Worried about my boyfriend who i love sooo much ?!

Question: Worried about my boyfriend who i love sooo much .?
over the weekend we hit a problem in a relationship that caused him to be very upset so on Saturday he hit himself until he passed out and said he was going to cut my name into his arm..just hearing this made me cry...i do cut and hitting myself is where i started i REALLY don't want him to go down that road ...is there anything i can do (he's 16 im 13) and telling his parents are out of the question also he doesn't go to the same school as i do he only goes 2 days a week to college classes so i can't tell a school counselor or teacher...i asked him why he said cause he felt like he deserved it cause he thought i was going to hurt myself over him (i've cut his name into my arm before) he's attempted suicide before but i don't think he'd do it again since we are back together but i dont want him hurting himselfHealth Question & Answer

The guy above me is funny lol. Three years isn't bad, it's actually good.

I guess it all started cuz of my sister, me hurting myself. When I was 5 years old, my sister wanted to get me into trouble all the time, cuz she sucked lol. So I usually got spankings because of her, for no reason. So, one time, she pretended that I punched her, and she went to tell my mom. And I just wished so bad that I could do something. So I grabbed a sharp object...I think scissors and cut my fingers up....I guess to tell on my mom that my sister did that to me. That's the first time I remember hurting myself.

The next time was when I was 10 years old. My sister was in college already, 13 years old she was. And my parents talked about her day and night. For examples, they might've been talking to these people and some guy would say "How's your daughter" and they'd say "Oh yeah, she's doing great, she's in college at the age of 13, so proud of her, she's such a genius, whenever she has a test, she doesn't even have to study cuz she was already born with that intelligence" and then the guy would ask about me "And what about him"...and my parents would say "Yeah, he's good"

Sooo they told that to EVERYONE!!! All my family, friends, and so on. It's like nobody noticed me and I wasn't important anymore. So I tried killing myself by holding my breathe. But I just passed out and woke up an hour later lmao.

and when I got into college, my parents never talked about me like that. I remember that one time at church, this dude asked my dad if he was proud of me for being in college, and he said no. I just wanted to kick both of their asses that day. lol

and that's pretty much the origin of why. you know.Health Question & Answer

both of you are ****** in the head, seek psychological help immediatly.Health Question & Answer

First of all, after reading the question and the details you have given me, I can say that your problem can be solved if you learn to control yourself. The main reason why your boyfriend is hurting himself is because he thinks that you are hurting yourself for him.. so in reality, you would be the one who made him attempt to do this. I don't want to be offending you or trying to be mean to you, but the things you do influence on what your 'boyfriend' does. I don't understand why you are cutting and hurting yourself, but you really need to stop this. Your boyfriend also needs to stop. I assume the cause of this is some sort of depression, maybe some sort of events that caused you to be depressed. Even before trying to solve the problem of your boyfriend, you need to solve the problem in which you are depressed. I would be more than happy to give advice to you, and I would gladly give you any help on the problems you have in life. You can post another question, and giving me details on events that had happened and I will help you and your boyfriend overcome this depression, and altogether stop this insanity. Now to begin off with, I don't understand why you have a boyfriend 3 years older than you.. there are some mistakes that might have lead to that, such as dating at such an early time in your life. But as for now, forget that. Since being with a relationship with him make you both happy, than don't break that relationship up. Try to solve the conflicts both of you have, post them in a different question and I'll be more than happy to help.

God Bless!
- yobro

Edit: To PBC Below me.. I agree with you that 3 years isn't bad when your actually in College.. This girl is only 13!.. Big Difference there..Health Question & Answer

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