Opinions about self injury...?!

Question: Opinions about self injury....?
I'm just curious...Health Question & Answer

Self injury in itself, is not life threatening if you're not suicidal. That's a misconception that many, many people believe. People who harm themselves do it as a temporary relief; they take emotional pain, and turn it physical. Most people who harm themselves for this reason do not typically show it off to people, because they usually feel afraid or ashamed. "Emos" usually do it for the attention.

Self-injury is considered an addiction, as is drugs, drinking, etc and can be as hard to break as those things. It's almost always caused because of depression or an inability to control emotions.

In my opinion, it's an unhealthy way to deal with sadness or anger. It only helps temporarily and it can be a hard habit to break.Health Question & Answer

Self injury is a very dangerous way that individuals bring their internal feelings outwards towards themselves. Sometimes it is also for attention purposes but that also is something that needs to be addressed. Many people go through difficulties in their lives and once those who self harm realize there own potential and work to accept themselves and work through their problems, less self harm occurs. I would suggest to anyone here who self harms to please seek help because there are TONS of people out there who want to help and who even themselves have gone through similar situations.

Self harm is not the answer. Finding yourself is.
JoeSSWHealth Question & Answer

It`s a way of showing internal turmoil by external actions and it is their way of coping, The physical pain they feel by self-injury relieves the built up painful emotions they feel inside, whether it is self-loathing, worthlessness or rejection. Can also be used as an attention seeking activity when minor injury is inflicted, such as deep scratches on arms or body with pop can flip-tops or plastic knives or forks. No true suicide is attempted just a way to say, pay attention to me, I`m somebody too.Health Question & Answer

It's a way to deal with things. I won't judge a person if they self harm, as long as they are not doing it because they want to die or just to get attention. I myself have done it, and I'm not sure if I'm done with it. I haven't done it in a few weeks, but when I do it, I concentrate on the physical pain more than the emotional pain... which can be a good thing. I'm not gonna say everybody should harm themselves when they are depressed, but there are worse things that people could do.Health Question & Answer

It's misunderstood, because for those who have never done it, it doesnt make any sense, hell sometimes it doesnt make sense to those who do it.
Self harm isnt ok,
nor is it healthy, rational or helpful in the long run.
But if it allows people to cope for the moment, so that they make it through to tomorrow then so be it.
Each person makes a decision to destroy their body by some means at some point, this happens to be mine and many others "bad decision".
It becomes a problem when its life threatening/destroying, or blatently attention seeking.
Yes, an odd opinion I know.Health Question & Answer

People self-harm for many different reasons. It is an unhealthy coping mechanism but it is a coping mechanism, nonetheless at that moment. At that time that is what that person needs and/or makes sense to them even if to no one else. I do hope that those who self harm get therapy and can realize that is not the answer and learn healthier ways to deal with things.Health Question & Answer

Here's my opinion on having an opinion on self-injury...DONT...only the ppl who are suffering from whatever causes them to do it, can have an opinion...Ive been a cutter...and im struggling with the temptation so badly today...but i haven't cut in over six months...I just want to say to all of those who do wanna have a big-headed opinion about it...keep your opinions to yourselves...Health Question & Answer

I understand it and can see where those ppl come from
but i know that it's a bad idea and a really really really bad thing to do
i think some people just do it for attention which is really stupid
other than those ppl i do understand itHealth Question & Answer

It is impossible to understand it.

I think people who are truly struggling with SI don't want to but have to, like a drug addiction. It sounds sick and wrong to do but it really did help me cope at times.Health Question & Answer

I don't really mind, seeing as I've done it before. It's less permanent than suicide and somewhat better than drugs and alcohol.Health Question & Answer

Shouldn't be done, and needs to be adressed and understood.Health Question & Answer

I don't understand it.Health Question & Answer

you mean like emos.? well if they got a reason to bo emo then i can care less... but if they think there just being mistreated like 99.9% of emos then i just make fun of them =DHealth Question & Answer

I don't know what's worse, doing it on a dare/bet, or doing it because your sad. But insurance fraud is a different story.Health Question & Answer

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