I'm Petrified To Go Back To School Monday!?!

Question: I'm Petrified To Go Back To School Monday!.?
Over the summer, my friend and her boyfriend Jon got very suspicious and secretive with each other. One day her boyfriend texted me, "Did you have an abortion with Mike (this popular jerk I NEVER talk to). I was like what.? No! My friend and her bf claimed that it was a random misunderstanding and her father told Jons father about it for some reason. Anyway, it was weird, but I thought ok, whatever, done with.

Two months later, yesterday, I was walking home from cross country and Mike and two of his friends see me, swing their car around, get out and start interrogating me. They were like "WTF is this rumor going around.? Whats happening.?" First time they've spoken to me in years, I'm not a nerd but I'm certainly not their type of girl. I was so afraid and felt so uncomfortable that I think I came across guilty and suspicious. We speaker phoned Jon who got VERY angry and kept denying it over and over, and my friend did the same.

Mikes friends were laughing and kept cutting in with quips making fun of me during this too. At the end they threw my phone back to me and just sped off, unresolved... and they're a rotton group of boys; they will tell all their catty girlfriends about this even though they know it's false and I'm pettrified to go to school Monday. I don't know if people will think I got an abortion or lied about having sex with Mike.

What should I do.?! I'm a Junior in high school so you would think this kind of random cattiness would be over!Health Question & Answer

I'm 40 years old with a grown daughter, just so you know.

If what your friends are saying about the source of the rumor is true, the friend's father deserves a spanking. There's some excuse for this sort of nonsense among teenagers but none among adults. Tell your own parents that another adult is spreading wicked rumors about you, and I bet you will see some results. If you were my daughter, I would have that man come over and apologize to you, if my husband didn't knock him senseless first. There's no such thing as "randomly" spreading a rumor like that about someone less than half his age. Adults are supposed to act adult.

My guess is your friends are lying and the father has nothing to do with anything. But when your parents contact their parents, their parents will find out about the rumors, and be able to punish them appropriately. Again, if they were my kids, they'd be grounded and lose their phone privileges for about a month.

Your "friend" is no longer your friend. She's an enemy and a bad one. Jon is also bad news. Stay away from them.

About rumor control: there's no such thing. The best thing you can do is tell the rumor yourself first, and not even that will help much. Your version is, "I can't believe my so-called friend would spread lies about me like that!"

Now, we're going to do something called "catastrophizing". That means to picture something as bad as it can possibly be. Let's assume the rotten boys tell their girls who tell the whole school who decide half that you had an abortion and half that you made up a story about having sex with Mike because you're such a loser you know he would never look at you. Imagine that.

So.? You are still alive. You are still the same person. And you can still go to class, do your work, and graduate with good grades.

Most of us went through hell in high school. High school IS hell. It's like putting ten cats in a sack and then turning the hose on them and letting them claw each other to pieces. It's full of evil people and you can't get away from them.

Real life is not like that. The reason no one acts like that in real life isn't that people grow out of it, but that in real life, if someone is mean to you, you say, "Bye!" and walk away and never mess with them again. You only have two more years. Stay strong and hold your head up. You will be okay.Health Question & Answer

it's highschooool gerl. it's not like any of this is gunna matter later. just go to school, you're gunna have to face it sooner or later. get rid of the stress now.. you're not the only person with problems with rumors and craaap, it happens to EVERYONE. but foreal, you're almost done with highschool, so just, let them talk their crap. Health Question & Answer

When someone asks you about it, say it's an untrue rumor and move on. Hold your head up, live a good life and ignore them. also, find new friends. You have nothing to be ashamed about--they are the idiots. Health Question & Answer

Your problem
Like most teenagers
Is that you don't realize
You have NO problems

People will talk
Deal with itHealth Question & Answer

yeah but unfortunately those boys are immature and immature people should be ignored. go to school and just laugh at the silly rumor, if you get defensive it will only get worse. just ignore all the remarks and concentrate on your real friends and your school work. may take a while but it will stop because if you ignore it people will get bored or another rumor will be circulated about another person (but don't start it yourself, you know how if feels like to have a rumor circulated about you.)

