Will this child ever talk This adopted child was abused physically and sexually by age 5.he was abused for ?!

Question: Will this child ever talk This adopted child was abused physically and sexually by age 5.he was abused for .?
two years by a male figure in his life who later died of cancer. The boy tried to posion hisself basically kill hisself, but he failed the attempt. He now is 18 and hasn't talked ever since he was eight years old since the suicide attempt. We have taken him to all kinds of mental doctors and psychologists. He can function and is very smart and a physically attractive person. Will he ever talk or will he go through the rest of his life silent.?Health Question & Answer

1. Did he damage his vocal chords in the poisonin attempt.?

2. Whatever happened to him the person likely told him repeatedly "if you say a word I will kill you. So he tried to kill himself first.

3. Something really horrible was done to him. If the tortured him or seriously harmed him more whenever he spoke then his brain may have linked speaking with grave danger and suffering.

4. You might wish to try to get him to sing instead. If he hums to himself then it might be an avenue.

5. I would also tell him that he has a right to be heard. EMDR and or EFT therapy (either one) are both great energy release therapy to try to break through and release trauma and PTSD symptoms. Both are very effective.

6. If his abuser tortured him more if he made noise or with the sadistic intention of making him scream, then you may have a conditioned trauma response. If after his suiide attempt people kept trying to foire him to "tell me how ou feel and why." The do-gooders may have traumatized him worse and turned the one thing he felt he could ontrol (his willingness to speak) into the ONLY thing he could control. As he ages he will learn that he an ontrol his environment and feel safe AND let his voice be heard.

I do not have the power to predict the future. However, I think when he hits his mid to late 30's he may find his voice. That is ususally the age when repressed sexual abuse comes out in and people are willing and able to deal with how they were vicitmized.

He may also find a situation where in his voice is all that can help another human being. In which case he mayu finally give up the one thing he can control (his voice) and speak freely and without reserve.

For now, just keep on loving him and teaching him to protect himself. I would encourage you to get him into karate suh as Tae kuk mu su. He may well learn to speak again.

My bigget suggestionis to SPECIFICALLY let him know his silence is okay and that he has a right not to speak. Go to him and given him your permission to be silent and never speak about what happened to him again. Then honor and respect that. Accept that you may be old and dead before he is at a point where he an disuss it.

That may be all it takes for him to open up.

My last point (yes I know I have many) is that he may have loved the man who violated him. He may well have said "I wish he were dead." prior to the man dying. He may also have said "I wish I were dead only in his head before he tried to kill himself, thus again linking his verbal exression with a terrible act for whih he blames himself. Certain his voice in some way ondemned and shamed the man who abused him and that man may have told him so, thereby building the wall that he must now break down againsst speaking.

Those words may haunt him still such that silene is better than slaughter.

Good luk I hope this helps. Health Question & Answer

the same way those demons came into his life and tried to destroy him, (but failed). The same way an angel will be sent his way and allow him to experience some good. He will talk in time and the words that he utters won't be insane or useless but will be an asset to someone else who is going through what he once did as a child. Health Question & Answer

it all depends on him maybe hes just waiting for the right person to talk to im 17 and i barly ever talk to anyone im pretty brite and i love to write and help others maybe he just hasnt found his oportunity dont worry even if he dosent talk he sounds like an amazing person just be happy wiht who he is at this momentHealth Question & Answer

I'm far from being an expert, but here are some ideas: 1. EMDR (see section 33, at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris He may not be able to reply verbally, but can he, in writing. What has he expressed so far.?). 2.Hypnotherapy. 3. Drugs, such as Sodium Pentothal, (so called "truth drug") reduce inhibitions against talking. 4.There are some attractive young females, if he is heterosexual, who provide hands on sex therapy, if you get my drift; (some of them study psychology, at college, and finance themselves in that way) the release of built up tension may prove therapeutic, (female spies have used this method for decades, for getting information, when the male is in the "afterglow" of sexual satiation) but I'd advise having a bodyguard close by, for just in case.

The NO LONGER LONELY website, in section 9 is exclusively for those with mental health problems. "selective mutism" Google. Wikipedia, or the Altavista, Entireweb, Yahoo, or Search.com

http://www.selectivemutismfoundation.org is just one. also try Groups on this at Myspace, Google, or Yahoo, possibly creating some, and it would seem that, in the same way that deaf people often select someone with the same disability as a partner, he may increase his options with Groups of people who cannot talk, as opposed to those who choose not to talk.

Has he been assessed for Dissociative Identity Disorder.? See section 17, at ezy build; because the abuse occurred at an early age, it is a distinct possibility, with the "strong, but silent type" sub personality, or "alter" assuming control, as a survival measure, after the suicide attempt, by the "weak, incapable of facing life, but verbally expressive" sub personality failed. That's all I can think of, right now.

I didn't see the answer by "powerful_empress", above, earlier, but she makes some good points, and I suggest printing our answers, and showing to future therapists, or hypnotherapists, to give them something to work with. Section 53, at ezy build shows EFT, but the professional version is always to be preferred. I'd also suggest a warm bubble bath, followed by a therapeutic massage, with aromatherapy, to relax his body, which should also help relax him, psychologically, immediately prior to the type of therapy which is selected for trial, first. An afterthought; sexual abuse - minors, is addressed in section 20, at ezy build; Pandy's is a good place to start.Health Question & Answer

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