I sleep 12 hrs everyday, and im 22?!

Question: I sleep 12 hrs everyday, and im 22.?
well i need 12 hrs everynight, and im 22, i work 2 nights a week. i surf youtube alll day/night the rest of the time, and im always hungry. i have no friends and dont want any, ive never gotten laid and im about to get evicted

is that normal for a 22 year old to experienceHealth Question & Answer

Well i wouldn't consider this normal most 22 year olds have jobs. You really need to get out and get a job because once you get evicted where are you gonna go with your life.? This a chance to get your life back on track you are still very young. Go out get a job, go to a bar and try to socialize you are very lonely and having at least 1 friend could make you feel better. I mean staying home all day can get boring can't it.? Well you are probably afraid to get out there and experience life but that is all normal. You are also probably depressed and should see a psychiatrist possibly. It doesn't even have to be an amazing job just something that could pay your rent, food, internet, etc.. Getting laid it doesn't matter that will come eventually i wouldn't worry about that first you have to get a job make some money get your self-confidence back up and then that will happen don't worry.Health Question & Answer

Although sleeping as much as you do might be 'normal' for some, it doesn't necessarily reflect a healthy way of living. Neither does your long hours of youtube surfing or the fact that you're always hungry.

My gut feeling is that you're using sleep as a way of 'escaping' from the routine you're caught up in and food as a means with which to comfort yourself. Ultimately it's much easier to escape or stuff down our worries than face then head on. Facing them head on could lead us to run the risk of rejection and humiliation - unpleasant but essential feelings we must experience to being to grow and develop into mature adults.

Through your eviction, your safety net is crumbling, See this as a blessing and try to turn your life around. Although there is nothing essentially wrong with the way you live, I believe that you have issues with it, Otherwise you wouldn't have cared to mention that you never got laid and that you don't really have anything to do other than sleep, eat and surf the net.Health Question & Answer

well I'm 23 work 80+ hours a week, and I'm not really that fond of people. I do get laid, though long distance relationship means it's only 3 days a month.
I do have terrible eating habits though, and spend disgusting amounts of time on the internet... so pretty normal. You should up the job hours so you don't end up homeless though, Health Question & Answer

No. I don't think so-my brother slept until 4 in the afternoon every day he didn't go to class, when he lived with me. I believe he suffered from depression and he would agree now.

I think you may want to look into it.

(I do too-always have)

12 hours is a lot for a young man, who is no longer growing...I think it is a symptom of boredom or something. You say you don't want any, but if you examine your heart-do you really feel that way.?

WIsh you the bestHealth Question & Answer

well i sleep a lot too and im 23, i surf the net a lot, and have only a handful of friends. i eat loads too.

i have had sex and have a partner, i recommend you pay your bill so ur not evicted because it will get very complicated after that. plus you may lose internet access - and then what!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

Please seek professional help for depression. You are experiencing symptoms of clinical depression, which is very serious and can be life threatening. No, this is not normal for you to experience and you do not have to live this way!Health Question & Answer

I am 24, and I sleep at least 10-12 hours per day. I usually wake up and still feel tired and on my days off from work I nap in the afternoon, I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome thoughHealth Question & Answer

Things will change once you are evicted !Health Question & Answer

yeah it is definatley me 3 years ago...lol.

but i was laid at leastHealth Question & Answer

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