How do i know if my husband is bipolar or something else? he wont go to the dr.?!

Question: How do i know if my husband is bipolar or something else.? he wont go to the dr..?
im not even sure if my husband is bipolar. my husband is 26, he had a very emotionally abusive childhood, i believe his mother was bipolar. he has security issues. he seems to cycle about every month. like clockwork. then he becomes emotionally abusive to me. i know im not provoking it because i have to be so aware of what i say and do. everything will be perfect, its like hes on a high. overly happy. buying me flowers and planning for the future. then all of sudden he acts like hes a prisoner in this marriage and its all my fault. he makes accusations about what i think and how i feel, with no basis behind it what so ever. then in a couple days he acts like nothing ever happened. perfect example he's deployed and i got flowers yesterday, today im vindictive and coniving and he's only in this marriage because i wont leave, with no difference in me. when i have tried to leave he apologizes and doesnt want me to. ahhh! sound at all familiar.? thanks in advance for your help. seriously it is approx. in the mid 20 somethings of each month.

Health Question & Answer

Your husband sounds like the very definition of bipolar disorder. The sharp shifts between emotional highs and lows points to that rather than depression or something similar.

You say that your husband is refusing to go to the doctor about this, but it's obviously a serious strain on your marriage. Although it may or may not work, here's my suggestion: press him HARD to go to the doctor when he's on one of the "high" spells. I know it's probably tempting to just enjoy it while it lasts and not risk a rehash of his angry side, but you need to take advantage of his sunny disposition while it's there. (Trying to talk sense to a grouch is a guaranteed recipe for failure.) One day when he's in a good mood, tell him gently but firmly and matter-of-factly that you think he might have bipolar disorder, and that his refusal to do anything about it is doing serious harm to your marriage. Even if it irritates him a little, keep up the pressure until you get an agreement and a doctor's visit set in stone.

also stress that there's absolutely NO shame in seeking help about this, a factor that may be holding him back. Bipolar disorder is extremely common, nearly as prevalent as depression, and people from all walks of life have faced and beaten it. In any case, remind him that it will be worth a temporary blow to pride to escape these swings into depression that he can't be enjoying any more than you are. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

It does sound familiar, and you have it identified. Can you live with it.? Do you choose to live with it.? You can't change him, only accept him as he is. You may have one or two children before you come to realize that you really can't bring up your children that way.

Lithium carbonate might help him, if he decides that he wants to stabilize, but only he can do it.Health Question & Answer

you could alot about it and compare his symptoms to what is written online
you can also read about it on and also their success stories, there are also natural treatments for bipolar, if that is what he has, one is omega 3, it is proven.
take care and insist he gets more sleep and eats healthy
some mental illness is brought on by food deficiencies or allergies
read about the finegold diet
Health Question & Answer

This also sounds like a bit of OCD...he seems to have the need for a repetitive routine with you...let him know, that you will leave HIM if he doesn't get some will only get worse....and he might just be a bit of an abuser, also...from what you've said. Protect yourself and pray for him and youHealth Question & Answer

The only way for you to know this is a doctor's visit. When you say an emotionally abusive childhood, it sounds like he would benefit from counseling also. Health Question & Answer

This is extreme mood swings. You need to get him to see a doctor. If this is bipolar, this sounds like an extreme case because this happen one or two days per month. May be manic depressive disorder.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

When one is bipolar the manic or depression stages last for days and days in a row. In the manic stage person often becomes delusional, thinking that they can fire the president or start a war. In the depression stage they are often suicidal. What you describe sounds more like extreme mood swings- in any case he needs to see a doctor.

Bipolar is manic-depressive, people!
Now that I`ve thought about it some more- I think he may be on drugs. I was a junkie all my life, taken 30 different ones and this sounds like highs and lows of an addict.Health Question & Answer

Hi, Heather, it sounds like he could have manic depressive illness based on the highs and lows you're describing. Since the possibility exists that his mother had it, then there's a good chance that he has it. It's definately hereditary and an abusive childhood can bring it out. What gives it away is the overly happy elation periods he has and then the sudden crashes into depression and irritation that seem beyond his control. You notice that he gets this way near the end of the month. Is there anything going on at that time that's stressful that could trigger the change.? The best treatment for this condition, if he does have it, is mainly medication. Mood stabilizers, they call them. Or, it could be something you could work with him on, talk to him about it and see if you can help him figure out why he gets this way since he can't be happy about these changes. I have manic depression and it makes me miserable. Medication isn't a quick fix or easy answer. Try looking up some info online on the symptoms of bipolar disorder. There are foods, vitamins and minerals you can get that can help minimize the instability. Maybe sneak some of the foods that can help out into his diet. Trypophan is the precursor to serotonin but we need vitamin C and magnesium to make the conversion. There's info on it if you search.. I don't know a whole lot about it, though. Hang in there!Health Question & Answer

Next time he starts a fight out of the blue and wants you to leave...
guess what.. Do It.
You already know when these "episodes" happen so get prepared and have a motel room ready. Then pack a bag and take off.
I bet you won't even make it down the drive way...
Your husband is emotionally unbalanced but what is worse he
is feeling his way out to see just how far he can go..
Put a stop to this nonsense immediately and quit making everything "perfect" so he won't get mad... He will get mad when he feels like it because you let him.

He is on the way of becoming the perfect abuser... slowly but surely convincing you that it is always your fault...
Right now he is not quite sure yet how far he has you brainwashed and still thinks he has to make up to make sure you aren't going anywhere...
Because believe it or not the last thing he wants is to lose his perfect little punching bag... if this doesn't scare you enough to really pack your bags and leave for good the next time, I don't know what will.

Would you like to find yourself 10 years from now as a beaten down woman thinking that it is his right to beat you and verbally abuse you.?
No.? - Then Get Out!!Health Question & Answer

That could be bipolar or it could be manic depressive disorder. I've had friends who have suffered both, and it's pretty much hell.

You do not need to put up with that. If he won't get help, you need to threaten to leave, and don't make that just an empty threat. He needs to get help because the two of you are in a partnership, and in order to have a happy, equal, and harmonious relationship you both need to be well whole people.

If he is manic depressive or bipolar, please be careful. Occasionally either of those disorders can lead to violence, even if that is "out of character" for the person with the disease.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like dissociative personality disorder personality disorder. I'd take a guess that he's bi-polar/manic depressive but without a doctor to say for sure, there's no way of fixing it.

I'd suggest that if he doesn't get on medication for his condition then you need to leave him. It's not going to get any better without help.

Sorry I couldn't provide more detail but he really does need to see a doctor.Health Question & Answer

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