Couple Q's about child psychiatry wards? ?!

Question: Couple Q's about child psychiatry wards.? .?
Let's just say my cousin..we'll name her Julie.
Julie has a lot of medical conditions and they are ruining her life. To the point where she feels like it isn't worth living. Julie's parents are very concerned & are calling Children's Hospital tomorrow to see if they can get her into the inpatient psychiatry ward.
Julie has tons of questions, because she hears that they are very strict. Here are the questions:

-Will she get her medicines when she is in her bad pain.?
-There are school tutors that come everyday, Julie has a hard time concentrating because of her pain, will they let her take breaks.?
-Will the be nice.?
-If it would be awesome if you wrote your experiences on a psych ward, if you have ever been or visited one. (a child one would help the most, but if it was an adult one thats fine too!)
-any other tips would be great!

Julie is very nervous, Please answer seriously!!

Thank you.
PS-YES, Julie is me....unfortunately
Health Question & Answer

I'm not proud of the fact that I have been in a couple psychiatric wards in a major city. This question might be difficult to get the answer you are looking for because this is regarding a child. If this was an adult, I could tell you my experiences with voluntary and involuntary admissions. I don't know how this would be handled because of the age issue. My first advice would be to find a child psychiatrist to help you with the process and/or answer your questions. I certain that this would be handled differently. Psych wards are as good as the staff that is there at the time. I entered with the help of my long time psychiatrist and still I had to enter through the ER. It took 10 hours to get a bed and than the series of events depends on what the doctors feel is needed. I thought I was going in voluntary, but ended up on a 72 hour hold. My own doctor at that point could not help me. It was a scary first 24 hours. Everything was taken from me. My honesty had turn against me and it was difficult to get through it.

Because you are calling a children's hospital, the chances are better that it will be ok. I would still advise you to get the regular doctor involved before calling. Ask him or her your questions. Now this is not always the case in get help. The hospital will always look for signs that this might be a crisis and a 72 hour hold can be done regardless on walking in on your own.

Now, all this is moot if the child is clearly unsafe to be alone. It is a very difficult situation that you are in and it is not easy. You might feel guilty for doing this, but truth me, you are doing the right thing. I've been physically ill for years and it seems to never stop. After the fifth surgery, I was extremely depressed and suicidal. If I had a gun, I would not be here right now.

Just the fact you here looking for advice shows that you do care about getting help. Lucky for me that my doctor cared.

Your question about it being "nice".? For some it is and for others it's not. Ask lots of questions. Ask about your rights and the rights of the child. I can tell you that each hospital, in my experience, has been different. The staff makes all the difference. Asked to be involved in the entire process. Don't walk into a hospital that you don't really know. Find help to one that is known to be good.

My heart goes out to you. I hope you will be ok.

Please feel free to write to me if you want to ask me more questions.

Take care and be safe.Health Question & Answer

I have visited someone in the psychiatric unit of a hospital and know several people who have been admitted to one.

Firstly, a doctor will ask her some questions to see if she needs to be admitted. If they think she needs to be there, they will put her in a mandatory 72 hour hold. She is not allowed to leave during this.

Secondly, if she has been prescribed pain meds they will let her use them as directed. If they find out she has been abusing them, they might not.

Thirdly, the personal are usually nice. They are there to help you and are equipped to do so. If you disagree with their plan of action, don't be afraid to say so and put your foot down. They should involve the family and the patient's wishes.

Fourthly, try to take her to one that you know a little bit about, that has a good reputation. And, of course don't be afraid to call the police if she needs to be brought in immediately for an evaluation. Prevention can be started with anyone and they won't get mad at you for being worried!Health Question & Answer

Hi julie. The other guy was wrong, believe me. ive been in them numerous times before.

When you go there, if your parents feel you need to be admitted, your going to be put in. since your voluntary, you can leave if the doctor thinks you will be okay. if she thinks your going to be harmful to yourself or others, then your going to be there until they say you can go, up to 2 weeks.

but heres your questions

You will get medicine that is prescribed to you by the doctor, no other.
You dont have to see the school tutors if you dont want to.
They are very nice. if you have a problem with anyone working their, you are able to file a report.

My first trip was this,

Tried killing myself, ended up in e.r getting my stomach pumped.
police escort me to the inpatient psychiatric ward.
12 hour wait. talk to the doctor. get taken up to the ward.
got all my belongings taken away besides my clothes. no shoes either. given shampoo and toothbrush toothpaste.
and basically all you do all day is go to group therapys take your meds and eat. with mine, we werent aloud outside.Health Question & Answer

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