I have NEVER had a rumor circulated that lasted long because i knew almost everyone in the school and those who didn't know me had a friend who did. so if you get to know people in your school and have them know you that can help.Health Question & Answer

The most important thing you can do is act like its such a stupid rumor that it couldn't possibly have a basis in fact.
If you act scared and nervous they will pursue it, if you act dismissive, and say things like "Mike is just so not my type. He likes them stupid and I'm not", you let them know your think its ridiculous.
This kind of garbage is never over, it only starts in Jr. High.
I'm an old lady and I remember how someone would start the rumor about some girl being pregnant in June, and when she showed up for class in September they would say she had an abortion. So that garbage has been going on for a long time.
The truly depressing thing is that a lot of people never mentally get out of High School, and act the same all through life.
So, practice your acting, and hold your head up, if they smell fear they will never let you live it down.Health Question & Answer

You know what.? At the end of the day you're better than these losers. If I were you, I'd go to school with all the confidence in the world, and not give a crap what these losers think I did. You KNOW you have done nothing wrong in this, so why should you be afraid or feel guilty. They're pathetic, and you're better than them. Ok so a couple of stupid girls may not leave you alone for a while, but don't be afraid of them, that's what they want.

If your friend and her boyfriend claim that it was their father's fault, they should be doing something to stop it. If not, then drag them in with you lol. After all, it's their fault. You are not to blame in this. Why should you have to deal with this.

As for Mike, he doesn't even matter. Ignore him. If he talks to you, act like you've never seen or heard of him in your life.Health Question & Answer

I, too, am a junior in high school and I am absolutely disgusted by-as you call it-the 'cattiness' that continues. It's absurd. I'm going through a lot of drama myself. I'm sure you're a smart girl. Be brave. This is stupid and they're probably just trying to rile you up or get a reaction out of you. They might find this amusing. Don't let yourself be this game to them. I don't know what your friend's boyfriend has to do with all this, but if he's the instigator, he doesn't seem like a very trustworthy boyfriend. If the jerks confront you again, stand your ground, look them in the eye and tell them that you have no idea who thought it was funny to say that you've been sleeping with Mike, but assure them that if they know it's a lie, and if you know it's a lie, then obviously it's not true.

It shouldn't bother them so much if it really didn't matter.

I notice that you don't ever say "best" friend...whoever this girl is, I hope she isn't trying to ruin your reputation!

I know this might not solve everything, but just ignore and avoid them. If people bring it up, assure them of your innocence. If this continues, maybe you'll have to bring it up with your counselor. I don't know about you, but at my high school, the counselors really don't do much. (I've heard that counselors are supposed to be supportive...hopefully, yours are).

Oh, and whatever you do, do NOT overreact. Do NOT blow this out of proportion.

Best of luck with all this drama! You've probably never done anything to deserve this. Gosh, those imbeciles...

Health Question & Answer

if u didn't do , you shouldn't care what everyone says. also if these rumor spread in the school you might have to talk to ur principal and if he/she doesn't do anything about it u can sue the school or department of education. when i was in high school one of my friend started a rumor that i was gay and suddenly everyone in the school started to call me gay and i the boy's locker room all the boys were always covering and saying i know u want my ***.( i was so mad). i talk to the principal and he say that he would fix it(which he never did) then my mom wanted to sue the school but i didn't want to so i just change the school and sue my friend and every time he said something about me he would have to pay me 100. then after a couple of week no one remember it. so u should tell someone in school and home also STAY AWAy from ur friends. they are bad people. u can sue them and mike for spreading false rumors. i'm sure that in a few weeks no one will remember. IGNORE all the comments that u will hear at school and get even. the best way to get even is to show them that it don't affect u at all.Health Question & Answer

First of Charlee is a dick shut up man. Well first of im a junior in high school to and im a guy. But rumors happen all the time. Plenty have happened to me. They are mostly the same thing as yours people insist i have sex with other girls. WHat you should do is just say its a rumor. They have no proof. Don't let it bother you. You could even turn it against him. But above all don't be scared. It's high school, in a couple of years Mike will be taking your order at Burger King. What i've come to realize is that it doesnt matter in a couple years anyway youll never see half these people. Just ignore him. If he says anything just ignore him or say "hey that was as good as you in bed." being sarcastic. Anyway i hope this helps a little good luck. Health Question & Answer

you know what, high school ended for me about three years ago, and you know what people like them are doing.? working on farms shoveling shat, working at Mc'y D's, or living in drunken daddy's basement making "beats" Seriously. Those kids who thought they were so fukc'n cool are lossers. And when they see me now, its like highschool never happend. "Oh my god! I havn't seen you in forever!!How are you.?.?" "betch, I didn't like you then I don't like you now." People who carry their head that high are really just hiding bigger issues.Health Question & Answer

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