OCD? Do I have it? (mild)?!

Question: OCD.? Do I have it.? (mild).?
When I was a kid and I didn't know much about OCD or illnesses (like 10) I used to go through phases where I had to place things a certain way or I thought something bad was going to happen (placing a shirt a certain way on the floor). I talked to people I knew about it and they said they did it too but I believe mine was more severe. I also worried alot about getting bodily damage to my brain from things like gasoline and anything that had bad fumes, so I tried to avoid it. Later on when I started getting older (around 15) I started having bad thoughts pop into my mind (kinda morose ones involving people) and I had trouble controlling them. I could clear them from my mind if I focused on other things but most of the time they stuck there. I also worried a whole lot about illnesses and getting them, suprisingly like OCD. Things improved for me over time and all these symptoms I felt happened in phases like during summer or holidays. also, I should add that I could control these impulses to do things (like placing things certain ways) and they never interfered with my life. I would never do those impulses when people were around either. These impulses were also never a daily routine, I would just think something bad would happen if I didn't do a certian thing, then I would do it. I think I might have mild OCD but im not sure. I'm obviously not asking you to diagnose me, but I would like some input on what I felt and still somewhat feel. Thanks.Health Question & Answer

I am 18 now and I am exactly the same.At 10-12 i had big OCD problems,like I putted something in the same place a lot of times till it didn't "feel" wright,if i wouldn't my family would get hurt or something like that.But now i feel wiser and i got control of it.I still do it cause it makes me feel good sometimes, but only when I'm alone, and I do it by my choice and not that often.So yeah you have OCD but you got control of it, and don't worry about it, if you can control it.Health Question & Answer

my boyfriend is the greatest guy i've ever met and he has ocd. you sound like you could have a mild case but nothing thats not controlable. if it starts to interfere with your life i would see a doctor (you'd be surprised how much they can help). you definatley shouldn't look down on yourself because of it. good luck! =)Health Question & Answer

Well lets c... I have OCD, it is considered a mild OCD...Im much worse than you I think, it sounds as though you do have the symptoms of OCD.. They do have medication to control it, you need to talk to a doctor.. I have symptoms like, I cannot go to bed if there are dirty dishes in the sink, I have to have everything tidy in my house at the end of the day. My yard has to be mowed perfectly as well as the outside of my house being perfect with no toys laying in the yard, Ive even gotten so bad that I wont let people walk in my yard!! It is rediculous at times, however with medication, Ive done a lot better, things dont seem to ponder in my mind as much..like before I would have thoughts of bad things happening and it would drive me nuts!! Or I would feel guilty if things were not done in a specific way.. It is a very horrible illness but it can be controlled.. Good luck and I hope all turns out well for you..:o)Health Question & Answer

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