URGENT, Please help me: DEPRESSION?!?!

Question: URGENT, Please help me: DEPRESSION.?!.?
I've been feeling really worthless for the past couple months.
I feel worthless, along with all the stress of college.
I dred waking up in the morning, everytime I think about living like this forever I get butterflies and I feel like fainting
While I was on holiday all I did was stress about going home the whole time.
I don't care about anyone anymore.
I think about it and I realise that I don't care if I don't see anyone I know again.
I wouldn't give a crap if I just came down with a serious illness.
Latley I've just felt like I don't need college and I don't want college. I'm much smarter than both my parents.
I much happier alone.
I don't care about my family or college at all, and I have not even got one friend.
I feel tired all the time, even though I find it fine sleeping, I get 10 hours sleep a night.
I can never get comfortable, no matter how hard I try.
Things that I used to love doing, like watching movies and playing games, I just find stupid, pointless and annoying and I can never get into them.
I just feel like I have nothing and no one to live for and if I just had someone to talk to, someone who cares about me as much as I care about everything, I'd feel better.
I don't see the point in living anymore. The world isn't big enough, I feel trapped.
I don't see the point in my "future" because technically, none of us have a future, we all die in the end, so why take anything serious.?
I feel like I really want to ... die.
I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I couldn't care less if I spend life alone.
I feel like crap and I hate myself.
I feel like I'm the same as everybody else.
I feel like I'm never going to be happy.
I cry all the time.
I feel like the struggles are endless.
I've already wrote a suicide note.
I often feel like I will never be happy and I don't believe in myself.
I'm seriously depressed and I seem to do the same thing everyday of my life and I spend all day in my room as the time goes by so fast.
In my opinion theres no point in living, I wish I didn't feel like this but I can't help it.
I feel sluggish all the time.
I feel like I'm unwell when I'm not.
I can't be bothered to do anything because doing something little like even doing my make up, taking a shower or cooking seems like such a BIG thing to me where as a few months back they seemed like nothing.
I feel like I'm nothing and I feel like I'm not special.
I feel like if I die nobody will come to my funeral.

I have tried telling my parents millions of times. And because I seem normal, and I hide it well because I laugh and smile alot. They just don't seem to understand.

I'M CRYING OUT FOR HELP BUT NOBODY IS HELPING SO I'M SUFFERING IN SILENCE, I can't wait until its over, It hurts so bad, not physically but mentally..

I've already seen conselers and they don't seem to help me, should I just give up and kill myself.?!Health Question & Answer

Honey, no, don't kill yourself. Please don't. There ARE people out there that care about you and they don't want to see you do that to yourself. I am begging you - please don't. 10 years ago, my brother took his life. It hurt my whole family. I would do anything to go back to the night he died. Just 15 minutes. That's all I would need. Tell him I love him, tell him its going to be okay. Tell him that we can get through this - together. The pain was unbearable, and I know, without a doubt that there is someone in your life you cares about you. Please get help. Talk to someone - anyone you trust. Tell them how you are feeling. When I look back, my brother showed a lot of the signs of being suicidal, we just never imagined that he would do something like that. My brother meant the world to me and I miss him terribly.

So go - get help. I want you to. If I could have been there to help my brother, I would have. So if I help you, that means the world to me. Health Question & Answer

nooo! you r valuble, worthy, lovable...hang in there...call the hosp right now....or crisis line in your city...now you r not alone and you r depressed its ok it does get better...please call !Health Question & Answer

PLEASE CALL 911 ! YOU DESERVE TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

I've been through this not too long ago. If you want someone to talk to, e-mail me.Health Question & Answer

im 13 and some times i feel the same way i just relax and don't care anymore i used to get stressed a lot about how i looked my weight and my face i get pimples and i don't care anymore. when my parents threaten me i go up stairs and starve my self for 2 days then my parents get scared and then care for me. i fell like hanging my self sometimes and i thought about how it would feel to make them suffer but i thought and thought and a said to my self i don't have to end this way. some days u just have to not care and live ur life i find that talking to some one really helps if u need somebody to talk to im hear just edit ur question and ill give u my msn! i hoped i helpedHealth Question & Answer

well that sucks. but you know what you're right, and we all know that deep down. Suck it up and go kick some walls. Get a life. Find something enjoyable. Risk your life; got skydiving and make it look like a big accident that you died on the way down. Remember: IF No one knows its suicide, and they wont blame you <3

p.s. I know, someone out there, loves you, and, will kill themselves after you're gone. (you KNOW this is true)Health Question & Answer

no dont kill your self the counsilors neva work family neither usually i no what pain u mean i once felt it i nummed the pain and i have an anwser *** it clear your head think about what you want need and do it and 1 more thing i believe life is not to be wasted however bad because we no nothing of pane this may also help (.?filmid=114&id=762&wh=1000x720)" rel="nofollow">http://freedocumentaries.org/theatre.php... trust me this will give you purpose goodluck comrade Health Question & Answer

I have been there too. Keep trying! It can get better. For me the key was the correct medicine for depression and to finally sleep. That doctor also recommended a Christian counseler, which has helped me even more in the long run. I always thought of myself as religious and knew God loved me, and "all that stuff", but I've learned how things in my life have effected my perception. Especially of what I think love is and how it should 'feel'. I could go on and on about God and the Bible, because He has made a huge difference in my life, health, outlook, etc. However, if you are not ready for that or receptive to him, I can understand that too. This is my second episode (or battle) with depression, and the first time I did not ask God for his help. This time I got better, and faster, and it happened with His help, without the energy sapping struggle battle and fight of the first time!!

