How does one stop taking things personally?!

Question: How does one stop taking things personally.?
What would a therapist say to a client who told their therapist they took things way too personally.?Health Question & Answer

People are always going to have opinions. But opinions are fickle, they change all the time, so makes their opinion right or wrong.?

People who judge are actually hardest on themselves. They're perfectionists who are never happy and are disatisfied with their lives. Why would you belive something a person like that has said.? You should pity them instead.Health Question & Answer

Some people I know have read the "four agreements". I think it is about now taking things personally. For me I have a whole philosophy of life that helps me not to take things personally. I am responsible for my life. It is none of business what others do. So if you live my that you really don't care what others say about you. I also think people tell us things because it is really what we are thinking. For example, I have neglected my finances for about 10 years & focused on spiritual matters. I have some people who are concerned. I had a friend say something last week & I explained I knew what I was doing & it helped me to get clear actually. I also knew that his concern was a mirror of my won concern. So I focused more on finances. Now I am back to not looking at it & my son will visit this week & he is on me about this subject but it is me who feels I need to be more focused on so I can do that & he will probably not even think of the subject...If you gave a more specific example I could help you understand it better. In general people are saying things about you because you are feeling guilty about something or inferior, etc. You just have to look at it & ask yourself what you ignoring or feeling you need to pay attention to & accept yourself more or concentrate more or even decide you just don't care about what ever it is...the funny thing is that if you think you are supposed to do or be a certain way & you decide it doesn't matter you will see it won't matter to anyone else either.Health Question & Answer

A psychologist or therapist would teach you CBT techniques so that you were "taught" how to challenge your own thoughts.

Readable printable info from royal college of psychiatrists -

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One thing they would probably say is that every comment isn't directed at you. Health Question & Answer

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