Why they sleep around with different women when all have the same thing?!

Question: Why they sleep around with different women when all have the same thing.?
why men don't understand that all juices are pretty much the same stinky bacteriaHealth Question & Answer

Some of them think it isn't their size that's at fault. They believe all the girls, that they've had were worn out and somewhere out there they'll find a tight one. Self delusion is a powerful driving force. LOLHealth Question & Answer

Well, as a man who doesn't sleep around it would seem that I wouldn't have an answer to your question, but I do.

You see, humans are animals (after all, we aren't plants or minerals), and animals have an innate desire to reproduce. In the world of lower animals the males "need" to spread his genes to as many females as necessary. It has nothing to do with respect or anything else.

In law, it is illegal to "sleep around" if it is done in a marriage. But only in law. In reality men have that biological need, and if they are weak they will succumb to that biological need.

Many men, however, are not apt to do that because of respect for their women. In fact, most failures of marriage are due to money, not infidelity.

Don't be disilllusioned by your man 'sleeping around'; it is natural for him to want to do so, and is not a failure on your part. Not all men are like that.

LOL...stinky bacteria. Here's another: Women need a reason to make love...men just need a place.Health Question & Answer

My first thought would be to ask how you would know all juices taste the same...!!!

My second thought is that you are wrong...entirely wrong...!

What you have in your diet will actually make differences in taste.

Things "NOT" to eat prior to oral sex...onions, garlic, fish, fatty foods, dairy products.

As for why guys sleep around, it's obvious that if the one he loves does not fulfil his fantasies then he will look elsewhere !Health Question & Answer

men... what pigs!!! You gotta look hard to find a good one. My boyfriend is too scared of STD and AIDS for him to sleep around. Health Question & Answer

Because they don't respect them self or any body else.Health Question & Answer

Hmm. Good question.

But I bet it's more about quantity that anything else.Health Question & Answer

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