So much for not going on and on about Him!

Anyway, I think the big steps are important, but there are lots of little things you can do too. Sometimes if you just feel a little better, you'll be able to take the next step - or even have the energy to figure out what your body and mind need.

Drink more water, eat more fresh food, walk for 10 minutes, write in a journal, sit in the sun, listen to less depressing music - the Carribean sound perks me up, list what you'll do when you feel better, don't watch TV or only watch TVland or selective sitcoms.

I was also going to tell you that both times I have had depression nobody around me knew. The few people I told at work ( to explain my abscences) all said "But you seem so happy" or "Your always smiling". I never did explain it to them, but I think part of my stress was keeping up the "happy" front to them and to the public. It can be exhausting!!

Looking back at what I wrote, I think I made it sound like it is something you can fix, which would imply you are responsible. That is not true. Depression is an illness. It is caused by chemicals (neurotransmitters) being out of balance. It took a few tries to get a medicine that worked for me, and I am sure there is one for you. If your doctor or counselors don't figure it out, then find somebody who will. The above hints and thoughts have helped me get by until I got better.

Above all, do not kill yourself. That is a decision you can not change .
Health Question & Answer

PLEASE, do not do that. there are soo many people out for you. college is just the blooming of your adult life. your parents might just be in denial. really, throw the note away, you deserve life. try something new. talk to your most inspirational and closest college proffessor, they hav so much knowledge and wisdom they can give you. try a change of wardrobe, one on one time with mom, go to a college party, hang with your dorm bud, chit chat with her and become good friends, cleanse negativity out. take a long shower. just LIVE, dont let anyone stand in your way (including yourself) be free and open minded.Health Question & Answer

Heya... i can tell you that I've been where you are now and you're right. We'll all die in the end, there's no real point in it really if we think about it like that. But ... what i realised was exactly that. We'll all die anyway. No matter what. So why rush it.? You're just robbing yourself of experiencing life. Well that was my take on it anyway.

Back when everything was so damned shitty and the experiences I was having weren't very good, I came to the conclusion that even those are better then oblivion... because im going to see oblivion whether i like it or not.

Truth is a lot of intelligent people come around into this dark side of thinking... its unavoidable once you start putting things together. All I can tell you is that I got passed it just by realising that there's no point in rushing it. It's all the same in the end (or is it.? we don't know until we reach the end), so I might as well give it my best shot and improve that which I have complete control over. Me. I say experience what you can, good or bad. Actually the bad might look very bad right now, but in retrospect having experienced the bad will make you a hell of a lot stronger/better/experienced then someone whose never been there.

Moving away from the theolgical side of things... Don't go to see councilors. I think that everyone is capable of counciling themselves anyway if they're completely honest with themselves and have an open mind. It's scary though cause the foundations of your beliefs can get rocked, but that's what it takes. Don't waste your money on councilors (most of which have issues of their own).

10 hours of sleep a night.? Waay bad.. its nowhere near healthy, its way too much. 7 is ideal, 8 is max and 6 is minimum for a health lifestyle.

computer games and books n stuff... well those things just wear off if you're not active. the human body has been evolving for thousands of years and it reaches a certain age/time where if it's not getting the work it has been evolved for, you end up feeling like ****... in short, take up jogging or something more active. while you're jogging you might also want to exercise your mind on something new, like a new language, by listening to audio tapes. I promise that'll work wonders. A lot of our emotions/feelings are directly related to chemical balances in our bodies, and if our bodies are doing what they're sposed to... it'll feel great. if not, you'll feel useless and worthless. It's natural.

All the above is very well and good but doesn't help you out much immediately, so this is what I suggest you do. In the next two weeks, get up at dawn, have some fresh fruit every day or even just a drink of fresh orange juice, go for a jog (or walk) around your block and pick up a new hobby. Do this for two weeks and I guarentee you'll want to tear up that suicide note. Just like I did.

See you on the flip side.Health Question & Answer

you haven't found what you like YET and it's out there, oh you bet it is.

It strikes me you say and I quote.

"I much happier alone."
no you are not. because then you go on to comment,

"I feel like I'm nothing and I feel like I'm not special.
I feel like if I die nobody will come to my funeral."

Listen up, I want to tell you something,

there is SOMEONE or SOMETHING that will get to you, I mean really get your energy level piqued, your joy, your heart going, something that you will love, and that you probably don't have a clue EVEN existing.

