What is the difference between borderline personality disorder and bipolar?!

Question: What is the difference between borderline personality disorder and bipolar.?
im not even sure if my husband is bipolar or borderline. i was thinking biploar but the more i read it sounds like it could also be borderline personality disorder. my husband is 26, he had a very emotionally abusive childhood, i believe his mother was bipolar. he has security issues. he seems to cycle about every month. like clockwork. then he becomes emotionally abusive to me. i know im not provoking it because i have to be so aware of what i say and do. everything will be perfect, its like hes on a high. overly happy. buying me flowers and planning for the future. then all of sudden he acts like hes a prisoner in this marriage and its all my fault. he makes accusations about what i think and how i feel, with no basis behind it what so ever. then in a couple days he acts like nothing ever happened. perfect example he's deployed and i got flowers yesterday, today im vindictive and coniving and he's only in this marriage because i wont leave, with no difference in me. when i have tried to leave he apologizes and doesnt want me to. ahhh! sound at all familiar.? thanks in advance for your help. seriously it is approx. in the mid 20 somethings of each month.
Health Question & Answer

Hi Heather. I have BPD and I honestly don't think there is any difference between them. I can relate a lot to what you said because I went through the same scenario with my ex. The amount of times I split up with him and got back with him again was ridiculous. One minute I'll be happy, loving, caring and planning my future with him and the next I can be in tears, regretting everything and going against everything I said. It is extremely difficult to control thoughts most of the time and the worst thing about it is we hurt the ones we love most without even realizing. It's a vicious circle but it can be treated with medication. The best idea is to get him to see a doctor about it in the best time of the month when he isn't feeling so negative. Hope this was at least a tiny bit of help. Take care, hope everything works out for you both... M xHealth Question & Answer

As with physical illnesses, mental illnesses can co-occur.
He may have bipolar illness in addition to borderline personality disorder.
As a rule, a mood disorder like bipolar disorder is treatable with medicaltion, and can be highly variable from day to day. A personality disorder, on the other hand, is always present/static and does not change in severity. These disorders do not repond to medication.
Look up the disorders on WebMD.Health Question & Answer

If he cycles monthly, it's more likely to be rapid-cycling bipolar. People with Borderline Personality Disorder cycle every few hours, or days at most.

If he has bipolar, and it's rapid-cycling, he's in urgent need of treatment.Health Question & Answer

I was diagnosed with bipolar type 2 in 2006, but for a while, doctors taught I was suffering from borderline personality. The symptoms are very similar and that's why mistakes in diagnoses are often made.

Borderline personality is a behavioral problem. People suffering from borderline personality are "extremist", it's either black or white, no "gray areas" in between. They have a tendency to dramatize situations/or events. It is usually a behavior taught/or learned through out their child hood (without them event being aware of it.) They can change from one mood to another many times during the day. The only cure for people suffering from borderline personality is "cognitive therapy". Therapy in witch they will learn how to "reprogram" their behaviors. It takes years of dedication and the will to change (they also need to admit and accept that they have a problem, and that's not always easy!)

As for bipolar, it is an illness caused by an imbalance of hormones in the brain. These hormones are responsible for the way a person will react = their emotions. Because their is an imbalance, people suffering from bipolar illness will have "ups" and "downs", and have NO CONTROL OVER IT !!!. They will have manic episodes and depressive episodes. Their is no cure for bipolar illness. Medication can help stabilize the shifting moods and therapy is also part of the treatment.

In either cases, the people involved with people suffering from borderline personality or bipolar, go through allot of ruff moments. They often get hurt and are the ones at the end of the ordeal. I know that it isn't easy for someone to be in a relationship under those circomstances. And just because people suffer from such illness, it is not a reason to justify their behavior. Unless they actively work on helping themselves, I wouldn't suggest you taking all the "emotionnal hits".

This is very hard for me to admit, because as I said, I myself suffer from bipolar BUT, I am going to therapy 2 to 4 times a month. I also take my medication religiously and I work VERY HARD on controlling my moods. Even with all of that, I have lost allot of relationship and I am still healing myself from these lost. I can only imagine how hard it is for the person on the other end of the relationship. I know for a fact that I hurt the ones i love the most often and regret it allot. If their was a perfect world, I wish none of this would exist...

My advice for you would be to talk calmly to your husband (when he's in a receptive attitude/ a good mood) and tell him how much you love him but how much you suffer. And tell him that you are willing to support him in going to get help (therapy). But that if he won't admit to having a problem and doesn't intend on doing anything about this, your relationship will eventually end because you cannot live like this anymore. You need to look out for yourself. And you won't stand there and look at the man you love destroy his life away.

I hope I've helped,
Good luck :)Health Question & Answer

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