How do I cope with being very ugly?!

Question: How do I cope with being very ugly.?
I need some ideas on how to cheer myself. I'm very ugly. I didn't let let it bother me until recently the loneliness has gotten to me. What are some good suggestions to pass the time. I just want the time to go by faster. I just can't wait to live out my life! Please help! Need ideas!Health Question & Answer

First of all the problem here is that your reffering to yourself as "ugly" Who says your ugly.? People around you.? What makes them right.? Maybe your a nice looking guy the way I look at life is you can anything you want to be if you set your mind to it. I've never seen an ugly person in my life because the only ugly people are those who call others ugly, they need something to help build up their confidence and their so called "I'm superior to you" mentality so they simply resort to name calling.

Don't go outside your house as "ugly" tommorow, go out as that nice, good looking guy inside and out who isn't afraid to be himself. Go out tommorow with your head high, People love confidence and people can respect someone who not only has confidence but is a nice person. The one's who are"ugly" are those who degrade other human beings to make themselves feel better, I don't see a single thing attractive about someone who does that.Health Question & Answer

If you say you are very ugly, I'm willing to believe you.

There are a lot of ugly people who have found someone. True story: I used to hang out in a chat room, and two of the regulars there who lived across the country from each other decided to meet for a date. The girl had sent the guy this beautiful picture which was supposed to be her. He showed up, and it turned out she had a severe facial deformity, hunchback, and deafness. The picture was one she had downloaded of some model. He was furious, and told everyone in the chat room how mad he was to be tricked. But for some reason he didn't turn around and leave - I think maybe because his flight wasn't until after the weekend.

They got married. He decided after being with her for a short time that he understood why she was afraid to tell him the truth and forgave her for tricking him with the picture, and that he really loved her despite her looks.

If you aren't much to look at on the outside, you need to cultivate a beautiful inside. Try passing the time by helping people. There are many places to volunteer, and an infinite number of ways to be kind and nice. When people learn who you really are, they will want to be around you no matter what you look like.Health Question & Answer

beauty is just a perception. it is abstract. it varies. you are probably not ugly to me. i can see beauty in anything. because i actually LOOK for it. you probably only think you are ugly because you are a conformist, which is easy to fall into. but remember, the world is full of complete idiots. dont be one of them and get hung up on something like that. we dont need another superficial person roaming the earth with his physical appearance consuming the space of his mind. once you die, your looks will be the last thing anyone remembers.Health Question & Answer

"Beauty" is temporary, and over-rated. "Ugly" is subjective to small-minded people, irrelevant. You can be as "not-ugly" as you want to be. Just do it by having a "beautiful" mind. YOU, determine how you "look" when you project your intelligence. That is all I can offer you. Change your attitude.Health Question & Answer

Well, you might think you're ugly, but Im sure there's someone out there who finds you quite the opposite. Just continue being a kind, generous, and sweet human being. And for that you'll be rewarded. If you don't like the way you look, change it. Try getting a makeover, and properly caring for you body (like getting you teeth fixed or whatever is needed etc.) Get a nice new wardrobe or haircut to make people notice you. Im sure you're not as bad as you say... Good luck, and I'll be praying for you! <3Health Question & Answer

Love and appreciate yourself first. Do you love and accept yourself.? How can someone be truly confident if they don't love themselves.?Next know what you love. Some people love music, art, sports,etc. Don't compare yourself to others. Just be the best you. Maybe get into radio. Become a radio disc jockey. You can please people through the airwaves. But first love and appreciate yourself, then things will be easier from there.Health Question & Answer

it doesent matter what you look like. Be assertive, have things your way. Be confident, you dont need anyones approval. Love yourself the way you are. Try to be the best you can be, and never sell yourself short. If you can have that basic frame of mind you will see people flow towards you. Men will want to be like you and women will want to be with you.Health Question & Answer

Ur not ugly there guy u just need some self confidence. Start lifting some weights get in a routine and when u start seeing results u'll start feeling better about urself girls notice self confidence trust me its the little things that woman like. Upbeat funny and is confident in there abilities and there looks thats what they want. If u need anything else send me a line. L8RHealth Question & Answer

There is someone for everyone believe me besides beauty is only skin deep.It is what's on the inside that counts so hang in there and don't be so hard on your self.May I be your brides maid when you get married. HugsHealth Question & Answer

You are only ugly to yourself. Straighten up. Your only having ugly thoughts. One of these days you'll see what I'm saying.Health Question & Answer

Nobody is ugly ! Relax, and don't listen to those people who think they are better than you. They are probably just jeoulous.Health Question & Answer

Get a blind gf or one that is not shallow.Health Question & Answer

just have confidence in yourself :]Health Question & Answer

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