Contemplating going to an inpatient?!

Question: Contemplating going to an inpatient.?
i know this is extremely long, but in order to get some real advice, you have to understand as well as you can, my situation...

I have attempted suicied twice in my life. the first time was about 2-3 years ago due to depression. i have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and bipolar. the most recent attempt was due to ptsd, along with my existing problems. it would have been successful if it weren't for my husband finding me and getting me and calling 911. i went to a hospital and then sent to an inpatient facility for a week. i rushed the process and honestly probably should have stayed longer.
this all happened in feb/mar. when i was released i had a month worth of meds they had started me on and because of lack of help with the system, i've basically fallen through the cracks.. AGAIN.. as i have been for the last 5 years.
i have been trying to get things under control. either my doctor is calling in sick and having to re-schedule a month or more later or whatever the reason... anyway, i have been off meds for anxiety for almost 6 months, as well as any type of anti depressant or mood stabilizer. im starting to consider checking myself into a clinic becasue i cannot go on without my meds. i have really been trying. some days, or weeks even, seem good, like i will be able to do it. other times i feel like the whole world is coming down on me and i feel i am afraid i am going to have another breakdown.
when i left the hospital i felt i had the strength and confidence to get through things, but now, over the 5 months i have found myself feeling very depressed (which to me is normal, and it doesn't scare me so much.) but there are times i fear i am going to lose control again. -to try and explain what i mean better- the last attempt, i didn't conciously realize the seriousness of my problems and what it was leading to.. it's like something took over me and i have very little memory of actually trying to kill myself.. almost as if it were a dream.. how am i supposed to know it wont happen again.? i dont want to do it again.. ever! but im scared that i might snap, and have no control over it.
im afraid that if i admit myself to a place like this, they wont take me seriously because i am not causing harm to myself at the moment and there isn't really an immediate emergency. and i dont want to kill myself.. i guess its more precautionary.. when i was there last time, everything was very obvious and they could understand because of the recent events..
im just wondering if anyone else has ever felt like this and admitted themselves into a place for in patient or should i go about it another way.? i dont want to waste my time and money on trying to get help just to be turned away or brushed off as no serious problems since they may not be obvious at the moment. i just want to prevent it before it happens again.. and i am getting worried it will.. if not suicide, maybe something just as bad or worse.. i feel i dont know what im capable of sometimes.. i mean, how would i when im not in control of my own actions at times like that.?.?.?
please, any suggestions on how to go about it and what type of help i should look into would be helpful.
i have a counselor and phsycologist, but i dont see them until mid october and i have been enrolled with them sice april (when i got out from in patient) and saw the doctor once.. and havent seen the counselor in atleast 2 months..
i am not looking for a diagnosis, but i know this site is for help and opinions, i just need some input from anyone who has gone through anything similar to maybe give me a little guidance and maybe some ideas i havent thought of.

thanks for your time Health Question & Answer

I don't know where you live, but I have taken myself in to the hospital when I was feeling like you do on several occasions over the years and usually they will just give me a couple days worth of sedatives and send me on my way. I have made very serious attempts and have been put in the hospital against my will and have even woke up in the hospital with no memory of how I even got there or where I was. Where I live the fact is they will turn away a person in your situation. BUT, where I live, if your doctor calls in sick, or you can't get an appointment for whatever reason the pharmacy can send a fax to the doctor's office and the doctor's office will send them back a fax of prescriptions for your medicine. Usually this happens in less than 5 days. This is true at the free clinic I go to now, and it was true of the private insurance doctors I had years ago. Going 6 months without your meds is ridiculous and it is no wonder you don't feel good. Call the pharmacy, call the doctor, and call whoever else will answer their phone. One thing I have learned is that you have to be the one to take action and get on these people's backs and keep riding their backs until the pills are in your stomach.Health Question & Answer

Short and sweet.? You are a likely candidate of 'impulsive suicide'. It may be temporary, but it's also deadly. Our healthcare system is AWFUL for folks like you.? Don't hesitate to to consider the safest route to self-preservation.? Within this dismal scenario, this is true: the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Get yourself into a protective environment, and harness those buttholes with high drama if you must.?There are better days ahead for you, but you must break thru the depression and make them happen for you :)Health Question & Answer

quit feeling sorry for yourself, ya you need meds not therapy. If ya want to kill yourself Then do it and stop playing about it. get up and out of your depression and take care of your self

I have been controlled with addiction all my life. And ya I thought about getting out of this life. phsycologist are nothing but voodoo science. go see a doctor. a mental health doctor you can talk about your feelings until you are blue in the face. but if you need meds the therapist can not give them to you forget the therapist go see doctor. Get some real help

I can not live without the meds that I take. I can not talk out a mental disease I take meds and I am better than ever before
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