Bipolar? OCD? I am just really confused, is there something wrong with me?!

Question: Bipolar.? OCD.? I am just really confused, is there something wrong with me.?
Okay so today beginning of school I was kinda sad, then something good happened and I was extremely happy, then I went to dance class and was soooo excited and then like 2 minutes later I was soooo depressed cause of my spot I could barely control my tears till i got out of class and was in my car and then I just completely broke down.

That happens to me a lot, and if I can't calm down and I'm really sad or angry I feel better if I do things like hit my thighs (i don't bruise easily there anyway) or dig my nails into my arms and pinch my thighs etc. I don't know why but I feel sooo much better when I do that. It's the only way I could compose myself today. I know I'm such a whiner :P

Anyway I don't know if I have minor OCD as well: I don't like my door to be half open it must be completely open or completely shut, I have to push my mattress into my bed before I get in, and if I feel it has moved I have to get up and push it back in again so its completely against the backboard. I don't like it when things are hanging off my desk or not properly aligned...I like to touch things an even number of times...etc random things like that. I have no clue if I'm just being overly dramatic or what...

please help!.? I feel like I'm crazy!Health Question & Answer

it sounds like you are suffering from a mood disorder which could potentially be Bipolar Disorder. also, you might have Borderline Personality Disorder (self-harm tendencies), and also OCD with your door. In regards to your calculator panic, it might be an indicator of Panik disorder.
Remember, Mental Health is a spectrum science, not a box thinking science. Some traits might be more prevalent than others. If you fell that all these issues impact your life negatively (like you cannot take care of yourself, or you neglect things in your life), then you should see professional help, if it may be a shrink or a psychologist.
Crazy is just a word, there is no such thing as normal. We all got quirks, it just depends on how much these quirks impact our daily lives and more importantly the QUALITY of our lives. Health Question & Answer

As for OCD.. I couldn't tell you if you have it but you most likely do if the things you are doing consume time and feel like it's taking over. As for bipolar, it could possibly be just mood swings. Anyone can have them on a bad day. It doesn't necessarily mean your bipolar. But if you really feel like you are then go see a psychologist or psychiatrist. It does sound like you have anxiety though.Health Question & Answer

It could be OCD, go to your doctor and he will advise you what to do, and will reccommend a therapist if needed. You really can't help it if it is OCD, because it is a brain issue-like your brain is misfiring and these thoughts get stuck. You sound like you have a very mild issue-but don't let it just go on-OCD left untreated can get really bad. But if treated in the mild form with Cognitive Behavioral therapy and sometimes, but not always meds, some have 75-80% in remission. OCD doesn't have a cure-but people with great careers have it, for example; doctors and executives, those who need attention to detail. My daughter has it and is getting better-and you can too. Good luck and God bless.Health Question & Answer

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