I feel fine but I am kind of confused..?!

Question: I feel fine but I am kind of confused...?
I drink lots of water because I love working out. However, I rarely urinate. I went to the doctors and they said that I was perfectly fine. In fact, they said I was in great health. I just, never urinate. Well, not never, but I just don't do it on a regular basis. I know i have to relieve my body of its poisons and the extra water yada yada yada.. but I just like never urinate. It's weird and confusing. Any ideas.?Health Question & Answer

If your doctor has said you are fine then you probably are! Our bodies are made up of mostly water and if you work out a lot, much of what you drink will go to replace the water lost through sweating. Bladder capacity also varies from person to person, up to about a litre, so even if you only urinate twice per day you may actually be passing 2 litres of urine. You can lose a litre in sweat also, perspiration doesn't seem like much fluid but its usually from every pore of our skin so it adds up! Certain things actually irritate the bladder, making us want to urinate even when our bladder is not full, coffee being one example, which can explain why your cappucino drinking friends spend more time in the bathroom than you do. If your urine is a normal colour - pale yellow/straw and not offensive smelling then you shouldn't have cause for concern.Health Question & Answer

Okay well, when people start drinking a lot of water [like eight cups a day] they have to pee A LOT because their whole life their bodies have been living basically through constant dehydration. After a while of drinking a large amount on a constant basis, though, the body starts to get used to the large amount of water and you don't have to pee as often.Health Question & Answer

Because you are working out you might be sweating off the water. However, if you drink ALOT of water and are not urinating I would seek a second opinion.Health Question & Answer

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