It's your treasure, know it's there, let the idea get under your skin,
your treasure, your secret "key" is out there, waiting for you to find it..

It could be a person, it could be a hobby, it could be a direction, it could be a revelation.

It's there for you, waiting for you to find it at the most unthought of time, or the least contemplated place, just when you least expect it.

Be open to that.

Look how many people care even to read your story, look how many understand, you can't EVEN imagine how many read your story and said AMEN SISTER...

You can't know how many you helped.

You can't know whats in store for you if you get your direction orjust keep trudging along.

forget the counselors... BLECH.... ack... ick... choke, furball.

FIND YOUR ONE THING. that will be your treasure hunt, and its there, trust me, its there and you don't even know that yet.

You don't have to thank me, I already know this.

Stop crying wash your face and get out there treasure hunting,
hobby, job, person.... GO FIND IT... it's there.

I bet you will be like the next best_____________________.

Whats your hidden passion... music.? people.? writing.? poetry.?
man killer.? ;)

I bet you will... Go find it and get this off your mind for like a week. Just sweep the negative and go treasure hunting...

And only smile WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT, evil grin even would be cool while you are looking.

Then report back. I am TOTALLY serious.

Oh by the way give up if you want your TREASURE or happiness will still find you hiding alone in your room or under your covers hissing at us...

Cause its out there.. waiting for you..

Health Question & Answer

HELL NO! don't kill yourself, u only go around once. ya u just made me cry so now i can't let this go. don't do it! and even if u don't think so, your parents will die too. i don't know what to tell u that u can do but seriously don't kill yourself. try getting into a organized sport, like soccer or swimming maybe
here's my e-mail talk to me if you need to:
soccertrainy101@hotmail.comHealth Question & Answer

See a doctor. If it's clinical depression, it may be time for some medication. If you don't like the idea of medication (and i wouldn't blame you) see if there's any kind of semi-affordable therapy you could get involved in, look up cognitive or behavioral therapy. You sound as if you need professional help. If you want someone nonjudgemental to talk to, you can contact me, i think my profile has my email on it...
either way, you're not alone, even when it feels like you are. there is always somewhere for you to turn. try reaching out to other college students, even if it seems painful to start. building a support network of friends can make you feel a lot better and more in control of what's happening. plus, with all the changes in your life as you work through college, it's common for students to be depressed. really. you aren't as alone as you feel you are.
no matter what you do (besides killing yourself!) i hope you get feeling better.Health Question & Answer

I can't fully understand what you're going through (sorry!) A very very good friend of mine is going through exactly the same thing and it kills me inside to see them like that. I feel for you so much and wish there was something i could do to help you. I think this is something that only gets better with time and help, you say you've told your parents.?! Maybe show them what you wrote or write them a letter (not a suicide note) to tell them exactly what you're going through. There are books which can help you understand things clearer. Don't kill yourself, stay strong and belive you can beat it xHealth Question & Answer

If you are serious call the local suicide prevention line.
If not , you still could benefit from some counseling. Talk to the school counselor, or maybe your doctor, and see if they can get you someone good to talk to.
You are special and you are obviously smart and sensitive. Remember things change frequently as you get older, and things will change a surprising amount as you go through life.
GL.Health Question & Answer

Maybe you need a break from school and re-group. Some of your 'symptoms' made me think right away 'chemical imbalance;.see a physician and omit that possibility. You are reaching out, that is a positive. You want to be better (although I am sure there are times you don't give a sh*t. I've been there and it does/can get better. If counselors haven't helped, try again. KEEP trying till you get one that works. a lot are freakazoids but a few are committed and know you cant always goby what you read in a book. You can get very good counseling for free via your local mental health or family social services depts. If you can't seem to tell them in the right words, show your parents this post (yours). Give them a chance to get help for you. Hon, I am 60 yrs old and have had my share of wanting to give up and just not wanting to participate in life anymore but I did know to get help, just as you do. Good luck and let me know how it goes. Sunny circa_1948@hotmail.com Health Question & Answer

what ever you do.... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze dont kill yourself!!!! you gotta think about all your memories about your true friends... like back in 5th grade, like your 1st kiss, like all the poeple that love you ... and i swear to god someone loves you... think of all the good times.... if that fails, watch your fav. tv show in the whole world!! it works 4 me! hope you feel better soon! :)Health Question & Answer

In summation - you are depressed and lonely. Now, just because that was simple stated - it doesn't mean that it's easy. Someone could tell me, "Go lift that car". Simple, but not easy. It hurts and things seem endless and hopeless....... find something or someone that needs you. Be a hero to them. Find a person with a terminal disease and befriend them. See what it's like to daily face death and make the rest of their life better by your involvement. Sometimes when you forget about yourself in order to concentrate on another person - you find a reason for living and find that your life is as worthwhile or as worthless as you make it. Health Question & Answer

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