How do you deal with having Bipolar?!

Question: How do you deal with having Bipolar.?
I got diagnosed with it a little under a month ago.

So how does everyone else deal with having Bipolar.?Health Question & Answer

Stay on meds. If side effects are too bad or meds not seeming to help once youve been on them for a bit then talk to Dr. Should be dealing with a Psychiatrist, not a GP for bipolar. They would put you on a different med and most likely different class of meds to try to see if it works better or has less side effects. Meds dont work the same for everyone and even what works now may not work as well in a year or 2, so we are constanly tweeking meds and doseage.

Be aware of your moods. Mood chart. . Good way to keep a record of how things are off your moods are.....and good way to show your Dr how you have been also a good outlet....and helps you be more aware of what your moods are like and things that possibly trigger moods.

Learn things that trigger moods. I thought for years that mine werent triggered at all and have learned that many times (not always) they are. Especially my manic episodes. Along with learning triggers, learn things you can do to cope with them. Like i have learned when my mind is racing if i force myself to get extra sleep (as in full 8 hours i should really be getting anyway) by taking some unisom it usually can slow me down a bit after a couple nights...but if i dont do that my mania keeps me up and i only sleep maybe 3 hours at best and it just fuels the mania. Or last night i was getting very manic and couldnt sit still couldnt calm down....most likely triggered by stress....took a ~5mile ~1 hour walk.......calmed me down a lot. Really is just learning you and your moods....what can help, what can hurt. I know when i cant even think about touching caffine(today). I know when focing myself to sleep is a good idea. I know how to spot my moods being triggered some of the time.....still working on that one. Really that is the biggest part of it is learning how your moods work......the meds can only do so much...really arent a cure all. And you have to know your moods well enough to spot when your meds are not working as well anymore so that you arent in a crisis by the time you do notice (been there.....isnt fun.) Eating better, sleeping better, exercise....they all have positive effects on our moods.

Other then that, having a support system. Dr that you can work and comunicate well with. Therapist/councler that you can work and comunicate well with. Support group with other people with bipolar....could find local ones.....i know when i was in college the university health clinic had one that met every week....also NAMI would also probably have them. There are also online messageboards that you can find (im on one if you want a link) that is my main support system.....lot of helpful people dealing with the same thing. And really having at least somepeople to talk to that have bipolar, even if only online, is priceless, because no matter how much someone without it can learn and try to understand and everything...still wont completely.....will make you feel a lot less alone with dealing with well as have other people that have dealt with things that you are dealing with if you have questions about things, or need suggestions for coping stratagies and things like that. And then family/friends too.....they may not know as much about it but you can give them things to read about it and explain it to them and explain how it effects you.....then you will have people always around you that understand what is going on with you and can help you spot episodes.Health Question & Answer

You are actually born with bipolar, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is nothing that you can do to control it on your own, I know as I tried to do it for years and all I got was lots of ways to kill yourself that dont work. The only way that I have found to deal with it is to find a doctor who you can trust, my family and I call mine the "nut man". He diagnosed me and eventually between us we found the medication that worked for me. Even though the meds are working, I still see him at least once a month, I find this important for myself as just talking to him, he can pick up on any change in my attititude to living. Hope this has helped you. Best wishesHealth Question & Answer

I take my meds as regularly as I can. I try to keep myself out of high stress situations. I surround myself with people who understand, or at least try to, when I'm in a funk. Mostly, though, I don't deal with it. I've been diagnosed for almost 6 years and I'm still bitter that it takes me so much more effort to even approach a normal level of functioning that everyone else takes for granted.

Sorry if I wasn't much help, but if you need someone to talk to I'd understand.Health Question & Answer

I hated the meds, they are worse than the affliction. they made me very tired, i just tried real hard to control myself, think EVERYTHING through. learn to recognize your symptoms and shut your mind down when you see them. it helps if you have a very strong brain. like myself i am above average intelligence and i keep myself in good physical shape.
get a lot of exercise if you aren't already, that will help believe me. that will raise your confidence in yourself. try to remove yourself from situations when you may have a manic episode. get out just before the meltdown. if you must stay where you are and can't go be alone then think everything through before you may act rashly.Health Question & Answer

I take my meds, go to therapy, I've told all my family and friends so that they can help me. I've learned how to recognize symptoms and what to do. For some people it's easy, for others it's hard. I'm lucky that mine isn't to bad.Health Question & Answer

Did a MD diagnose you.? If so, usually they shoudl prescribe medicine. My son is currently on Abilify and Lamactal in increasing dosages. Talk to your doctor and read online to get informed.
See the sites below.Health Question & Answer

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