For those who are happy/content with the Antidepressant your on?!

Question: For those who are happy/content with the Antidepressant your on.?
How has the antidepressant caused you to change for the better.? And what way can you compare your mood you have now to the one you had before while being depressed. Whats the biggest difference.?

Health Question & Answer

I am on Effexor and Lamictal for Depression.

Before I was on them:
I was incredibly angry at everyone and everything, including myself. I cried all day. Smiling and even talking felt like a tremendous effort--and a pointless one, too. I didn't see the point in doing anything. I thought I would be better off gone. I abused alcohol to try to make myself feel better. I couldn't get out of my head. Everything felt hopeless and pointless and dark.

Life is normal. I'm a normal person: I get up, I go to class, I do my work, I hang out with friends. I laugh--usually easily and often. I have my funks, but they come when there's a reason to feel bad (like a bad breakup or a fight with my parents.) They're not totally irrational like before. I feel at peace with myself.

Biggest difference: I am ME again--the person I always knew I was deep down; the person I was when I was younger, before I was depressed; the person I have always wanted to be.Health Question & Answer

So i'm on two meds, an antidepressant and long-term birth control. both help to regulate my hormones and keep me stable.

For me, finding the right dosage was key. I didn't really notice a difference from the antidepressant until they doubled my dose.

Because my depression is hormonal and chronic, it took me a long time to see the difference it made. I'd been very depressed for a very long time, so when I started to feel different I didn't even recognize what I was feeling. Now I can tell the difference. When I do go off my meds, after a few days I start feeling very depressed; my thoughts race and wander, I stop sleeping as much, I have random impulses to hurt myself, etc. The meds don't make me a different person, or give me fake optimism - I just feel better able to handle things. Health Question & Answer

I'm on Luvox, Synthroid, and Tegretol. The Luvox is the antidepressant, Synthroid is for hypothyroidism (which can mimic depression symptoms) and the Tegretol is used as a mood stabilizer. I have a form of depression that's tough to treat, so that's why I'm on two medicines for mood, plus the medication for my thyroid

While I think the combination works really well for me, I know the Luvox is really helping me, because I had to go without it a couple days when my prescription ran out and my mood started to drop. I am very happy with the results I've gotten from it. I just started on it in July and have noticed a huge difference in the way I feel. I had a low grade depression for a long time (dysthymia) but in July went into a major depression. Prior to the major depression, I was able to function, felt okay sometimes, but just didn't feel normal or happy, even though I was on medication (different than what I'm taking now). When I went into the major depression, my doctor tried the Luvox and it was like magic for me.

Since being on the medication, I've realized how unhappy I was before. The biggest thing was the fact that I was cutting and had suicidal thoughts, though I didn't try to kill myself. I was sarcastic and irritable a lot of the time. I had no energy and didn't want to do much, even though I still worked and went to school. I didn't smile or laugh or talk very much. I didn't want to socialize with anybody. I just wanted to sleep all the time.

Now I feel happy the majority of the time and don't get angry or irritable nearly as easily as before. I don't cut anymore and don't feel the desire for it at all. The suicidal thoughts are gone. I'm more sociable, I talk more, smile more, laugh more. I'm not sarcastic to people. I have more energy and more motivation to go out and do things. My work and school performance has improved. People have commented on how I've changed and seem so much happier now. And I really am happy. My life isn't perfect, but I feel so much better now than I used to.

Not everybody is going to have the same effect that I get from the medicine I'm now. Each person's brain chemistry is different, so different people are going to react differently to different medicines. My doctor said we just found one that clicks with my brain chemistry. Prior to this medicine, I had tried several other antidepressants with minimal results.

Hope this answers your question!Health Question & Answer

I used to be on lustral. It worked well, but while my lows weren't as low my highs were limited. I decided that if I couldn't be fully happy I'd rather not take them. I was lucky that I had/have very supportive friends who pick me up when I'm down and are very understanding and supportiveHealth Question & Answer

I take Venlafaxine and basically it has returned me to who I always was. I am back to being ME without the depression.
The biggest difference is that I now have hope, hope for the future. There is now a point to living. Things are exciting and inspiring again. I can now exist like a normal person. Health Question & Answer

More sensible and level headed.Which is what helps me.
Antidepressants do not take away bad moods,in my view, they just help control them.Health Question & Answer

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