Do you feel there's a valid reason to commit suicide?!

Question: Do you feel there's a valid reason to commit suicide.?
Please don't answer if you are not going to explain your reasoning. I've been on both sides of suicide. I had a friend who had recently committed suicide and I had been hospitalized for a couple failed attempts. I never asked for help, I just felt I didn't want this life anymore (failed treaments to stop nerve damage from past surgery).

I'm assuming that most people would say there's never a valid reason, but I wanted to hear what you have to say.

As for my opinion, it depends. I don't feel I could tell someone that they are wrong for wanting to commit suicide. Yes, I feel there are vaild reasons, but it has to be looked at from a person's mental state and physical issues they are experiencing (like severe unrelenting pain that can't be treated). Guilt has been the only thing that stops me from completing my wish to end the suffering. This is really a difficult one to say what is right and what is wrong. I believe there is a time that we need to let a person go and end the suffering. What are your thoughts.?Health Question & Answer

First, I've experienced long periods of intense pain several times since I've been 20 y/o; I'm 65 y/o now. Since Oct. of 1999 I've been in constant pain and severe disability. The main problem is with my low back and left shoulder. I can only lift 8 ounces (that's right, 8 ounces) and I can only walk about 2 blocks if I walk slowly. Even though I can lift 8 ounces, I can only carry 4 ounces and that only for a short distance.

I had back surgery in Jan of 2000 to correct my back condition but the surgery made the problem worse. Then I had physical therapy off and on for 3 years and that made my condition worse. In June of 2001, my x-wife of 17 and 1/2 years came to see that I was not going to get better so she divorced me and I now live alone.

I have to pay to have everything done and food delivered to my house and put away for me. My main diet is TV dinners, peanut butter sandwiches and apples. I'm on 2 antidepressants that help but I still have significant symptoms of depression. I'm crippled up enough and old enough that no woman that I would care about would want me so it's celibacy for the rest of my life.

I don't say these things to complain but to let you know that I know what it's like to be in constant pain and that I'm sorry that you or anyone has to experience that. I also want to let you know that your question is something that has been a serious question for me.

I had had thoughts of suicide before but from when my x-wife left me in June of 2001 and for the next 2 years I wanted to be dead every minute of every day. For the first 1 and 1/2 years of that 2 year period I had strong urges to kill myself at least 8 to 10 times a day, every day.

Yes, the desire is to end the pain and suffering; but will suicide do that.? Are you sure.? How can you be sure.? Are you willing to take the chance that by killing yourself you will might go to Hell and have 1000 times the pain and suffering constantly and forever.?

I am a Christian but I lived, studied, and practiced Jhana Yoga in an ashram for 2 years when I was in my 20's. I got so that I experienced the Presence of God every waking moment and experienced union with God 5 times. I know that God exists, without a doubt. At the same time I studied the Bible and literally lived the way Jesus said to live. I experienced that if you do that you will experience what Jesus said you will experience and learned that what The Bible says is true.

I also listened to thousands of sermons by Protestant Ministers and Catholic Priests and found that what they say often does not agree with the Bible so that you can't trust what any minister or priest says is true, just because they are a minister or priest.

If a minister or priest says that you will surely "not" go to Hell, they don't know that they are just saying that to comfort people.

I know that God loves me and that there is a Heaven and a Hell. What I don't know is that if I kill myself, will I for certain go to Heaven and not to Hell.? I don't think that anyone can answer that question for you, except God Himself. I personally am not will to take such a huge risk.

I do know that as long as I am alive that there is hope I may get better. I also know that whatever the pain and suffering I have to experience on earth, that if I try to live as Jesus said to life and confess to myself and God when I don't do that and never give up trying; That at some time, that this body will die and my true self will go to Heaven and never have any pain or suffering again. In fact, that I will experience, peace, joy, and bliss for all of Eternity.

God bless you my friend. It's very difficult but if you ask, God will help you every day. I have found some meaning in my life by trying to help others when I can, despite the pain. Sometimes there are chronic pain groups that can be helpful and you can e-mail me any time.Health Question & Answer

Annoying me is a pretty good reasonHealth Question & Answer

No, you will go to hell.Health Question & Answer

yes if no one want s you then I think i would dyeHealth Question & Answer

my answer is NO.
im 24 Yo ... and when i was a teenager i went through a rough time.. and i couldn't forgive myself .... and as the result... i went thru a suicide period. But then i thought about my parents... i love them dearly, and they tried their very best to raise me up.... i couldn't imagine how they must feel if i did it. In the end, i couldn't do it because of them, and also, Who am i to end my own life .... .? I don't think i have that authority.

Years gone by ... and now im happily married with a wonderful man, who opens up my eyes, and showed me that life is beautiful, that i'm beautiful. that its okay that we make mistakes, everything in life will be okay.... let me tell you...

As you get older, life gets easier, and things work out, dunno how... they just do.

To end life is easy, to live one is harder. And i feel sorry for ppl who commit suicide, because good things could have happened to them, but they are too young.... too impatience.

Health Question & Answer

I completely feel that it is a personal issue. If someone suffers from a chronic condition, mental or physical, that so impairs their quality of life that they do not want to suffer any more, I think they should have the right to end it with dignity. I mean, it's their life. We all die eventually. Would I necessarily agree with their decision.? No. What if an effective treatment is right around the corner.? What if a person who will so enhance your life, as to balance out the pain is waiting to meet you next month.? But it isn't my decision to agree or disagree with. I do not believe in such cases that suicide is morally wrong.Health Question & Answer

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