Have you ever come off of antipsychotics? Did you relapse? Were there any withdrawal effects - if so, what...?!

Question: Have you ever come off of antipsychotics.? Did you relapse.? Were there any withdrawal effects - if so, what....?
were they.?Health Question & Answer

Yes I have. I was on zyprexa. And your right it made me feel dead. I had a head ache for a few days, but it was mild. I switched to a natural mood stabilizer lecithin and have not had bad mood swings, I did switch antidepressants though, I have since switch 3 times, but they never worked with the Zyprexa anyway. Health Question & Answer

If you were feeling "dead", you were on the wrong med. Don't give up. It's a game of trial and error. Trust me, if you need an anti-psychotic, you need to find one that works for you. My husband tried several before he found one that worked for him. In the mean time, he was delusional and was arrested a couple times for his irrational behavior. Now he is on Seroquel and is doing wonderfully. You're right... It is none of my business, but you asked the question! To answer you other questions, yes there is always a relapse...This is medication you need. And the withdraw effects vary from drug to drug, but if you stop taking them suddenly you can experience anything from headaches, to flu-like symptoms and, of course, psychosis. Believe me, it is better to be on a med than experiencing paranoia, standing on the street corner shouting the end is near, or scaring the sh*t out of other people. My husband and I are both on those sort of meds and I'm sure, given our past histories, he would be in jail or dead and I would definitely be dead. The biggest problem is that because of your psychosis, you may be under the impression that you don't need meds, irrational people find it hard to be rational. Please get back on some medication!Health Question & Answer

Euch. I came off Seroquel and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I became horribly depressed and started hallucinating and became delusional/paranoid. I wouldn't eat or drink anything because I thought my food was poisoned, I thought people were out to get me and in my house and I refused to sleep. I had to go to the hospital to get IV fluids because I was so dehydrated. I have Bipolar and relapsed into a psychotic depressive state. Needless to say, I'm back on Seroquel with the addition of Geodon and Abilify.

I really don't find I'm "dead" on my medications, in fact I'm much better mood wise and can maintain a somewhat "normal" appearance and life. I admit, I do have depression but I don't have severe depression. My antipsychotics are definately worth staying on (along with my other meds).Health Question & Answer

You should never just stop taking any medication like anti psychotics. It should be a gradual process. My husband was on anti psychotics for a while and he came off them with little ill effect and certainly no relapse. He complained of a feeling akin to electric shocks in his head which is common when coming off most anti depressant type drugs. If you are concerned about slipping back into psychosis, consult your psychiatrist who will prescribe some anti depressants or something similarHealth Question & Answer

My ex was on Ryhspiridone (not sure thats how you spell it). He was told to stay on it for 6 months after he was discharged from a mental health institute. He didn't. He stayed on for ooh less then two months. He quickly reverted back to how he was before, except well not as bad in some aspects, but worse in others.
He had drug induced pyscosis, and before he went into hostpial was completely not with it. I can't go into details, but he (not to sound rude or offensive) was not on this planet.
When he stopped taking the pills he started smoking again, got aggresive, violent (towards me), very abusive, thought the world was out to gt him.
My advice is stay on them. If you are having really bad troubles speak to your doctor. My ex changed his prescription to another drug (when he was stil ltaking them) as he had a lot of bad side affects, didn't feel liek himself, dead on the inside, spasms in his legs etc. Health Question & Answer

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