I'm 18 and feel like I'm wasting my life?!

Question: I'm 18 and feel like I'm wasting my life.?
I'm 18 and in college. Lately, I've been sort of depressed since I feel I'm not enyoing my life at this special age to the fullest. I want to do what other 18 year olds do... hang out with friends, date around, get a girlfriend, just be a teenager, that sort of stuff.. and not just school. It's OK that I think about my future, but everyday I tell myself "In 10 years you'll regret how you lived your teenage years..." and I hate that. I don't have many friends, and the ones I do hang out with I see everyday so it's not too common for us to hang out during the weekend. I'd like to just go out and enjoy life with different people, instead of feeling sorry for myself while I sit at home watching T.V. The truth is, I do feel very lonely too. I live with my dad and brother, and we don't really have a relationship... it's like we just live in the same place, that's all; I haven't had a girlfriend in over 2 years and have only had one in my entire life... I think it would be nice to just have someone who cares and just calls me for the sake of it, someone who will be with me when I'm alone because they want to, not because I ask them to, etc. I guess confidence is my issue when trying to meet people, I'm not a very talkative person and I worry too much about what people think. I know some of you will tell to get out there, not care about what others think, just meet people at they gym/class/anywhere... but it's really not that easy, that's just not who I am.

Does anybody feel the same or has felt the same (someone who isn't in their teens anymore... do you regret how you lived those years.? What would you have done different.?) and what can I do about this, I really want a change for the better.Health Question & Answer

I know exactly what you mean. When I was 18 in college I didn

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