Why am I like this? Seriously. Someone please help me.?!

Question: Why am I like this.? Seriously. Someone please help me..?
Why am I like this.? Seriously. Someone please help me..?
Okay so where do I start.
--I'm not happy very much exept when I'm alone or people are making me laugh
--I'm jealous of everyone around me and it makes me hate them
--I'm being really mean to the people I love most who don't deserve me
--I've had low self esteem for a long time but it's worse lately
--I can't think of one good thing about myself
--I'm REALLY sensitive and every negative comment towards me makes me want to cry or get violent
--I'm more violent lately, throwing things, hitting things, wanting to hit people etc
--I hate the way I look all the time and I hate almost everything about my personality
--I push people away because I'm scared they won't like me
--I pick arguements with people all the time
--I don't seem to see the good in people
--I'm always bored or just don't feel like doing anything

I am always imaging stories in my head of me being someone else and the wonderful life I could have. It's like a fantasy world. Is this my escape from reality.?

The list goes on and on. I'm basically not a very happy or nice person most of the time. I'm not suicidal and I never have been. I don't really think I'm depressed but I don't know.
Does any of this sound familar to you.?
Please answer no matter how harsh or whatever. I want as many opinions as I can because this is getting serious for me. Thank you.

Health Question & Answer

I once had a best friend who I thought was perfect. Then he shot himself in the head.

Comparing yourself to the people around you is natural. But you gotta realize that the grass can be much, much greener on the other side than it really is. If there's one thing that's constant in human behavior, it's that we manipulate others. This isn't a bad thing, because much of our manipulation is to avoid hurting or offending other people, but sometimes we're so good at it that we give off a false image of who we actually are.

I'd recommend exercising. Go to the gym and push yourself. I mean, really, really push yourself to the edge. Do this often. Our bodies weren't meant to sit inside behind the computer all day. It's in our nature to be challenged and to experience conflict. I used to have terrible mood swings until I started working out, and now that's gone away.

If you're doing drugs, try stopping for a little while. That includes cigarettes and booze.

It also helps to do something that you believe is lasting. I don't know how old you are, but if you're old enough to volunteer, try it out. You'd be surprised how satisfying it can be to help people.

You may also have Aspberger's syndrome or shadows of it. Aspberger's is a condition where people don't understand social subtleties that most "normal" people take for granted. Aspies have to be taught social behaviors and body language. You'll need a doctor to tell you if you really have it.

My advice.? Go out and do something. It sounds like you're really hung up on yourself and your "pain." Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you have a depression but try and suppres sadness by displaying anger.
You could also have a borderline personality or bipolar.Health Question & Answer

go see a psychiatrist.

this sounds like depression/anxiety disorder...

its exactly what i have,

good luckHealth Question & Answer

u might have depression or something i would suggest going to a doctor and talking to them about this, good luck hope ur ok, deression isnt easy Health Question & Answer

I'm kind of like that.

Life sucks yeah.?Health Question & Answer

There are two things that come to mind...depression and some traits of borderline personality disorder.

One of the hallmarks of borderline is a frantic effort to avoid real or imagined abandonment and I don't see that in you, but I do see some of the other traits....the others are:
* unstable and intense interpersonal relationships alternating between idealization and devaluation (maybe)
* unstable self image or sense of self (yes)
* impulsivity on at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging like spending, fast driving, substance abuse, etc. (no)
* recurrent suicidal behavior or self-mutilation (no)
* marked reactivity of mood -- intense episodes of irritability, anxiety usually lasting a few hours to a few days. (maybe)
* chronic feelings of emptiness (yes)
* inappropriate intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (yes)
* transient stress related paranoia or severe dissociative symptoms (no)

The thing is many of these traits can be part of depression, so it is hard to say what it is. I am not a doctor or therapist. I think you should talk to your folks and ask them to take you to your family doctor and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist or therapist for an evaluation. If you are not comfortable talking to your folks, what about the guidance counselor at school.? Perhaps s/he could help you talk to your folks and then you could get the help you may need. Best of luck to you.Health Question & Answer

i feel the same way. excact acually this is proberly destany, but im really upset and i dont really care right now. today i hit my friend and she only comferted me- i dont deserve someone like her. i strive for attention which turns into negative attention and i hate it because no one wants to be around around me anymore. they think something is wrong, and their right. Health Question & Answer

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