Im onIy 16, but I just want to die?!

Question: Im onIy 16, but I just want to die.?
Im always miserable, im always kicked when im down. Every little thing doesn't go my way. I wish and wish to not even wake up the next morning.
I've been miserable my whole life. Im only 16 but, god i can't go another few years like this. I think about suicide daily. Im too much of a coward. Though I've made nonapparent little attempts to do so, and god if only. I just don't want to live anymore, everyones out to get me, everyone treats me horribly, I just, don't want to wake up anymore. Don't tell me its just hormones, I felt this way before I even had hormones, don't tell me to live with it, do you want to put the pills in my hand.? I just want help, i want help i want to be happy, that or just die. I don't want happy pills, succumbing to them basically means, my life sucks so bad, that i need the aid of pills to trick my mind into thinking my life is good, ugh why can't i just close my eyes and not wake up.?

Im only 16, but for... what, 8 years or more, its just been.....SadnessHealth Question & Answer

Hi there,

It seems to me that you're suffering from depression. If this has lasted for 8 years then I'm prepared to bet that it isn't just a normal response to stressful events.

Depression is an illness. It is caused by problems with chemicals in the brain. Antidepressants don't trick you into thinking your life is good - they balance out the chemicals. Whatever problems you have in your life would still be there, but you would be able to deal with them much more easily because your mind wouldn't be clouded by depressive thinking.

I can't make you take medication, I know that. But please consider it. You have an illness. Just because it affects your mood and not your body, that doesn't mean it's not real. It's as real as any other illness. If you were diabetic, would you take insulin.? It's exactly the same idea - you have a chemical imbalance, and medication would correct that imbalance.

If you're unwilling to see a doctor, how about counselling.? A counsellor would listen to your worries and fears, and they'd be able to teach you better ways of dealing with your problems.

You could ask your parents to send you to a therapist, or, if you don't want them to know about this, your school may offer free counselling. If you're in the UK, the charity MIND may offer free counselling in your area. You can find out about that at

Another way to boost your mental health is to take herbal supplements. Various supplements such as St. John's Wort, Valerian Root, sam-E and Omega-3 Oils have been proven to help, at least a little.

You also need to make sure that you're eating well. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, and protein, too. You need a sensible amount of carbohydrates as well. Your brain is inside your body, and if you're not looking after your body, how can you expect your brain to function properly.?

Another aspect of that is exercise. I know that when you're depressed it's really difficult to raise the energy to exercise, but it's really good for you to raise the energy to do a bit most days. Even if it's just a walk - it keeps your body healthy, it gets you out in the fresh air, it distracts your mind and it invigorates you.

also, you could try putting aside some time each day - an hour, perhaps - for 'me-time'. Half an hour, if you don't have a whole hour to spare. Dedicate that time to doing something which you enjoy. It might be spending time with family or friends, or reading, or listening to music, or playing an instrument, or drawing, or writing or anything like that. It won't make your depression go away, but it will help you relax and it will make you feel happier, if only for a little while.

If you want to learn more about depression and ways of dealing with it, visit this site:

If you want somebody to talk to, find a hotline near you (wherever in the world you are) at

If you're feeling suicidal, please read this page:

If you're seriously planning to kill yourself, and you have plans and you feel like you're going to do it, please speak to an adult whom you trust. A parent, a teacher, a friend, anyone. Alternatively, go to your local emergency room. They will help you.

Please try at least some of the ideas I've suggested.

And, most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP! Plenty of people recover from depression. It can be dealt with, but it won't go away on its own.Health Question & Answer

You don't need to live like this!
Suicidal thinking is a medical emergency.
You are profoundly depressed and need some serious treatment.
Suicide is a permanent solution to what is a temporary (yes, even 8 years is considered to be temporary) problem.
Please go to the nearest emergeny room and tell them you are suicidal. They are obligated by law to treat you and refer to the appropriate agency for extended help.Health Question & Answer

maybe try something that you love to do. Like I liek to read. Do it more often if you like it. reading always makes me feel better. Don't commite suicide. There is so many more things to come in life.Health Question & Answer

You are a speck in the world. The only people that know youre sad is you. The reason you thikn getting out more and doing something more is not going to do anything is because of apathy kicking in. Youre afraid to take a step for once to see what changes can take place in your life. Im no psychic, but im taking a guess that you dont really have any activities around except staying in your room on the computer and waiting until your parents make you dinner. You see the person you like chatting it up with someone else and you mope about it at home. Dont do that. The reason you think"get over it" is cliched is because youve heard it too mayn times. Yet, why would you hear it so many times.? its because youre consistenly rejecting any effort to "get over it" Unless youre clinically depressed, pillscant help, the outside world cant help. you have to rely on yourself.Health Question & Answer

Listen to me young lady GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are only 16 you are sweet havent even began living life yet. Thinking about suicide is not the answer its the ending. an answer comes when you stop the BS and get real. forget all the bad things of the past start a new way of thinking and brand new attitude and a brand new you.will happen Stay in school get involved. there will always be negative people and things in you way you have to learn how to sidestep these obstacles. keep believing in yourself and in God. the rest will come. get those bad evil thoughts out of your head life is precious live it starting nowHealth Question & Answer

There's always someone better than you, and always someone worse off, right.? It doesn't help to dwell on how bad your life is... it will never be perfect. However, there will always be someone who needs your help even more! Don't throw away your life in one moment... instead give away some of your life for others... you'll feel better, richer, and more complete in return.

An antidote for suicidal thoughts is to give a part of your life to those other people who need help even more than you. Volunteer! Pick one of your best talents (talking, listening, driving a car, whatever) then find a way to use that talent as a volunteer. If you're a good talker, then volunteer to tell stories at an daycare or after school program for kids. If you can drive, volunteer to take cancer patients to treatments, or deliver meals to the elderly. Lots of programs need volunteers. Just do a web search for "volunteer" with some keywords that describe what you have to offer. Hey, you seem to be a very good writer... maybe you can write inspiring or informative articles for a charity web site or newsletter.?

If you don't know where to start, just look in your local town's newspaper for events or ads for volunteers. Maybe join a volunteer group, such as

Volunteering, or helping others in general, makes you feel needed. Anyone who is needed is happy. Try it. Health Question & Answer

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