To Much For Me To Take!!!!?!

Question: To Much For Me To Take!!!!.?
Well, my counsellor said i sould see a doctor because i'm showing signs of severe depression, i'm starting to fail all my subjects, my GPA is at an ALL TIME LOW, my teachers hate me, i can't talk with my perents about anything I've attemped suicide and now i have no friends, the whole group is fighting and i feel like it's my fault!
Oh by the way the counsellor is a hotline counsellor....
I'm 15 and i just really can't take this anymore!
PLZ HELP!Health Question & Answer

All the signs do point to depression.

First advice I can give you (and this is actually extremely crucial, however many times you've heard it): get help. I've been in a similar situation as you have, and I ended up talking to my school guidance councellor. She told me to just suck it up, tell my parents I think I'm clinically depressed and want to get checked out, and get it over with. It really helped. If it makes you feel less intimidated, just send an e-mail to your mum or dad at work. That's what I did; they had already set up an appointment while at work. it really helped me get every single thing i was feeling out, and without any awkward face-to-face confrontation.
Second advice: Pick little things to look forward to. Christmas could be five months away, but it still gives you some momentum to keep going. As for friends, that part is a little difficult. Try and talk randomly to a person in each of your classes. One person per class. It may seem extremely difficult at first, especially if you've been labelled as something from the start, but going on in solitude is very damaging to helping your depression. If things are too hard at your school, ask your parents to transfer you. Chances are, they really would want you to recover and would help in any way they can.
As for third advice: try and be kind towards your parents. Even though you may just want to strangle them at times, especially now, they really want to do what's best for you. Give them a break and just thank them for little things every now and then. Trust me, it helps IMMENSLY.Health Question & Answer

Well, the hotline counselor is right. You need to find someone you can talk to. You have a lot of issues that you have to deal with. If your parents know that you have tried to commit suicide, why have they not taken you to a therapist themselves.? You have got to find one person you can trust, and go from there. You do need some help, and it will be good for you to get things out in the open.
Life is hard, and it won't get easier, so you have got to find a way to deal with things, and you can't do it by yourself.Health Question & Answer

You need to talk to somebody about it,if no one else go to the doctor.Don't kill yourself, trust me life is gonna turn around on the good side again.Just find a goal and stay motivated and be strong.I know it's hard and it's seems pointless to fight against it sometimes, but it's not pointless.Don't let things like that teachers hate you and that you have no friends at the moment get you down.You just need 1 person to talk about it, and know that you are not the only one depressed and that people can get through anything.CheersHealth Question & Answer

ok i know what you are going through because i went through the same thing when i was 15 and then one day i woke up and felt like everything was different and that it didn't matter what other people thing or fill about me all that matters is that i am ok with my self.

same thing goes for you don't let other people make you fill bad and if your having a hard time with your classes there are tutoring programs that can help like ( and just know that no matter what happens things that are hard with get easier in time. just trust your self and try not to hurt your self anymore. you are important in someones life even if they don't tell you. Health Question & Answer

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