Loosing weight and slitting?!

Question: Loosing weight and slitting.?

Okay lately i have been told so much about how thin i am.
but i dont feel that way, i feel fat and like i need to loose lots.
im 5'8" and 116lbs.. i deep down know im thin but my head just cant stop telling me im fat. i avoid eating and i try to exercise as much as possible. people are starting to say im anorexic.. its a worry i dont know what to do!.?

And also because of this eating problem and some other school and life issues i've started wanting to slit. i dont think im 'depressed' just normal with my emotions but whenever i do slip below the happy line i feel like i want to pre-occupy myself with slitting. i havent ever done it but i am really taking it into consideration..

What should i do.?
Health Question & Answer

This is a normal thing to go through, so just keep telling yourself that you're not alone.

Try making a list of all the good things around you. Family and friends who love you, things you like to do, music you love, whatever you think is good.
Take some time for yourself! Take some time to do nothing but lie on the grass in the sun and daydream.

Don't be afraid to be honest with your thoughts. It's good that you know that you're actually very thin, you should probably just work on the "I'm fat" reflex.
Look at the people around you, see their beauty no matter what their size. What drew you to them, little things about them that make them who they are.

Just keep telling yourself things will get better.
If you start to feel overwhelmed, though, don't be afraid to talk to your parents about seeing a counsellor.

Good luck, hon!

Edit/add: also, my opinion on the weight issue is that you're much too thin! That's *extremely* light, especially for someone who's as tall as you.
But I'm 5'5" and 140 lbs. I don't think I could be happier with my body, though many teen magazines would scoff at me. I didn't used to be happy with my appearance, though. I started to look at myself with eyes of a stranger and came to accept and love the way I looked.
Try looking at yourself with 'fresh' eyes, if you will. As if you're looking at someone you accidentally bumped into in the hallway or something.Health Question & Answer


honestly i think you should talk to someone, anyone
a help line, family member, councillor, friend

it sounds like you may be at the beginning of an eating disorder,
and it would be much better to do something about it before the problem develops.
please talk to someone!!Health Question & Answer

these people like you on here are making me want to cry. i feel sooo bad for you. yes that is really skinny, i am 125 and 4"10 and im a bit chubby so yes thats way skinny. you should get a puppy to preoccupy your time. dont slit, its just one more thing that will be a problem l8r. please get better. there are more important things! love. peace. understanding. thats all that matters. =[Health Question & Answer

Well you should go to your doctor, they can help more than any one here could. You can get meds to make you feel better. You need help from a professional, not us. Take care of your self, for your family and friends. Health Question & Answer

Eat AND exercise. Then you will be healthy... and your health is more important than your looks - although being healthy also makes you look good. Health Question & Answer

Hi there babe .....
im 24 Yo ... and when i was a teenager i went through a rough time.. and i couldn't forgive myself .... and as the result... i went thru a suicide period. But then i thought about my parents... i love them dearly, and they tried their very best to raise me up.... i couldn't imagine how they must feel if i did it. In the end, i couldn't do it because of them, and also, Who am i to end my own life .... .? I don't think i have that authority.

Years gone by ... and now im happily married with a wonderful man, who opens up my eyes, and tell me that im beautiful, that its okay that we make mistakes, everything in life will be okay.... let me tell you...
As you get older, life gets easier, and things work out, dunno how... they just do.

As for your image issue, as you said, deep down you know that you are thin, you know what, the world doesn't revolve around you, open up your eyes and look around, you are truly blessed. half of the world are totally starved, just because they can't afford food. Ppl are dying coz of malnutrition.

As you get older... you learn to embrace, and love your own body. And to start a happy life... you have to love yourself... accept your body the way it is ...

Best wishes.Health Question & Answer

Race doesn't factor into this, don't listen to ignorance. One of my best friends is "black" and suffers much of the same grief. I myself am "white" and although I don't have the eating disorder, I have carved huge scars into my body. I used to be embarrassed when people asked, "What happened to you.?". Now I just tell the truth. Knowledge is power. When you are depressed your body craves endorphins. Pain weather self induced or accidental releases those endorphins. They are not as strong but similar to heroine. And also for some, the sight of blood is reassurance that you are alive. I am 39 years old and have been hospitalized 3 times. (self-admitted)
Mental wards aren't like you see in the movies...Actually I found them to be somewhat of a vacation. THey make sure you are getting enough sleep, food, recreation and help from psyche doctors. NO pressuree, just awareness training and possibly some meds. Don't beembarrassedd about taking meds. If you had a heart problem, you would take meds, right.? So what's the difference with your brain.? It's just another organ. It's not you. Your soul will stay intact. Andno onee needs to know. I like to share my story in hopes it will helpat leastt one other person. In myrehabb I hope to get my degree and help others like myself. You would be shocked to see my scars. If your life doesn't allowin-houseehospitalizationn, at least seek counseling. I'll bet they suggest admitting yourself. 3-5 days is usually the max and then it continus on a out patient basis. Regardless of your choice, you need professional help and a good support group. Feel free to contact me anytime. (kristinmay@yahoo.com) E-mail me and I will give you my home number. You are not alone!!!!!Health Question & Answer

Hi Fallen Angel,

It is really good that you are reaching out for help in your situation, but I really suggest you push it up a notch. Finding solutions online is great, but it sounds like a therapist or counselor would be really good for you to talk to also.

Being a girl, I know how you feel there is pressure everywhere to be and look a certain way. The magazines show us skeleton thin women as the goal or model...wait they even call them models. Who's sick joke was that. Movie stars are on the cover of every magazine, on the TV, in movies really there's no escaping the obsession with thin.

So the issue comes down to shifting your perspective. I know you know intuitively that these images and models are unhealthy, but your focus is on these ideals because i think you believe this is what makes a person worthwhile because that is what we are told. We know that beauty is on the inside, but with all of these outside images, it's hard to really KNOW that.

My suggestion, even though it is difficult, is to try to change your view. If you read women's magazines, watch a lot of TV or movies, set a personal goal to shift your focus to other things. It is important to remove these influences from your life.

Stop buying magazines, they are like junk food. Buy magazines on your favorite hobbies, watch shows about travel or music. Start looking at yourself and all your many talents. Make a list of all the things that you like and are good at. Think about getting involved in helping others. Gandhi said, "the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." You might enjoy working at a soup kitchen, volunteering at an after school program for children (lots of fun!), or helping out at a group home. Ask your parents or teachers about some volunteer options. This will take some of the pressure off you and start giving your life more meaning in ways that are deeper.

I understand the kind of pain you are going through, I went through the same thing with my best friend. It is really a matter of shifting what you believe makes you lovable and worthy. You have so much to offer. Dig through your talents and hobbies and start sharing them with people who need your help.

Good luck, Angel!Health Question & Answer

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