat anything someone has told me.
I can help if you suffer from depression
Addicted to a Drug or Alcohol.
I would love to help or give advice on marridle or and other relationship that needs help.
Please dont keep it inside. Just talking to someone can make a Big difference in your life and thoughts.

I can and want to be that person.

*please IM me I have a yahoo messenger and i think i no what your problem might be.*Health Question & Answer

Oh dear..

Well , i can tell: You are emotionaly very unstable right now. Do you always feel like this.? or is this the first time.?
If you always feel like this, i'd say: Dont go to a psychiatrist. Maybe that sounds stupid but i know that friends will help you for free.. maybe the psychiatrist is an expert, but your friends dont charge a bill, and want to help you without getting money for it..

If you dont want to talk to anyone, write it down. In a diary. Do it your way, a poem, just a story, maybe a drawing. You can release this pain by letting it out, not by just keeping it inside you and try push it away somewhere deep..

Well, i hope ive helped..
Good luck, try to find happiness.. though, in this period of yours, it might be hard to find.. I know where you are going through, your story if quite familiar to me.. i've had the same...

-XoXo- Sharr'Health Question & Answer

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