Has anyone had to deal with a teenager who has adhd and odd who is very deffiant , who refuses to take meds, ?!

Question: Has anyone had to deal with a teenager who has adhd and odd who is very deffiant , who refuses to take meds, .?
My son is 14 , has had deffiance sence he was young, in and out of trouble constantly in school and out, he refuses to take meds, and when he is disapilined and asked to stay in the house he ses f off and takes of, I have had many programs working with him , he has even been in placement for 2yrs, the program he has now just talks to us about rewards, rewards but it never gets to that because he is so deffiant . He lives with his dad now and for both of us it has been quite the challenge, I dont know where to turn anymore, the system is not helping us , I love my son very much and he has good homes , is not naglected, and i give him my love , I just want him to do good and not end up in the system, Please if anyone can tell me what my rights are or any better sources that can help me , I would appriciate it. thank you, Codys mom in pa
ps He is not in trouble with the law yet nor will the law help us before he dousHealth Question & Answer

I wish that I could give you the magic answer but unfortunately, as are experiencing, this is sort of a limbo land for most parents in your situation. No one wants their child to get into trouble with the law but the system is often set up so that theres little you can do until they go that route.

Has he tried any of the "boot camp" model programs.? I've heard some positive things about these programs with certain kids. What meds is he on.? Is there anything like Risperdal that can be given as a depot injection.? Obviously, injections are not ideal but since they are only given every two weeks, it would be 13 days less of fighting every two weeks. The one thing that you do have going for you I think is the fact that he is 14 and thats only two years away from driving permit in most states. Is there any chance that could be used to your advantage.? also (I'm sure this has been done but I thought I would ask) has he had the full battery of tests like the MMPI to exclude bipolar disorder as a contributing factor.?

I'm sorry I don't have many words of advice. Please hang in there...Health Question & Answer

Do they have programs where they show children the insides of a prison or a childrens homes or borstal or any of the other facilities where people who get themselves into real trouble go.? Do you have volunteer organisations for the homeless, womens refuge and other placeshe can visit to show him what life is like for a lot of people who get themselves into all sorts of predicaments.? It may be worth your while investigating these as something to visit so that he gets an idea as to where he could be going if he turns down the wrong track.Health Question & Answer

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