I can not sleep!!!?? ZzZz?!

Question: I can not sleep!!!.?.? ZzZz.?
i havent been able to sleep at all, yesterday i didnt sleep the entire day, im tired but everytime i go to sleep im thinking n thinking n thinking about bad stuff... my husband lied to me about sleeping with this girl i hate! he did it waaaay before we got married, i dont care about his sex life before me, but what really pissed me off is that he lied! n i believed him, hes in iraq right now n i only think about him lying to me, his brother told me about it and my husband told me that he was embarrased about it and now i cant sleep at all! i think about that stupid ugly ***** n then i think that he keeps lying. im losing my mind.and all i want is forget about that n SLEEP!! I WANT TO SLEEP! IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DRINK THAT CAN HELP ME TO SLEEP. DNT TELL ME SLEEPIN PILLS BECAUSE I DNT WANT TO USE ANY DRUGS...and i also want to get over him lying. i love him so much and he tells me that he loves me and that im everything he wants and that the reason why he lied was because he didnt want me to hate him... HELP.?.? Health Question & Answer

The reason why you cannot sleep is because you are upset and you keep thinking about it.Once you find a way to stop you'll be able to sleep better.You can try to talk about it with him.What can you do to sleep better.?There's is certain products available in any grocery stores that have an effect on the mind,it makes it more calm,example of this would be milk.Just put it in the microwave and make it warm,drink it before going to bed and it will help.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

STOP! You are thinking of so many things girl! If your husband lied to you, you may want to back track a little, didn't you lie to him on way or another.? Let it go, if you keep on thinking of what happened in the past, you won't see well of whats in the future. Health Question & Answer

You should forgive him. and let it go. You're just wasting precious time to spend with your husband, and you said that it was way before he married youHealth Question & Answer

More than a dozen psychological interventions (mostly cognitive-behavioral in content) have been used for treating insomnia. Treatment modalities that have been adequately evaluated in controlled clinical trials include stimulus control therapy, sleep restriction, relaxation-based interventions, cognitive therapy, and sleep hygiene education. The main focus of these treatments is to alter the presumed perpetuating factors of chronic insomnia. As such, they seek to modify maladaptive sleep habits, reduce autonomic and cognitive arousal, alter dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep, and educate people about healthier sleep practices.

Treatment duration typically lasts 4 to 6 hours and is implemented over a period of 4 to 8 weeks. Cognitive-Behavioral Treatments for Insomnia are:

1-Stimulus control therapy:
Go to bed only when sleepy; get out of bed when unable to sleep; use the bed/bedroom for sleep only (no reading, watching TV, etc.); arise at the same time every morning; no napping.

2-Sleep restriction:
Curtail time in bed to the actual sleep time, thereby creating mild sleep deprivation, which results in more consolidated and more efficient sleep.

3-Relaxation training:
Methods aimed at reducing somatic tension (e.g., progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, biofeedback) or intrusive thoughts (e.g., imagery training, hypnosis, thought stopping) interfering with sleep.

4-Cognitive therapy:
Psychotherapeutic method aimed at changing dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep and insomnia (e.g., unrealistic sleep expectations; fear of the consequences of insomnia).

5-Sleep hygiene:
Avoid stimulants (e.g., caffeine and nicotine) and alcohol around bedtime; do not eat heavy or spicy meals too close to bedtime; exercise regularly but not too late in the evening; maintain a dark, quiet, and comfortable sleep environment.Health Question & Answer

of course he lied to you b/c he didnt want you to judge him. THe only thing that matters is that he told you now. now that he knows or thinks that he is more secure w/ having you in his hands. Right now he is in Iraq and you need to support him. Dont stress too much, sweetie. i know how it feels, but you are with him now and he loves you more than any woman in his life, thats why you guys are married. Just relax and take a nice warm bath and drink some chammomile tea and lay in bed and think about all teh wonderful things you guys have done togheter

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